How to equip a heating system in a bathroom. Wall-mounted battery in the bathroom: a necessity or an overkill

A bathroom is a very important place for every modern apartment, because in this room not only all sanitary and hygienic needs of a person are met, but also washing and sometimes drying of clothes. Due to the high humidity inside the bathroom, a complex microclimate is formed, which has a negative impact on the decoration of the walls, ceiling or floor, the state of furniture and plumbing.

To make the bathroom warm and comfortable to wash, and the laundry to dry faster, a heated towel rail is installed on one of the walls of the room. In this article we will tell you how to properly connect a heated towel rail to a heating system or hot water supply.

What is a heated towel rail?

A heated towel rail is an additional heater for a bathroom that heats a room to an acceptable temperature. Its device is quite simple, it is a curved pipe, fixed with special brackets on the wall of the bathroom. It performs the following functions:

    Heating the room. And the bathroom does not provide for the installation of wall-mounted heating devices, therefore it is always a little cooler inside this room than in the rest of the apartment. This is especially felt after taking a bath, because if the body heated up by hot water is suddenly cooled, you can get sick. The heated towel rail in the bathroom raises the temperature to a comfortable level.

Note! A heated towel rail is a curved metal pipe that is attached to the bathroom wall. Metal is a good conductor, so it transfers heat well to the surrounding space. Thanks to this, it becomes warmer and more comfortable inside the bathroom.

Arguments and counter-arguments


  • According to the current SNiP, the bathroom must be kept at a temperature of at least + 25C all year round. In the cold season, it is rather difficult to provide it without its own heat source in the room;
  • In the limited space of a city apartment, the bathroom is often used for drying clothes. Where do you think it will dry faster - in a cold room or in a warm room?

Damp towels, because of the cold in the bathroom, did not have time to dry after the last shower, also do not add enthusiasm.

  • The bathroom's own heat source contributes to the low humidity of the walls and reduces the likelihood of fungus. Mold usually grows in damp and cool environments.


  • In the cramped space of the bathroom, a heated towel rail or radiator, heated to 70 - 90 degrees, often causes burns;
  • In the summer heat, heating an already stuffy room becomes inappropriate.

Shut-off valves and a bypass completely solve this problem for a heated towel rail. The radiator connected to the heating system does not work by default in summer. The reader, I think, will also have no problems with turning off the electric heater.

Types of heated towel rails

Before connecting the heated towel rail to the heating system, you must select the appropriate model. Plumbing shops have a huge assortment of bathroom coils. They differ in the material from which they are made, shape, pipe diameter, connection method and price. But the most important characteristic is the type of coolant that is used to heat it. There are the following types of heated towel rails:

    Coils connected to the heating system. The bulk of heated towel rails are connected to the central water supply system, so it heats up only when it is functioning.On the one hand, such models are very cheap to operate and reliable, but on the other hand, they do not work in the summer when the heating is turned off. It turns out that the coil does not heat up exactly when it is most needed.

Please note that from the point of view of operation, the most reliable models are water heated towel rails. They work reliably throughout their entire service life and rarely break. However, their functioning depends on the presence or absence of hot water in the pipes. The electric coil is warm, even the heating is off.

Easy installation of a heated towel rail: instructions for everyone

If you already had such a design in stock, then you just have to figure out how to replace a heated towel rail in the bathroom with your own hands, without making mistakes at all, without flooding your neighbors, and also without depriving them of the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of civilization, in the form of a current straight from - under the tap, hot water. Moreover, with the standard "Soviet" version, there should be no questions at all, you need to choose a similar structure, and using eccentrics, fix it by feeding it from water pipes.

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However, it so happens that they decide to hide all these communications in the thickness of the wall, for example, behind sheets of drywall. It should be understood that about free access to mates, for example, during a leak or any other emergency situation, it will not be sweet at all. Therefore, before connecting a heated towel rail in the bathroom, you must definitely purchase everything you need, for example, special nuts, couplings, tape for pipes, and also closely monitor so that no leaks immediately occur. Just think about the fact that if any problems arise, you will then have to destroy half of the wall, and the desire to do the job will definitely disappear and never come back.

How to choose a coil?

Do-it-yourself installation of a heated towel rail is a routine operation that even an inexperienced master can handle. Before starting installation, it is important to correctly determine the correct model of the device. When choosing, you need to take into account the following characteristics of the device:

  1. Connection points. There are heated towel rails with vertical, horizontal and universal connections. The choice of model depends on where the entry points to the heating system or connections to the riser are located.

  2. The form. Different models of coils can have one or more pipe turns; also very popular are ladder-shaped devices, where there is a lot of space for drying laundry.

Please note that in order to successfully install a coil in your bathroom, you must accurately determine the correct model. Maximum attention should be paid to the diameter of the heated towel rail pipes and the distance between the connection points. If these parameters do not correspond to the place of connection, then you will have to use adapters to connect, which often cause leaks.

Electrical equipment for drying clothes

In the absence of water heating and hot water supply in the house, an electric heated towel rail can be installed in the bathroom. For operation, it is enough to connect the battery-dryer for the bathroom to the AC mains. In the tube of the device, made in the form of a snake, a heating element is installed, which heats the coolant.

Do not worry about the high power consumption when using such equipment, since it consumes energy at the level of incandescent lamps.

It is very important to correctly position the electrical equipment in the bathroom: it should not be closer than 0.6 meters to the bathtub, sink or toilet. The plug must have good insulation and an O-ring for the socket. The installation of the battery in the bathroom should be done by a professional technician.

When choosing a heater for the bathroom, you do not need to pay much attention to the aesthetic side, since the device can be completely covered with a decorative screen.Also, it does not matter what the name of the battery in the bathroom is, the main thing is that it is practical, reliable and efficiently heats the room.

Connectivity technology

The scheme for connecting a heated towel rail to hot water supply (hot water supply) is quite simple, so you can cope with this task without involving a third-party master. During installation, the coil is built into the general heating or water supply system and becomes an integral part of it, therefore, its installation must be approached very responsibly. This operation is performed in the following order:

  • First of all, you should cut off the water supply in the apartment or separately inside the room in which the plumbing equipment is being installed. You can also open hot and cold water taps to reduce the pressure in the system.

  • First you need to dismantle the old heated towel rail, if installed. It is often quite difficult to do this, as the thread "sticks" over time or is tightly fastened with layers of paint.
  • Then, valves of the corresponding diameter are placed on the pipes to which the coil will be connected. This is necessary in order to be able to regulate the flow of water, as well as to conveniently and quickly shut off pipes during repairs and accidents.

  • Next, a coil is connected using fittings. If the model has a vertical connection, then straight fittings are used, and if the connection is horizontal, angled fittings.
  • After finishing work, you can restart the water supply, and then check the operation of the coil.

Please note that if the coil model is of the water type and operates on central heating, then it is recommended to replace or repair the heated towel rail at a time when the heating issue ends. If the work has to be done during the heating season, in order to shut off your riser, you must contact the management company.


Water heater

How to properly connect a water heated towel rail or radiator?

Here are some simple guidelines based on my personal experience.

  • A bypass is required before the dryer or battery. It will ensure the permeability of the riser or piping when the heater is off (for example, in summer heat);
  • To shut off the dryer, it is better to install ball valves rather than screw or plug valves. They do not require maintenance, they always keep water tightly and have a huge resource;
  • It is better to connect both the dryer and the radiator not with drives, but with Americans. In this case, installing and dismantling a heated towel rail (for example, for laying tiles under it) will take no more than a couple of minutes.

Electric heater

Heated towel rails with their ridiculous power can be plugged into any outlet, regardless of the presence of grounding and wiring size. But for full-fledged heaters, the instructions are somewhat more complicated:

  • The socket must be connected to earth ground and have the appropriate terminals. A bathroom is a damp room, and a phase closure on the body can lead to the most unpleasant consequences;
  • The socket must have a cover to protect it from splashing water;
  • Wiring is based on 1 mm2 copper wire, 8 amps peak current. Let me remind you: the current is equal to the result of dividing the power in watts by the supply voltage in volts. So, for a device with a power of 2 KW, a copper wire is needed at least 2000/220/8 = 1.36 mm2.

Installation errors

Experienced plumbers believe that the scheme for connecting a heated towel rail to a hot water riser is so simple and straightforward that even a non-professional master can cope with its implementation. However, during installation, problems may still arise that affect the operation of the equipment. The fact is that water is supplied to the pipes of the coil under pressure, due to which all the connection points are subjected to a large load. Most often, malfunctions during the operation of a heated towel rail occur for the following reasons:

Installation diagram of a heated towel rail in the bathroom: start over

Before changing or simply installing a drying in the bathroom, you need to understand exactly what type of connection is desirable, and generally possible. The thing is that the easiest thing is for you to replace it, since it will be limited to dismantling the old or broken structure, new, with the same type of connection as it was before. Of course, the less noticeable the joints and joints are, the more accurate the design as a whole, the more difficult the connection will be, this is an absolute law, because everything hidden and secret usually looks more attractive to humans.

Dismantling old stuff: unnecessary - into scrap metal

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It is clear that you first need to remove outdated equipment, before installing new equipment, everything in our world works just like that. It will not be so difficult to do this, because breaking, as they say, is not building. Moreover, it is worth paying enough attention to the moment, so as not to gnaw your elbows, aggravating any problems, or at times complicating the task.

  • First of all, it is necessary to coordinate all issues with the housing and communal services service, since unauthorized shutdown of hot water can be qualified as arbitrariness and excess of one's own powers. You need to turn off the water for the entire duration of the work, and connect only after your signal.
  • It is worth opening the tap and waiting until all the liquid has left the pipes.
  • Most often, old structures were screwed onto nuts and threaded couplings, but it also happens that the dryer and the system are a single whole. Then one way out is to call a welder, who will cut the whole thing off, and even solder the taps. In other cases, you can simply saw off the pipe with a grinder, then cut the threads and screw on couplings, squeegees or just taps.

After that, it remains only to remove the old structure and take a good look. If it still has at least some chance of being useful, then you can carefully put the coil on the balcony or in the closet. If you understand that there is no sense in an unnecessary piece of iron, just throw it away or hand it over for scrap, for which, by the way, today you can get good money as a bonus as compensation for the lost time and effort.

Unique bypass and at what height to hang a heated towel rail in the bathroom

First of all, real experts who have been installing a wide variety of heating and plumbing systems for more than one year recommend installing a special jumper, which has the scientific name bypass.

Worth knowing

In fact, a bypass is simply a piece of metal, mtelloplastic or plastic pipe, with connectors at both ends for connecting to other pipes. This jumper is installed in front of the heated towel rail, so that if even the slightest problem arises, it will cut you off from the general water supply. Most often, ball-type valves are installed on the bypass, which are quite reliable, strong and durable.

The easiest way to cut a thread for a bypass jumper will be a special device, which is called a thread cutter. If there is none, then the usual dice-swords will also come in handy. Be sure to keep in mind that making adapters and installing pipes that differ significantly in the smaller side in diameter are strictly prohibited. The point is that in this way you will significantly increase the pressure inside your dryer, which can lead to an accident. You need to know that connecting a heated towel rail to a hot water riser, the scheme of which is quite simple, implies the presence of three main taps. One will be installed on the lintel to let water into the structure, the second at the inlet, and the third at low tide.

But even if everything works out, and your device will serve for a long time and properly, it is not a fact that you will not be fined and a decision is made to forcibly redo the entire structure. To avoid such questions, it is worth doing everything right from the beginning and not putting yourself in jeopardy. After the jumper is installed, you need to decide at what height to install the heated towel rail so that it performs its function as efficiently as possible.

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  • The standard piping in Soviet-type apartments is meant at a height of from ninety-seven meters to a full two meters, but this is far from a panacea, since it is not at all convenient, it is better to extend the pipes for greater convenience. In modern houses, the height of the hot and cold water inlet is most often carried out at a height of no more than sixty centimeters, but this is not ideal.
  • First of all, you need to focus on convenience, of course, as well as on the growth of all family members, including children. After all, if the little ones do not even reach the bottom bar, then you will have to always collect dirty towels on the floor.
  • Also, professionals recommend taking into account that a person of average height should easily reach the top crossbar of a heated towel rail.
  • Simple rules say that a U-shaped design implies at least ten centimeters from the floor, and an M-shaped design is only ninety.
  • It is very important that the new dryer itself is at least sixty centimeters from all other plumbing fixtures, in order to avoid problems in the future.
  • For pipes whose diameter does not reach twenty-three millimeters, from the wall to the axial pipe of the structure, the distance should be at least three and a half centimeters, counting from the lining surface.
  • All pipes that exceed this section should be made a distance of at least five, and preferably five and a half centimeters.

Thus, it turns out that the installation height of the heated towel rail directly depends on your desire, as well as growth, and so on, it is not clearly regulated, therefore there is a wide range of options. The main thing here is convenience and comfort, so think first of all about yourself and your family, and only then about the norms and rules.

Video instruction

The bathroom, like other living quarters, also needs heating. Moreover, without heating, mold will form in it very soon, and not only from the outside of the cladding, but also under it. As a result, a characteristic blooming smell appears in the bathroom, and the tiles gradually move away from the base.

Unlike other rooms in bathrooms, a heating radiator also serves as a heated towel rail. Its shape is made in such a way that it is possible to conveniently hang on the tubes not only towels, but also other things that are moisturized during water procedures. A beautiful modern heated towel rail can be a striking decorative element of the bathroom, if it is selected with taste.

The shape and design of the bathroom heater makes it work 75% by convection and 25% by radiating heat. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that recently in bathrooms, warm floors are often arranged as heating. Undoubtedly, this type of heating is very suitable for this type of room, but what to do with wet towels, ¬– not to lay them on the floor. The underfloor heating system can be combined, for example, with an electric heated towel rail. This will keep your feet warm and your towels dry.

There are many models of heated towel rails on the modern market. At first glance, it may seem that by stopping at a pretty model, the problem of heating the bathroom will be solved. However, in fact, they all have their own characteristics that must be taken into account for a better choice.

In total, there are three main types of bathroom radiators: water, electric and combined.

Popular types of heating devices

The modern market for heating appliances offers a fairly wide selection of appliances designed for heating bathrooms. These include:

  • metal radiators for water heating;
  • infrared heaters;
  • convective infrared heaters;
  • oil appliances;
  • electric convectors;
  • fan heaters;
  • cast iron radiators.

To have an idea of ​​the different types, you can consider the characteristics of the most popular models.

Hot water radiators

Popular with users. Such devices have replaced the old, cast-iron radiators. Connecting a heated towel rail to a hot water riser is easy to make.

The advantages of such devices are:

  • long service life;
  • low price;
  • a light weight;
  • simplified installation process.

The connection diagram of the device is quite simple, any master can handle the connection of the heater. In addition, this device does not consume electricity, unlike other heaters.


Connecting a heated towel rail to a boiler is also possible, this is especially true for residents of houses with no DHW system.

Panel heaters

It is not the air in the room that warms, but the walls and the floor. The device is installed in the ceiling.

Such heaters do not occupy the space of the room; it is advisable to use them in rooms with a lack of free space. Moreover, such a heater meets the most stringent safety requirements.

The device diagram of such a device is complex; it can fully function in rooms even with extreme humidity levels.

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The advantage is energy saving - the beams of the device, depending on the need, can be directed in any direction.

The disadvantage is the high price. This is how bathroom heating mats work.

Infrared models

The heating element in convective-infrared modular heaters is an element made of a special nut with a nichrome thread inside.

This device can be hung on the wall, by the way, it does not spoil the appearance of the room at all. The power of the device is controlled using a thermostat.

You can place the heater not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling, while the device will warm up the room equally well.

The heating element is a ceramic panel, which is a radiator.

After heating, it outputs infrared waves. They do not come into contact with air, but they affect the surrounding objects. Such devices can be used under conditions of high humidity.

The undoubted advantage is that they do not emit unpleasant noise, unlike fan heaters, and act as a source of illumination at night.

When choosing a heating device, you need to build on not only taste preferences. It is important to compare the power of the device with the dimensions of the heated room. A pivot table will help you deal with these parameters:

Area (sq. M)The required power of the device providing optimal heating (W);

The use of insufficiently powerful appliances in large bathrooms is unjustified, this will lead to energy costs, but the heat generated will not be enough to fully warm up the room.


The inner part of the heater heats up to 150 ° C, but the body temperature does not exceed 60 ° C.

Oil appliances

They are among the most popular devices. The electric coil, which is placed inside the device, heats up the oil, due to the boiling of which the body heats up, and then the air in the room is warmed up.

Presented in a ribbed metal case.They are installed using special anchors that come with the device.


Such fittings may not be of very high quality, therefore it is better to purchase a set of anchors separately. The heating element of such a device is the heating element, and the heat carrier is oil.

The structure is resistant to corrosion, as the surface is covered with enamel. The thermostat protects the device from overheating, this also affects the power consumption.

The device turns off on its own after the air in the room warms up to the required temperature. The oil cooler can be used for drying laundry.

Among the advantages are also:

  • high maximum temperature;
  • operational safety;
  • lack of noise;
  • automatic shutdown in case of overheating;
  • wheels for ease of movement.

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Preference should be given to devices with a built-in air ionizer, because oil heaters dry out the air in the room.

You should not purchase cheap models, because during operation they can emit an unpleasant odor.

Electric convectors

Used for space heating. The device consists of a metal body and an internal heating coil. The air passes through the heating section and warms up.

It is worth noting that the efficiency of such heaters is improved if such devices are placed at the bottom.

When choosing heaters of this type, you should pay attention to:

  • devices with a ceramic heating element do not burn air;
  • for use in the bathroom, you need to give preference to devices with high protection against moisture;
  • the advantage will be the presence of wheels for free movement of the device;
  • room heating speed.

The disadvantage of devices made according to this scheme is that they have a built-in fan, which often acts as a source of unnecessary noise.

Fan heaters

They are the simplest heating devices, and many users choose them for heating bathrooms. The power of such devices is quite high.

They are compact enough that they can be installed on the floor or other flat surface.

The fan heater is an elementary device consisting of a plastic case, a fan and a heating coil.

Among the advantages are:

  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • device mobility;
  • the ability to quickly warm up the room;
  • ease of management;
  • small size;
  • modern appearance.

The device has certain disadvantages, for example, it makes an annoying noise and exudes an unpleasant odor.

Water heated towel rails

These are the most common special bathroom heaters. Their work is simple: hot water flows through the tubes, where it gives its body to the room. The most popular used to be the so-called. coils. This design remains relevant today, but only modern coils are much more beautiful and efficient.

There are several ways to supply water from the heating circuit to heated towel rails. The classic connection scheme implies the presence of hot water supply and a heating circuit brought into the bathroom. In apartments, a central heating heating circuit is already present in the bathroom.

In private houses where autonomous water heating is used, it is easier to find a heated towel rail in the bathroom. This is due to the fact that the coolant in the system, as a rule, is clean and does not destroy the walls of the radiators. In apartments, when choosing a heated towel rail, there is a certain limitation regarding its material.For example, non-ferrous metal models are of little use there, since hot water saturated with antagonist metals is an aggressive environment for them.

The disadvantage of connecting a heated towel rail to heating circuits is their seasonal use, i.e. a towel or bathrobe cannot be dried in warm weather. However, this problem can be solved by combined models capable of operating on both hot water and electricity.

Device and heat sources

Heated towel rail

A water heated towel rail is just a hollow pipe or several pipes connected in a closed loop. The traditional material used for the manufacture of heated towel rails at the stage of building a house is a black water and gas pipe.

Decorative heated towel rails that have flooded plumbing stores in recent years are:

  • Chrome plated steel;
  • Brass (also with chrome plating);
  • Made of stainless steel. This category of appliances retains their appearance indefinitely, while the chrome finish can be damaged.

Depending on the year the house was built, two different connection schemes for heated towel rails are used.

The first is used in stalinkas and Khrushchevs: the dryer opens the hot water supply. The obvious disadvantage of such a scheme is that heating is possible only when drawing water. With the ubiquitous installation of water meters, draining hot water to heat the bathroom, you see, is somewhat costly.

The second scheme is typical for houses built in the mid-80s and later years of the last century. Actually, not one, but three changes were made to the hot water supply systems of these houses:

  1. Towel dryers began to open not the eyeliner, but the hot water riser;
  1. Risers were connected in groups of 2-4. Jumpers located in apartments on the upper floor or in the attic are used for connection;
  2. The elevator assemblies have acquired two hot water connections on each line instead of one with retaining washers between them. The presence of additional hot water connections ensures constant circulation of water in the risers and, accordingly, the round-the-clock operation of towel dryers.

How is circulation in the risers ensured? Depending on the season and the temperature regime of the heating main, three schemes for connecting hot water supply are possible.

Heating season, supply temperature less than 90 ° CDHW is switched on from flow to flow. The difference between the taps is provided by a retaining washer
Heating season, supply temperature over 90 CDHW is switched on from return to return. The differential here is also provided by the retaining washer
Outside the heating seasonDHW is switched on from the supply to the return pipe. Circulation is ensured by the minimum difference between them

Perhaps the dear reader will find a few more interesting facts related to the operation of DHW systems with continuous heating of dryers:

  • The retaining washer is a steel plate with a hole installed on the flange between the hot water inlets. The hole in it is made 1 mm larger than the diameter of the elevator nozzle. In this case, the washer creates a drop without limiting the flow of water through the nozzle;
  • The typical difference between the tie-ins, which ensures the circulation of hot water supply, does not exceed 0.2 kgf / cm2;
  • Switching between hot water supply modes is carried out by locksmiths of the service organization after the order of the local "Heating networks";
  • If during the peak of cold weather the hot water supply is not switched to the return pipeline for some reason, the temperature in the hot water supply system can reach 140 - 150 degrees. This value significantly exceeds the limits of heat resistance of polymer and metal-polymer pipes.

Captain The obvious suggests: that is why it is strongly recommended to use only metal pipes for centralized hot water supply systems - from black, galvanized or stainless steel, as well as copper ones.


All types of water wall-mounted bathroom heaters can be connected to both the DHW system and the heating system. The second option is more popular in private houses: in an apartment it is simply inconvenient to pull heating pipes to the bathroom and toilet.

Heating connection generally implies seasonal work. However, nothing prevents you from operating the heating boiler at minimum power, having previously turned off all other heating devices in the house. For this purpose, ball valves or throttles that cut them off are installed in front of the batteries.

Throttling fittings allow you not only to turn off the radiator, but also to regulate its heat transfer with your own hands.

What are the criteria for choosing a water radiator for a bathroom?

  • If it is connected to an autonomous heating system, you can use any radiators, including aluminum and panel ones;
  • In central heating systems and centralized hot water supply, it is better to use heating devices that are resistant to high pressures - tubular and bimetallic. Stopping the circuit quickly or filling it up can lead to a water hammer. The pressure at the front of the water flow of 25 - 30 kgf / cm2 can be fatal for the least durable sections of the circuit.

Electric heater

On sale you can find two types of electric heated towel rails:

  • With dry low temperature coil;
  • Oil. In this case, a compact heating element acts as a heat source. Uniform heating is provided by convection of oil or other heat carrier.

Don't buy too cheap oil dryers. Their manufacturers often save on the strength of the body and do not think about compensating for the thermal expansion of the oil. As a result, devices are destroyed when heated to significant temperatures. The typical price of a quality domestic electric dryer is 3-6 thousand rubles.

A typical electric towel warmer draws power from 30 to 150 watts. It is clear that with such power, it is able to perform only its direct functions - to dry the towels hung on it. We are not talking about full-fledged heating of the room.

To create a comfortable temperature in the bathroom, the following heating devices are used:

  • Floor and wall electric convectors;
  • Floor-mounted oil heaters;
  • Infrared panels and warm skirting boards. They are advantageous in that they create a subjective feeling of comfort at relatively low temperatures (from 16 - 18 C), thereby allowing significant energy savings.

Electric heaters

If the bathroom does not provide for a connection to the heating circuit or there is no central water heating in the house at all, then electric models of heated towel rails come to the rescue. They work on the principle of oil coolers and only need to be connected to the mains. Electric heated towel rails are designed in such a way that the coolant circulates freely through their tubes, due to convection resulting from contact with the heating element. There are models from 100 to 1500 watts. With such a wide power range, you can find the right appliance for any bathroom.

Advanced models of electric heaters for bathrooms are able to cope with their basic functions, spending no more energy than an incandescent light bulb. Of course, the cost of such devices will be higher than that of more wasteful ones. Economical heaters last longer, and during their operation they have time to pay for themselves many times over.

One of the main advantages of electric heated towel rails is that they can be turned on and off as needed. Not all water models can provide this opportunity. Electric models are equipped with work timers, with which you can set the schedule for the device. So, waking up in the morning and going into the bathroom, you can take a shower at a comfortable temperature, which is considered to be 24 ° C.

Based on the optimal temperature and area of ​​the bathroom, it is necessary to select an electric heater of the appropriate power. To maintain the temperature of 24 ° C, it is necessary that for each square meter there is 100-120 W of the power of the heating device. If there is a window in the bathroom, the power must be increased to 130-150 W / m².

Electric towel warmer models are mainly made of stainless or low carbon steel. The former are more expensive, but they have a very long service life. Low carbon steel models are less resistant to corrosion, but can last up to 15 years. Choosing products from well-known manufacturers, you can be sure of their quality assurance.

Types of bathroom heaters

The practical battery in the bathroom not only maintains the temperature balance, but also the optimum humidity. If your bathroom radiators do not work well, soon the walls will become damp, smell and become impossible to stay in the room. So, you need a wall-mounted battery for the bathroom or another heating device!

The special atmosphere of the bathroom makes you look at the usual radiators a little differently. Which of the types of structures is best suited for heating a room lined with tiles, artificial stone or other materials, you choose. But first you need to understand the entire range of goods:

  1. Cast iron batteries in the bathroom look quite bulky, while it is important that the usual coating quickly loses its appearance. But, in terms of the degree of heat transfer and economy of finances, such radiators are in the first place.

Advice! If your bathroom is equipped with a cast-iron battery, use powder compositions for painting.

  1. Steel radiators are notable for their low resistance to corrosion, so you should not risk putting them in the bathroom, you and your neighbors will not like constant leaks.
  2. An aluminum battery in the bathroom would look perfect! Compact, lightweight and very beautiful radiators are easy to install and can be easily suspended at any height. But the ability to corrode from the inside is poorly combined with a tie-in in centralized heating, where the water is not always clean and soft.
  3. Bimetallic structures are the solution for any bathroom. The warranty period is 15-20 years, excellent resistance to aggressive conditions, high heat transfer - all these are the advantages of this design. Minus one - high price.

Advice! It is better to mask bimetallic batteries with decorative screens, "sew up" with plasterboard boxes or cover them in some other way. Don't worry, even a closed radiator will have enough heat to warm up the room well.

  1. Infrared radiators are another ideal heating option. A huge assortment of goods offers hinged, wall, floor structures. Such emitters can even be mounted on the ceiling, which will save the usable area of ​​a small room. The structures perfectly maintain the temperature of the bathroom, allow you to set a certain mode, and also warm up not only the air, but also interior items.

But, despite the variety of heating devices, among which there are oil heating radiators for the bathroom, electric heated towel rails and other appliances, most often ordinary bathroom batteries are still used.

Advice! When considering whether you need a battery in the bathroom, be sure to pay attention to all the functions of the room. If you dry laundry in the room, then a battery in the bathroom is necessary.

Deciding on the choice of a heated towel rail

When choosing a water radiator for a bathroom, you must take into account its working pressure. It must correspond to the nominal pressure in heating systems and DHW systems. In this case, the working pressure of the device must be no less than the pressure in the system.If there is a possibility of water hammer, then radiators with an appropriate margin of safety should be chosen.

It is very important to choose the right radiator power. To facilitate this task, many manufacturers include power calculation tables in their technical documentation. The previous section described the principle of choosing the power of electric heaters. The same principle can be used when choosing any radiator with a known heat output. We remind you that 100-120 W of thermal power should fall on 1 m².

Of course, this is an average calculation, since it lacks such an important parameter as the height of the room. A more accurate calculation can be made by a specialist who will take into account the volume of the bathroom, as well as the number of windows, floor, wall material, the scheme of their insulation and the section of ventilation ducts.

Installation of heated towel rails

A very important point, which few people pay attention to, is the occurrence of stray currents between different metals in the joints of the pipes of the circuits with the radiator. These currents contribute to the appearance of metal corrosion. A dielectric spacer must be installed between the steel pipes and the non-ferrous metal inlets of the radiator.

So that the installation of water radiators does not cause difficulties, it is necessary to choose the model that most closely matches all the parameters of the heating system. In most cases, the threaded connections of the radiators are unified with the dimensions of the fittings.

The easiest to connect are electrical models of bathroom radiators. However, in this case, special attention must be paid to the reliability and tightness of the electrical connections. Since the bathroom is a room with high humidity, only special sockets and plugs can be used in it. The socket must have a splash-proof cover and the plug must be fully insulated with an O-ring for mating with the socket. Additionally, an RCD (residual current device) should be provided that will de-energize the heated towel rail when a short occurs. The connection cord must be double insulated and have the appropriate cross-section.

To completely secure the outlet in the bathroom, you can use a hidden connection through communications. The electrical cable is fed to the radiator in the same way as pipes to water models - laid in the wall.

The standard place for a radiator in a bathroom is on the side of the bathroom or near the toilet. It is possible to install a radiator directly above the bathtub if it is not being used as a shower. In spacious bathrooms, you can use two or more heated towel rails at the same time, or a combination of a large and small model from the same series. When choosing a place, they are also guided by considerations of the rationality of the connection: it is desirable that the connection pipes are as short as possible. If it is possible to refuse an extra bend or half a meter of pipe length, then it is worth doing this, but not to the detriment of the ergonomics of the room.

In the bathroom, according to statistics, there are a lot of accidents. A person should always be careful here. Slippery floors and damp wiring are a source of danger. You can fall, you can suffer from electric shock. The walls are corroded by fungus, you have to constantly think about good detergents and cleaning products, cleaning and disinfection. This can be annoying. In order to calmly go into your bathroom, wash, brush your teeth, wash your hands, it would be good to get rid of nervous tension.

Practical advice from professionals

  1. How to close the battery in the bathroom? For this, special plastic screens are sold. You can also "sew up" the radiator with drywall or hide the battery under the bath, if space permits.
  2. Installing, replacing the battery in the bathroom is a fairly simple matter. If it concerns electric drying, then you need to mark the place for the brackets, bring the outlet and hang the structure on the wall.You can also connect the dryer to the "warm floor" system. If this is a water dryer battery in the bathroom, it is better to turn to professionals, since incorrect connection threatens to create an airlock in the entire water supply system.
  3. If you need a battery under the bathroom, it is best to take a mid-section pipe and run it along the lower level of the baseboard (you can run it around the perimeter). But it is extremely important not to allow sharp corner transitions, as the passage of the water flow in them can slow down.

Advice! New designs are often complemented with accessories. There are batteries in the bathroom with shelves, stands or hooks. This allows the use of the entire usable area and facilitates the drying possibilities.

When choosing an electric convector for a bathroom, a simple heated towel rail or an oil radiator, do not look at the beauty, because the structure can always be decorated. But practicality, strength, service life and power should come first. And, of course, the price of the device.

Very slippery when surfaces are wet

It is great if a shower cabin is installed in the bathroom. But this is often not the case. Someone wants to wash off fatigue from themselves, but someone wants to change their body position at the end of a busy day, lie down, plunge into the water, feel weightlessness. Filling in water and pouring foam into the bathroom is not a problem. How to get into it if, for example, there is an injury or a person is many years old? How not to slip while doing this? Shower, bathtub and tiles on the floor are a source of danger. These are very slippery surfaces if water gets on them.

It is not recommended to grab the coil. It can be hot and it can be damaged. It is a stainless steel pipe, it is strong, but all that holds it is two brackets and a heating pipe. Alas, they can be torn off. The coil must not be securely fixed. He is able to create vibration.

The pipe is bent so that there is more warmth in the room. So it's dangerous to grab onto it. What to do? Dream of youth and perfect health, or get rid of stress, stop trembling and shuddering, take care of the nervous system? One does not interfere.

A good bathroom is:

  • steps and handrails - it doesn't matter if it's not a pool or a jacuzzi;
  • good heating and ventilation system.

It only seems that these elements are superfluous, that they will interfere. I would like, of course, that the bathroom was spacious, with a vent, a window, and water did not fall on the floor at all, the steam quickly disappeared. Of course, you can remodel the premises, regardless of whether it is a private house or an apartment.

Handrail in the bathroom

However, even with a small area, it is easy to take care of safety, there is no need to complicate the situation with redevelopment. Both a private house and an apartment will turn into an ideal place to live.

Fired up with an idea, setting a goal

Steps, handrails, their functionality are easy to disguise, so they will not embarrass. Metal towel holders, for example, can act as a reliable support. The photo clearly shows that you can grab onto them by accidentally slipping. This is a trick. To resort to it or to act more boldly - everyone decides for himself. In any case, the bathroom will remain ordinary, pretty and elegant, nothing more. Beauty hides practicality with ease. The main problem is that many elements have to be made to order.

Handrail and steps for safety

Heat the room

Steam constantly damages walls, ceilings, doors, other surfaces and even a chandelier - everything in the bathroom. In the summer, the system is saved primarily by ventilation. However, it is dangerous to rely only on it. Fungi often appear in the ventilation shaft. They will soon appear on the walls, handles - they will be discovered. Only after that it will be possible to get rid of them and think about good methods of protecting the bathroom, truly reliable.

If it is damp outside, the weather is getting worse, autumn is coming soon, then you need to think about the heating system.How to make the heating in the bathroom that will satisfy the needs? Engineers, designers, architects, inventors, just smart people have been working for years to ensure that all the problems associated with the peculiarities of this room are solved.

Many devices have been invented, many techniques have been created for effectively counteracting moisture and dampness. These are reliable materials, varnishes, paints and more. True, they will not last long without a good room heating system.

Previously, the heating system consisted of a coil and a heating pipe. Today, a person who wants to equip a bathroom has much more opportunities. There are plenty to choose from.

Heating in a bathroom can consist of the same coil, heating pipe, and also:

Bathroom radiator

The battery in the bathroom was not invented in the USSR. A heating battery for the bathroom - no one even thought about this before. Cast iron was in vogue, one versatile design, and the battery was bound to take up a lot of space. Even a private house was never supplemented with such luxury.

An apartment or a private house - what difference does it make if the size of the bathroom is standard? The battery in the bathroom must be safe: thin, graceful. There should be enough space for a safety net. Without it, a hot battery, like a hot coil, will cause negative emotions and restrain movement.

The use of different metals, different designs and shapes makes it possible to modernize bathroom heating today. The modern radiator is slim and durable. Bulky batteries, fashionable in the USSR, remained in the past. This is a recognizable image even today. They have been heating the premises for many years. And yet the new radiator is compact. He is able to dispel nostalgia.

The choice of steel or cast iron is not particularly important from the point of view of the room. Both steel and cast iron, if the shape of the radiators is rationalized and modernized in accordance with modern requirements and tasks, will not interfere. You can choose based only on the characteristics of the metals. Both steel and cast iron are relevant for making batteries. The radiator is a beautiful interior detail. A photo of these extraordinary and creative, cute and strict varieties convinces that this is the best solution. When you want more warmth, cleanliness, safety, a radiator will help.

Rules for installing batteries in the bathroom

It is better to install the heat exchanger on the DHW circuit.

The bathroom battery can be installed both on the heating system and on the DHW circulation circuit. If you put the radiator on heating, then it will work only during the heating season. In the off-season, the bathroom will be cold and damp. It is better to put the heating element on hot water, it disappears infrequently.

Bathroom battery installation rules:

  • installation on a riser of a return flow of hot water;
  • mandatory bypass in front of the heat exchanger;
  • the diameter of the branch pipes must be of a smaller section than the nominal bore of the riser.

There must be an air vent so that the radiator heats up evenly. Shut-off valves are installed in front of the battery. The heat exchanger itself is screwed to the ball valves by the Americans. It is not necessary to pack the threads of the American women, since they have gaskets. It is advisable to install a balancing valve on the radiator return instead of a ball valve.

There should be no problems with the installation of an electric heated towel rail. It can be located anywhere in the bathroom. Plugs into a regular outlet. Some models are equipped with an LCD thermostatic valve. In such heaters, you can set your own settings.

The bathroom should be warm - this is an axiom. In this small but extremely important room for any family, children are bathed, washed, washed and dried. To create a comfortable microclimate in the bathroom, you need a dry heat source. The battery in the bathroom will not only warm and help dry the laundry, but will also help to avoid the appearance of mold and unpleasant odors.At the same time, it is desirable that the functionality of the device is combined with its aesthetic appearance.

Warm bathroom floor - salvation

A popular technology for renovation is underfloor heating. It is most often done in the bathroom and in the kitchen, but it can be supplemented with it in other rooms. Underfloor heating is of two types, depending on the heat source: electric and water. The bathroom is not the place for technology such as electric floor heating. That's how it works. Hot water heating is the only possible solution.

There is a water heated floor from central or autonomous heating. The heating pipe in the bathroom cannot be a source of heating water. Technology must be legalized when it comes to an apartment. In a private house, everything is easier, and you can immediately start working without unnecessary difficulties. A warm floor in the bathroom, of course, will not save you from accidentally spilled water, but it will quickly remove excess moisture. The main thing is not to be stuffy. It is a source of bliss for a person's feet and a reliable assistant in the fight against dampness.

Underfloor heating in the bathroom from heating is easy to do even with your own hands. After watching this video, it will become clear how to proceed, what to buy. Before you start, you need to take into account an important nuance: the dimensions of the room will change, in particular the floor level. The floor will be taller, and much higher. On average, the height increases by 10-15 cm. Underfloor heating - these are pipes immersed in concrete, covered with tiles, a valve for shutdown, temperature control.

Wall batteries: modifications

If you do not know what the name of the battery in the bathroom is, pay attention to heated towel rails, radiators or convectors. A heated towel rail for a bathroom often acts as a heater, as it is connected to the water supply system and has a constant supply of hot water. In addition to the water, the battery dryer for the bathroom is of the electric type. Such structures operate on a power source and do not depend on the water supply system, which means they will heat up even in the absence of hot water. But an electric heating radiator for a bathroom is more expensive to maintain than a water one. And this must be taken into account.

Water (coil) and electric battery in the bathroom are not all that the market has to offer. There is a combined type of radiator. It combines the capabilities of previous designs and can be used depending on the availability of a particular power source.

Advice! Water radiators for heating the bathroom are recommended made of stainless steel, brass, copper. The diameter of the pipe is at least 3 cm, the wall is from 0.3 mm and above. Such a pipe does not deform and will serve for a long time.

Electric convectors for the bathroom are convenient for their autonomous operation, ease of installation and a huge number of options. If the water batteries in the bathroom can be quite heavy and require strong fastening, then the electric heating batteries in the bathroom can be fixed as and anywhere, it all depends on the design features of the device.

Important! The electric battery in the bathroom should not be closer than 60 cm from the wall of the bath or toilet.

The combined radiator is very rare due to the rather high price. But, like any design, it has many options for execution. To determine the choice of designs, view the photos below. A variety of shapes, materials and even colors allow you to purchase a practical and beautiful heating radiator.

Bathroom air conditioner

Appliances and bathroom are not nonsense. Everyone is afraid of closures. This often prevents a person from dreaming about an air conditioner, for example. And the bathroom will only suffer. The stereotype should be changed, ask the experts what is the norm when installing and connecting an air conditioner in a room such as a bathroom.

Having learned that there is a norm and standard for the power grid, ventilation, devices, you can objectively assess the situation, make a wise decision, create your own reality.It is logical to make housing comfortable and safe, but often a person, out of habit, is content with the most necessary, elementary.

How rational is it to install an air conditioner? Is the bathroom big enough for this? It all depends on the dimensions, on the parameters of the equipment, on the characteristics of the ventilation pipe. This is definitely worth trying. Heating will be perfect.


