Heat and sound insulation, why do you need to do it?

In Dahl's dictionary

Wed warmth and warmth w. weightless substance, more or less filling all bodies, the whole world, or the state of the body, a substance that gives rise to a special feeling in a living being, like light, a thunderstorm (electricity), etc .; the same reason, warmth, manifests itself in many phenomena in nature known in the natural sciences: this is an abstract concept of heat, or the same as caloric and heat, words are superfluous and contradictory, because this is not the name of the creature and not the race, but the very heat , warmth. Heat is born and manifests itself from the rays of the sun, from friction, from compression, combustion, etc. | Heat, warmth, warmth, anti-floor. shame, frost, the degree or measure of the existence of this substance, the measure at which the water does not freeze, the ice begins to melt, or, according to the thermometer, the degree is above zero. From zero downwards, the degree of frost is considered, and upwards - heat. At 80 degrees Celsius, the water boils. The highest degree of heat, which is painful for a person, is called heat. Marriage's goodness (dowry), like winter warmth. Goodbye, mother Russia, I will reach for the warmth (says the crane on departure). | A lesser degree of heat, pleasing to our senses, is opposite to the floor. cold, cold. It smelled of spring warmth. Summer warmth. It's warm in the yard. | * Warmth of soul, heart, feelings, kind, merciful, cordial disposition, love. With what warmth he spoke his speech! There is a lot of warmth in his words. | * Warmth, church. warm water poured into the chalice before communion during the liturgy. | Warm, warm (t) b, warmth, warmth, strong, according to our feelings, warmth, heat, or prolonged, abundant warmth. In the warmth, everything will start to grow. The warmth soars after the rain. Teplina overpowered everyone "> completely. So it was doused with warmth. What warmth is worth it! | Teplin and stove heat. A hut with a greenhouse for a kid with a gray hair. | Teplina, Novg. olon, vologodsk. resins. a lighted torch, a burning kindling, and generally warm, in the meaning. fire, south. bagatier, not for light, but for flooding, dialect. and warmth and warmth cf. Give me some heat, go dry the barn. | To light a greenhouse in the field and warm up, fire in the field, in the wild. | Heat, app. the fire. Crack out the heat! cut out the fire. | Warmth, adv. from adj. warm. It's warm, warm, warm here. Warm-warm, but not summer; kindness, kindness, but not a mother! From one mouth and warm and cold. Where it is warm, there is goodness. Warmth (in the hut), as God himself lives! Our hut is unequally warm: it's warm on the stove, cold on the floor. The hand of a dear is warm, he loves so much. Better to leave for the warmth. So that everyone is warm and we feel good (do it). And we are warm, and you are satisfying, and he is cool. Warm, in which there is warmth, warmth available to our senses; warmed up, emitting warmth. Warm day - oven - home. Warm hand of a torovat, cold stingy. Warm wind from the south. Warm summer water. It's warm in the yard, pretty warm. | * Diligent, complacent, loving, hot. Warm prayer. - wishes. He's a warm guy, a cheat. Warm place, profitable. Give alms with a warm hand, complacently. Transfer the estate with a warm hand, alive, not by bequest, but by dedication. Lukewarm water. Lukewarmness, condition according to the app. Greenhouse, -lichka, greenhouse, warm, half-glass structure, adapted for keeping and growing plants of warm countries, hot zone; see greenhouse. | A building with ovens at a vitriol plant. | Warm spring, spring, hot spring. Greenhouses, or warm waters, healing waters in general. Caucasian greenhouses. Greenhouse fruits are inferior in quality, airy. Our girls grow as hothouse flowers. Thermal, warm, relative to heat. Thermal windows, sib. winter, double. Thermal (feed) n. g. old. collection from the hearth, from the smoke, from the house, from the tax. Thermal avg. payment in the winter at inns for the post, for sugrev, for the warmth of the house. Teplevo east.lodging warmth, in standing yards, the same. Heat is paid for heat. Tepluha, teplushka, stove; | a warm room, hotly heated; a separate, warm hut (not a cage), or a special kitchenette, cooking. | Warm water. Teplik and teplik novg. hard. a kind of wheat bread, cow. | Teplik, Psk. warm cellar, exit, basement. Greenhouse psk. the pot in which the cowboy is baked. Greenhouse and teyalak, greenhouse, warm breeze, southern, eastern; | on the Pskovskoemer, east, and east wind. | Teplyak, sib. women's fur coat with ears (hare) fur. | Teplyaki, sib. felt boots, wire rods. Teplinka solid. greenhouses pl. kaz. fire in a barn, in a barn or in a stove. Fedul blew like a warmth. Fedul came, the hothouse blew, on April 5. On Fedula, dissolve the window. The crickets are waking up. Fedul pouted his lips (bad weather on April 5). On Stratilata the hothouse-go oats in a hurry, June 8. Father south set the wind on the oats. Te plik novg. psk. wheat loaf. Tepyolok m. Psk. the warm time of the day when it warms up. We will arrive in a warm place, until evening, warm and dawn. Heat what, burn, scorch or | melting, melting easy-melting. Warm the barn, sowing. heat, heat. Heat a candle, an icon lamp in front of the icon. She lit a candle for God. | Heat wax, lard, melt it, dissolve in a light heat. The little night is a little flickering. A candle is glowing in the church. Generally, about the church. a candle and a lamp talk. heat, heat, heat, etc. The water is glowing, novg. heats up. The ice is glimmering, melting. Warmth, action. by verb. Warm up, get warmer, keep warm. The weather is getting warmer. An hour after the fire, the stove began to warm up. Warmth, sos. by verb. Heat meter, thermometer, thermometer, or projectile showing the relative degree of heat. -rny, referring to it. A heat-conducting substance, a body (in short, warm?), A good heat conductor, for example. all metals. - water content, - water content, property is (warmth?). Calorific, -creative, relative to calorific, see above.

Materials used

First of all, having decided to insulate an apartment or a private house, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials that can be used, as well as their properties. It should be noted right away that not all materials that act as insulation have good sound insulating properties. Currently, among the insulating materials for thermal insulation, there are three types: mineral wool, isolon and cork sheets.

As for foam and propylene, they should not be considered here, since these materials cannot boast of sound insulation properties. It also makes no sense to consider various substrates that play the role of a sound barrier, since they do not have the qualities of thermal insulation.

Based on this, there is a choice, either to create a multi-layer structure, or to choose a material that has two demanded qualities at once. The second option is more preferable, since there will be much less possible space reduction here. Each of the options for a material with heat and sound insulation properties must be considered separately.

Cotton insulating materials

Almost all variants of wadded products have similar qualities and properties, so there is little point in considering stone wool, glass wool and slag wool separately.

First of all, it is worth highlighting the qualities and advantages of mineral wool:

  • products have low thermal conductivity;
  • mineral wool fibers are not subject to fire;
  • the material has good shape retention properties. It is resistant to mechanical damage, tearing, and compression;
  • mineral wool is distinguished by excellent sound insulation qualities;
  • for such products, ease of installation work is inherent;
  • products are resistant to biological and chemical attack;
  • in addition, the material does not deform in any way with temperature drops.

The products are produced in two types: in the form of rolled mineral wool, as well as in the form of finished layers. Depending on the requirements, the material may vary in thickness.

Further, it is worth considering some recommendations for installing such a product for an apartment or a private house:

  • First of all, steam or waterproofing material is not sewn on the wall surface. Next, you need to prepare a frame made of wood or metal. To carry out high-quality heat and sound insulation, it is desirable that the cells of the frame do not go beyond the size of 50 centimeters by 50 centimeters.
  • After the frame is ready, the mineral wool is cut into pieces slightly larger than the cells. It is very important that the insulating material is tightly packed.
  • Fixing the insulating layer is possible using any method convenient for you.
  • Further, the insulating layer must be covered with a facing material.

After that, we can say that the thermal and sound insulation has been made. Then you can proceed to further finishing without hindrance. It is worth considering that the construction of such an insulating layer will steal 10 centimeters from the usable space, so you should first think about this nuance.

With this method of isolating an apartment or a private house, there should be no significant difficulties. All the above work can be done independently without special knowledge and skills.

House-shaped cotton material
Cotton material

Using isolone

This material has excellent thermal insulation properties, as well as protection of the room from extraneous noise. Don't underestimate it because of its subtlety. One layer of isolon is in no way inferior in quality to mineral wool with a layer thickness of five centimeters. Also, the material perfectly protects the surface from steam, fungus and moisture. At the same time, the isolon does not absorb moisture.

The following advantages from the use of such an insulating material stand out:

  • the material has a closed-cell structure, this moment allows you to regulate the heat transfer of the surface where the isolon is mounted.
  • if the product is used as a substrate under a floor covering, the impact resistance of the material also stands out.
  • isolon is distinguished by its low mass and flexible structure.
  • the material is resistant to open fire.
  • along with the mentioned qualities, it is worth noting that isolon is distinguished by its low cost. This moment significantly increases the demand for this material.
  • Isolon can also be easily assembled and, if necessary, dismantled without leaving any traces behind.

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Installation of this material can be carried out both with an adhesive and with conventional fasteners. The use of the material is allowed both inside the premises of an apartment, or a private house, and for the external insulation of a building.

Heat-insulating isolon in a roll
Heat insulating isolon

Using cork

Quite often, the heat and sound insulation of the erected walls is carried out using cork coverings. Having stopped your choice on this material, first of all, you need to know the positive aspects of its use:

  • this insulating material has waterproof properties;
  • also cork coverings are resistant to fire;
  • the material is not adversely affected by deformation and other pressure;
  • the final product has hypoallergenic properties;
  • no fungus or mold forms on the surface of such coatings;
  • the material is not subject to contamination, in addition, dust does not settle on its surface;
  • The finished insulation coating perfectly retains extraneous harsh sounds, and also has excellent thermal insulation properties.

Along with a large list of advantages from its use, minor disadvantages also stand out, namely:

  • rather high cost of finished products that not everyone can afford;
  • traces of mechanical stress often remain on the material;
  • a protective layer of cork covering, has a low resistance.

These disadvantages do not stand out as much compared to the large list of advantages. The product is distinguished by a large list of possible types in which cork coverings are performed:

  • Cork crumb wallpaper. Here, installing them will require some skills.
  • Technical cork covering, which is made individually for other types of finishing materials.
  • For flooring, as well as walls in the bathroom and in the kitchen, cork tiles are perfect.
  • Liquid cork. This type of insulating material is not very popular as a product for renovation work.
  • Cork insulation rolls.

It is not so difficult to carry out a high-quality installation of cork, but provided that you are ready for painstaking work. Otherwise, it is better to entrust it to specialists. It is worth noting that when installing the coating, it is not allowed to simultaneously use materials that contain gypsum.

Cork walls
Cork flooring in the hall

In the Ozhegov dictionary

WARM, -a, cf. 1. Heated, warm state of something. Warm up with the warmth of your body. Pulls warmth from the stove. The house was given so (central heating included). 2. Warm air, its temperature is above zero. It's five degrees outside. 3. Warm year "> weather, warm season. Spring, summer t. After winter came t. All nature wakes up with warmth. T. Indian summer. 4. Warm, heated place, room. The cat loves to sleep warm. Keep living in hunger, head in the cold, and feet warm (last). Feeling of warmth, body warmth. All over my body the pleasant so-called 6. perev. A cordial, kind attitude, a gratifying feeling. G. friendship. Sincere t. Surround the guest with warmth. || adj. thermal, th, th (to 2 values). T. blow (acute painful condition caused by exposure of the body to high temperatures of sunlight).

In the dictionary of D.N. Ushakova

HEAT, heat, pl. no, cf. 1. The same as warmth "title =" what is warmth, the meaning of the word warmth in Ushakov's dictionary "> warmth in 3 and thermal energy (see thermal "title =" what is thermal, the meaning of the word thermal in Ushakov's dictionary "> thermal; physical). The amount of heat required to heat a given body by 1 ° is called heat capacity. 2. The heated, warm state of something (air, etc.). It's seven degrees in the yard. Heat comes from a hot stove. Keep your feet warm. "Need drove him out of the warmth of the house." Saltykov-Shchedrin. "The wind showered Artamonov with fragrant warmth." M. Gorky. 3. transfer The same as warmth "title =" what is warmth, the meaning of the word warmth in Ushakov's dictionary "> warmth in 2 · meaning. (· Rare). II. HEAT. 1. adv. to warm in 1, 3, 4 and 5 · values. Dress warmly because it's freezing today. It is warm to speak about someone, to meet someone warmly. 2. · Bezl., Meaning predicate. About the warmth of the air, about the warm weather, and also about the warmth of the soul. - warmth in the sun. "Spring takes its rights." Fet. It's always warm in my room. "You are flying with a dream to a distant homeland, and your soul is brighter, warmer." Nekrasov. | to whom; to what. About the feeling of warmth by someone. Let me wrap you up to keep you warm.

Question answer

  • How to calculate the number and power of radiators?
  • Which pipes are best?
  • Why do you need an expansion tank?
  • Which boiler to choose single-circuit or double-circuit?

How to calculate the number and power of radiators?
A similar calculation is made for the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe room. It is taken as an axiom that for an ordinary living space, 100 W is enough per 1 square meter of area.Thus, it turns out that a 1 kW radiator is needed for a room with an area of ​​10 square meters. or 2 radiators of 500 watts each. But such a calculation is suitable for rooms with low heat loss, otherwise it is necessary to use a raising coefficient

Which pipes are best?

The undisputed leaders are polypropylene pipes due to their low cost and ease of installation. Unfortunately, this is sometimes enough for the customer to choose them. But in our opinion, the best metal-plastic pipes. They have a metal frame that increases rigidity and, compared to XLPE pipes, are inexpensive and easy to install.

Why do you need an expansion tank?

When the hot water supply and heating system starts up, a certain pressure is created. After starting the boiler, the water heats up and expands, this inevitably leads to an increase in pressure in the entire system. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a special expansion vessel for pressure compensation.

Which boiler to choose single-circuit or double-circuit?

A single-circuit boiler provides heating only for the premises, and the installation of a double-circuit boiler makes it possible to heat and heat hot water. But, a double-circuit boiler is very demanding on the quality of water, because of poor water, its heat exchanger very quickly clogs up and fails. There is one more disadvantage of a double-circuit boiler - this is the jumps in the temperature of hot water. We recommend installing a single-circuit boiler with an indirect heating boiler connected to it.

About us

TeploVdome is a team of professionals engaged in the design, installation and maintenance of engineering networks in Sergiev Posad, Moscow and the Moscow region. Our services include heating, electrical installation, ventilation, water supply and sewerage. We cooperate only with well-known manufacturers who give a guarantee for the quality of their products - Rehau, STOUT, Protherm, Viessmann, Buderus, etc.



