Calculation of payment according to standards
It is necessary to understand how the payment for heating is calculated according to the standard, and you need to use this technique only in cases where there are no meters at all in an apartment building, neither general nor individual.
Heating calculation according to the standard is carried out according to the following formula:
- Pi = Si x NT x TT, where
- Si is the total area of the room that consumes thermal energy,
- NT is the normative value of heat consumption,
- TT is the tariff set by the local heating service provider.
Substituting the required values in the formula, you can calculate the cost of heating. The consumption rate may differ depending on the region, therefore, it is necessary to look for the required value in the corresponding regulatory documents. Tariffs are also individual, and before calculating heating according to the standard, you need to find out the specific values.
Rules for making an appeal
The legislator does not establish a clear structure of the application, it is drawn up in an arbitrary form and in accordance with the general rules of office work. The application indicates:
- name and data of the recipient organization;
- personal data of the applicant;
- the address of the living space;
- statement of the request for recalculation of payment for the supply of the service;
- the period for which you want to recalculate payments;
- indication of the grounds with the attachment of the relevant documents.
It is important to know: The contract for hydraulic testing of the heating system
The application can be submitted as part of a personal visit to the organization or sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (be sure to attach a list of attachments). In case of personal contact, a copy of the document remains with the applicant, a note of receipt is made on it, indicating the incoming registration number.
The formula for calculating the general house meter in an apartment building
Next, you need to figure out how heating is considered in an apartment building in the presence of a common meter. It is worth noting that common house heat meters in an apartment building save money for all residents. Subject to the presence of such a device, the calculation of heating is carried out in accordance with its readings. What is important - individual metering devices can already be installed in individual apartments, but if they are not in every apartment, then the calculation is still carried out according to general indicators.
The formula for calculating heating by a common meter is as follows:
- Pi = VD x Si / Sob x TT, where
- TT is the tariff cost of heat set for a particular region by a local supplier,
- VД - the total volume of heat consumed by the building, which is determined by the difference in the readings of the total meters installed at the entrance and exit from the heating circuit of the building,
- Si is the total area of a heated apartment not equipped with an individual metering device,
- Sob is the total heated area in the entire building.
Specific value substitution is performed in the same way as in the previous example. When the formula takes into account all the necessary values, you can calculate the heating in an apartment building.
Heating system installation steps
In the new private home general view of the system heating, its scheme and all the nuances are better thought out at the stage of design and construction of the building. So you will immediately imagine whether you need a separate room for the boiler room, where to lay technological niches for wiring system elements and installing equipment. This will greatly simplify further work and reduce installation time.In addition, if you are going to hide the pipes, then you should take care of this before starting the finishing work. The most convenient way to install pipes heating before the floor screed is poured.
Installation work can be started only after closing the thermal circuit of the building, that is, after installing windows and roofing. The season plays an important role. It is better to leave these works for the warm period of the year, since low temperatures deteriorate the quality of welding and increase the brittleness of metal-plastic elements. And, of course, it is necessary to calculate the installation time so that by the beginning of the heating season the system is checked and started up. This will allow you to meet the harsh Russian winter in a warm and cozy home.
The entire installation of home heating can be divided into several stages:
- system selection, design and calculation work;
- selection and purchase of materials and equipment;
- installation of a boiler room and installation of its components or installation of a boiler in another room (if the selected model allows it);
- installation of radiators;
- commissioning works.
An important issue to be resolved is the choice of the heating system. There are several of them: air, electric, open and traditional with a liquid heat carrier.
Heating system installation steps
IN air systemthe coolant is, as the name suggests, the air that is taken from outside, heats up and is distributed throughout the rooms through the duct system. This is the most secure system. But it is complex and costly in terms of installation and maintenance, and also has low heat transfer.
The most, perhaps, unpretentious in operation and environmentally friendly is electric heating system... Here, electric convectors, autonomous oil and infrared batteries, fan heaters, and electric fireplaces can serve as a heat carrier. The disadvantage of such a system is obvious - large electricity bills and complete dependence on a stable supply of the latter.
IN open systems for heating, stoves and fireplaces are used, in the furnace of which a fire is made. The efficiency of such systems is rather low, and they are suitable only for small country houses.
A heating system with liquid heat carrier , which includes a heat source (boiler), heat pipelines and heating devices (radiators). At the center of the classic system is the heating boiler. Its choice should be approached especially carefully, thoroughly weighing all the pros and cons of each model.
We also offer, after the work, to conclude a service agreement, not only for the heating boiler, but also for the entire system as a whole.
You can read how to hide heating pipes in the baseboard.
Calculating the cost of heating
Heating system repair cost
Water supply installation cost
Calculation of heating by individual meters
Now it's worth figuring out how payment for heating an apartment is charged, provided there is a meter. If each apartment in the house is equipped with its own meter (at least a general one), then the calculation of the payment for heating can be calculated according to its readings. The cost of heat in this case is formed from the total heat, which was taken into account by an individual metering device, and the level of general household consumption.
The calculation formula is as follows:
- Pi = (Vin + Viun x Si / Srev) x TKP, where
- Vin is the total amount of consumed heat energy recorded by an individual meter,
- Viodn - the amount of heat energy spent on heating non-residential premises in the whole house (determined as the difference between the general house indicator and the sum of all apartment meters),
- Si is the total area of the apartment,
- Sb - the total area of all heated rooms in the building.
How to calculate your heating bill
- S.o. - the amount of payment according to the receipt;
- PL - the area of the heated apartment;
- H is the standard for heat consumption;
- T is the tariff for the consumed utility service;
- K - coefficient that determines the frequency of payment for the resource. It is calculated by dividing the number of months in the heating season by the number of months in a year. If the heating season lasts six months, then K = 6/12 = 0.5.
S.o. = Pl x N x T, where
- S.o. - the amount of payment that is indicated in the receipt;
- Pl is the area of the apartment to which heat is supplied;
- H is the standard for heat consumption, calculated according to the formula given above;
- T is the tariff for the consumed utility service. This value is individual for each region. For Moscow, for example, it can be 1800 rubles per Gcal, and in Novosibirsk - 1300 rubles per Gcal.
Calculation of heating in communal apartments
By and large, there is no particular difference in calculating the cost of heating in communal apartments from the methods described above - all formulas and indicators are the same, you just need to substitute specific values. The only difference in how heating bills are charged in the case of communal apartments comes down to the proportional distribution of payments for each room.
If you still carry out a special calculation for communal apartments, you get the following formula:
- Pj.i = Vi x Sj.i / Ski x TT, where
- Sj.i - living area of a separate room,
- Ski is the total area of all rooms in a communal apartment.
Heating of non-residential premises in this formula may not be taken into account, since the actual values are always minimum.
Heating system installation steps
In the new private home general view of the system heating, its scheme and all the nuances are better thought out at the stage of design and construction of the building. So you will immediately imagine whether you need a separate room for the boiler room, where to lay technological niches for wiring system elements and installing equipment. This will greatly simplify further work and reduce installation time. In addition, if you are going to hide the pipes, then you should take care of this before starting the finishing work. The most convenient way to install pipes heating before the floor screed is poured.
Installation work can be started only after closing the thermal circuit of the building, that is, after installing windows and roofing. The season plays an important role. It is better to leave these works for the warm period of the year, since low temperatures deteriorate the quality of welding and increase the brittleness of metal-plastic elements. And, of course, it is necessary to calculate the installation time so that by the beginning of the heating season the system is checked and started up. This will allow you to meet the harsh Russian winter in a warm and cozy home.
The entire installation of home heating can be divided into several stages:
- system selection, design and calculation work;
- selection and purchase of materials and equipment;
- installation of a boiler room and installation of its components or installation of a boiler in another room (if the selected model allows it);
- installation of radiators;
- commissioning works.
An important issue to be resolved is the choice of the heating system. There are several of them: air, electric, open and traditional with a liquid heat carrier.
Heating system installation steps
IN air systemthe coolant is, as the name suggests, the air that is taken from outside, heats up and is distributed throughout the rooms through the duct system. This is the most secure system. But it is complex and costly in terms of installation and maintenance, and also has low heat transfer.
The most, perhaps, unpretentious in operation and environmentally friendly is electric heating system... Here, electric convectors, autonomous oil and infrared batteries, fan heaters, and electric fireplaces can serve as a heat carrier. The disadvantage of such a system is obvious - large electricity bills and complete dependence on a stable supply of the latter.
IN open systems for heating, stoves and fireplaces are used, in the furnace of which a fire is made. The efficiency of such systems is rather low, and they are suitable only for small country houses.
A heating system with liquid heat carrier , which includes a heat source (boiler), heat pipelines and heating devices (radiators). At the center of the classic system is the heating boiler. Its choice should be approached especially carefully, thoroughly weighing all the pros and cons of each model.
We also offer, after the work, to conclude a service agreement, not only for the heating boiler, but also for the entire system as a whole.
You can read how to hide heating pipes in the baseboard.
Calculating the cost of heating
Heating system repair cost
Water supply installation cost
Calculation of autonomous heating
Apartment buildings can do without centralized heating - their own boiler room is used to supply heat. With how to calculate heating in an apartment building under this condition, problems may arise - the calculation formula is rather complicated and not very convenient. The volume of thermal energy is measured in GCAL - what it is and how it is considered, we will discuss further.
The calculation formula is as follows:
- Poi = Ev x (Vcri x Si / Sreb x TKRV), where
- Vкрi - the amount of energy used for the generation of heat energy,
- TKPV is the cost of a given resource, which is determined by current prices for energy carriers,
- Si is the area of an individual living space,
- Sb - the total area of the building.
Heating system installation steps
In the new private home general view of the system heating, its scheme and all the nuances are better thought out at the stage of design and construction of the building. So you will immediately imagine whether you need a separate room for the boiler room, where to lay technological niches for wiring system elements and installing equipment. This will greatly simplify further work and reduce installation time. In addition, if you are going to hide the pipes, then you should take care of this before starting the finishing work. The most convenient way to install pipes heating before the floor screed is poured.
Installation work can be started only after closing the thermal circuit of the building, that is, after installing windows and roofing. The season plays an important role. It is better to leave these works for the warm period of the year, since low temperatures deteriorate the quality of welding and increase the brittleness of metal-plastic elements. And, of course, it is necessary to calculate the installation time so that by the beginning of the heating season the system is checked and started up. This will allow you to meet the harsh Russian winter in a warm and cozy home.
The entire installation of home heating can be divided into several stages:
- system selection, design and calculation work;
- selection and purchase of materials and equipment;
- installation of a boiler room and installation of its components or installation of a boiler in another room (if the selected model allows it);
- installation of radiators;
- commissioning works.
An important issue to be resolved is the choice of the heating system. There are several of them: air, electric, open and traditional with a liquid heat carrier.
Heating system installation steps
IN air systemthe coolant is, as the name suggests, the air that is taken from outside, heats up and is distributed throughout the rooms through the duct system. This is the most secure system. But it is complex and costly in terms of installation and maintenance, and also has low heat transfer.
The most, perhaps, unpretentious in operation and environmentally friendly is electric heating system... Here, electric convectors, autonomous oil and infrared batteries, fan heaters, and electric fireplaces can serve as a heat carrier. The disadvantage of such a system is obvious - large electricity bills and complete dependence on a stable supply of the latter.
IN open systems for heating, stoves and fireplaces are used, in the furnace of which a fire is made. The efficiency of such systems is rather low, and they are suitable only for small country houses.
A heating system with liquid heat carrier , which includes a heat source (boiler), heat pipelines and heating devices (radiators). At the center of the classic system is the heating boiler. Its choice should be approached especially carefully, thoroughly weighing all the pros and cons of each model.
We also offer, after the work, to conclude a service agreement, not only for the heating boiler, but also for the entire system as a whole.
You can read how to hide heating pipes in the baseboard.
Calculating the cost of heating
Heating system repair cost
Water supply installation cost
Heat meters
In accordance with current legislation, heat meters must be installed without fail. An important point - the meter is purchased and installed at the expense of the owner of the premises.
The work of heat meters is to measure the difference in the temperatures of the coolant at the inlet and outlet to the system, while taking into account the volume of the supplied coolant. There are two main types of meters - tachometric and ultrasonic. The latter are much more expensive, but the high price pays off with higher measurement accuracy and reliability.
When buying a meter, be sure to check whether it is certified and whether it can be used for heat metering. The installed heating meter must be sealed by specialists who have the right to perform such work. The devices are verified every four years.
The cost of heat meters is usually relatively low, but it must be taken into account that a number of additional elements will be required for installation:
- Regulating valve;
- Cleaning filter;
- Shut-off valves.
You will have to pay a lot for additional items. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the cost of inserting, piping and connecting the meter - these works can only be performed by companies that have the appropriate permits. The cost of all work may be even higher than the cost of the meter itself, but these are mandatory expenses.
When choosing a company that will install the meter, you should also pay attention to whether its specialists perform the following work:
- Manufacturing of the installation project.
- Coordination of the project with the heating service provider.
- Initial verification and meter registration.
- Putting the device into operation.
Of course, the cost of a heat meter and work on its installation is quite high, but all this is eventually offset by savings in paying for heating.
Heating system installation steps
In the new private home general view of the system heating, its scheme and all the nuances are better thought out at the stage of design and construction of the building. So you will immediately imagine whether you need a separate room for the boiler room, where to lay technological niches for wiring system elements and installing equipment. This will greatly simplify further work and reduce installation time. In addition, if you are going to hide the pipes, then you should take care of this before starting the finishing work. The most convenient way to install pipes heating before the floor screed is poured.
Installation work can be started only after closing the thermal circuit of the building, that is, after installing windows and roofing. The season plays an important role.It is better to leave these works for the warm period of the year, since low temperatures deteriorate the quality of welding and increase the brittleness of metal-plastic elements. And, of course, it is necessary to calculate the installation time so that by the beginning of the heating season the system is checked and started up. This will allow you to meet the harsh Russian winter in a warm and cozy home.
The entire installation of home heating can be divided into several stages:
- system selection, design and calculation work;
- selection and purchase of materials and equipment;
- installation of a boiler room and installation of its components or installation of a boiler in another room (if the selected model allows it);
- installation of radiators;
- commissioning works.
An important issue to be resolved is the choice of the heating system. There are several of them: air, electric, open and traditional with a liquid heat carrier.
Heating system installation steps
IN air systemthe coolant is, as the name suggests, the air that is taken from outside, heats up and is distributed throughout the rooms through the duct system. This is the most secure system. But it is complex and costly in terms of installation and maintenance, and also has low heat transfer.
The most, perhaps, unpretentious in operation and environmentally friendly is electric heating system... Here, electric convectors, autonomous oil and infrared batteries, fan heaters, and electric fireplaces can serve as a heat carrier. The disadvantage of such a system is obvious - large electricity bills and complete dependence on a stable supply of the latter.
IN open systems for heating, stoves and fireplaces are used, in the furnace of which a fire is made. The efficiency of such systems is rather low, and they are suitable only for small country houses.
A heating system with liquid heat carrier , which includes a heat source (boiler), heat pipelines and heating devices (radiators). At the center of the classic system is the heating boiler. Its choice should be approached especially carefully, thoroughly weighing all the pros and cons of each model.
We also offer, after the work, to conclude a service agreement, not only for the heating boiler, but also for the entire system as a whole.
You can read how to hide heating pipes in the baseboard.
Calculating the cost of heating
Heating system repair cost
Water supply installation cost
Heat consumption rate for heating
Speaking about the nuances of heating standards, one cannot fail to note a significant spread in tariffs by region, which became especially noticeable in 2014. Then the bill was approved, which approved the maximum maximum indices in tariffication. This figure is determined based on many parameters, including local conditions. The result is a huge difference.
According to sanitary rules, the optimal humidity in the winter period of the year is determined as 30–45%, and the allowable humidity is 60%. At the same time, temperature indicators cannot be lower than + 18 + 24 degrees. The level of humidity in kitchens and bathrooms is not standardized, that is, in rooms where the amount of moisture in the air will inevitably increase due to operational features.
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