Comfortable temperature and hot water - this is the merit of the electric boiler and the indirect heating boiler

The boiler is an important component of the heating system, on which the efficiency of its operation depends. Today one of the most common types of heating is hot water, which explains the growing popularity of the use of hot water boilers.

On sale you can see a variety of units, the difference between which lies in the used coolant, design, installation technology, etc.


The hot water boiler is used to heat small buildings, cottages and town houses. Usually, such units are used in the absence of a central heating system or in a situation where it is inexpedient to build a boiler room. In addition to heating, they are used in the hot water supply system.

A hot water boiler is a device for heating water under pressure, i.e. without the possibility of its boiling.

Classification of gas-fueled devices

By appointment, hot water gas boilers are divided into two large categories:

  • Industrial devices that are characterized by high power. Steam is used as a coolant;
  • Domestic boilers with the power required for heating premises of a certain area, however, it is much less than that of industrial ones.

By design, the units are divided into:

  • Outdoor.
  • Wall mounted.

By the temperature level of the coolant:

  • Low temperature, temperature up to 115 ° С. Low-temperature operation is considered the most economical, but it places high demands on the material used for the manufacture of the boiler. The effect of low temperatures in the boiler can contribute to the short-term formation of condensate on its surfaces, which has a negative effect on surfaces in contact with combustion products.
  • Superheated water boilers.

For the first time on the Russian market - an electric wall-mounted heating boiler from Vaillant!

Electric boilers galant, read here.

Modern wall-mounted boilers are:

  • double-circuit - for heating and hot water supply;
  • single-circuit - only for heating.

Taking into account the air supply system, heating equipment comes with a closed combustion chamber (the air required to maintain combustion is taken from outside), and with an open chamber (air from the room is used).

All wall-mounted gas boilers in miniature have all the elements of the boiler room, including a pump, systems for removing combustion products, safety and automatic control, an expansion tank, etc.

Heat carrier temperature

Allocate the nominal and minimum water temperature at the inlet to the boiler. The nominal temperature is the temperature that the device must provide under normal operating conditions. It usually ranges from 60 to 110 ° C.

The minimum temperature must be observed in order to avoid low-temperature corrosion of the pipeline due to the formation of condensation in it.

The maximum temperature at the outlet of the boiler is such a level at which the boiling of the coolant does not occur. Usually it is 110-115 ° C.

The unit with this indicator is intended for individual use. But there are also products with a higher maximum temperature value. They are used to equip CHP plants.

Gradient. This is the temperature difference between the water entering and leaving the boiler. Usually its value is 50-55 ° С.The gradient index is influenced by the material from which the equipment is made.

The myth that a hydrogen boiler is the most economical way to heat your home

You can often hear that a hydrogen boiler is the most economical heating method for a private house. Usually, to substantiate this thesis, references are used to the high heat of combustion of hydrogen - more than 3 times higher than that of natural gas. A simple conclusion is drawn from this - it is more profitable to heat a house with hydrogen than with gas.

Hydrogen boiler manufactured by Giacomini S.p.A.

Sometimes, as an argument for the efficiency of a hydrogen boiler, the so-called "Brown's gas" or a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen atoms (HHO), which releases even more heat during combustion, and on which "advanced boilers" operate. After this, the justification for efficiency simply ends, leaving the imagination of the layman to draw beautiful pictures under the general title "heating for almost nothing." Just think - hydrogen burns "warmer" and is obtained from practically free water, a complete benefit!

The imagination is also fueled by the news about the ever-growing fleet of cars running on hydrogen fuel, as an alternative to traditional ones. Say, if cars run on hydrogen, then a hydrogen boiler is really a worthwhile thing.

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But in reality, things are a little more complicated. If pure hydrogen were an element readily available in nature, everything would be so, or almost so, it would be. But the fact is that pure hydrogen is not found on Earth - only in a bound form, for example, in the form of water. Therefore, in practice, hydrogen must first be obtained from somewhere, moreover, with the help of energy-consuming chemical reactions.


Modern hot water boilers are arranged in about the same way. They may differ by manufacturer (domestic and foreign) and by power characteristics.

Speaking of structural design, all boilers are divided into:

Steel and cast iron boilers

Boilers with a steel heat exchanger have a long flue gas path. Therefore, they transfer heat better to the heat exchanger. In addition, the walls of the flue gas duct are easy to clean. To achieve a high level of efficiency, in cast iron boilers, the surface of the heat exchanger has many fins that are close to each other. The design of such a boiler does not have a long flue gas path, therefore cleaning such a boiler is a difficult and time-consuming process.

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Category: Construction / Engineering systems | Date: January 15, 2013 | |

Water heating boilers

use a heat source to heat cold water coming from a municipal water supply system or a well. The heated water is stored in a tank and distributed on demand to showers, bathtubs, sinks and other hot water equipment.

Water heating boilers for heating

perform both the function of heating water and the function of heating, saving money on the installation of the entire system. Only one boiler is used, only one burner and one extractor hood is required. Very often, such a combined system uses an insulated external storage tank with a highly efficient boiler to heat the water that passes through a heat exchanger (like a car's radiator). The system then distributes the heat around the house using a distribution network, just like a traditional heating boiler.

For the united heating systems

... that do not use highly efficient boilers, very soon the initial savings are reduced due to the very low seasonal efficiency. The boiler is sized to produce enough heat to heat the house on the coldest winter day. However, in spring, summer and autumn, when heating is not required, the same boiler only heats water. The result is that an oversized hot water boiler is only used at full capacity for a few months a year, resulting in low efficiency.

Quite often, alternative types of water heaters are used - without a storage tank. The heat exchanger inside the boiler heats the water only on demand, without accumulating it in the tank. Water flows through the heating elements inside the boiler when one of the taps in the house opens. The disadvantage of such a system is the reduced efficiency in the warmer months, when there is no need to heat the room, while the water heater must be hot all the time.

Despite the constant increase in the cost of utilities, electric heating boilers remain in demand and popular. The high costs of heating with electricity are well paid off due to simple installation, relatively low cost of equipment, ease of use and other features of electric hot water equipment. The range of these useful and safe devices is wide enough to effectively heat both a large cottage and a modest summer cottage. We suggest you dig deeper into these units in order to understand how they work and which one is better to buy for your home.


There are the following rules for the operation of hot water boilers:

  • A hot water boiler requires systematic checks and adjustments, and a specialist is obliged to do this.
  • A professional should install and adjust the operation of boiler equipment.
  • The boiler needs to be adjusted every three years.

Flow-through water heating systems

If you want to provide an apartment with an alternative source of hot water, you can pay attention to flow systems. They differ in three types:

  1. Stationary flow systems. They are mounted as a separate element, as they have a larger volume and require a separate installation space. This can be the space under the bathroom, or under the sink. The latter is equipped with a decorative curbstone, in which the entire water heating system is successfully "hidden".
  2. Water heaters in the bathroom as a tap attachment. This versatile device fits over the mixer tube in front of the swivel neck. For the needs of washing or for cleaning dishes, such a design is ideal, but such a device cannot provide a bath or shower.
  3. Faucet with electric water heating. New type of heating device for instantaneous water heater. Has its own mixer for water. The water heats up in the same way as with the nozzles, but much faster (depending on how much the cold water supply is open). It is quite possible to apply such a system in conditions where there is no hot water. For example, in summer cottages. It will not be possible to wash in the bathroom (the water will cool down), but it is quite possible to take a shower. Such a device is inexpensive, it is installed by the forces of its home "craftsman" and is characterized by low power consumption. Such a water heater in the bathroom has been gaining in popularity lately.


