Stoves, fireplaces
Date of publication: 01 July 2018 Nowadays, a heating fireplace is a very functional product,
MUST SEE EVERYONE! In that article I will tell you what a cauldron is and why it should
A Dutch stove with a stove is one of the most popular types of heating structures in all
The fireplace is considered an important element of the interior of a country house. The flame contributes to the creation of a cozy atmosphere in which
Furnaces for long burning bricks with wood are becoming quite popular devices in suburban areas and in
The Russian stove for our ancestors meant much more than an ordinary building intended for heating.
Varieties of muffle furnaces According to their design features, the devices are subdivided into: tubular or cylindrical; horizontal or
Despite the fact that at present the central position is occupied by an independent, independent from external
Principle of operation The principle of operation of a blast furnace is as follows: ore is loaded into the receiving chamber