How to insulate an aluminum profile on a balcony before it turns into a piece of ice?

From the author: hello dear readers! Now I want to share my experience so you know,

how to insulate an aluminum profile on the balcony yourself and at the same time achieve the maximum effect.

How to insulate an aluminum profile on a balcony before it turns into a piece of ice?

Once, while installing a balcony made of metal profiles in an office building, the customer thought that the temperature on the sixteenth floor in winter would be an order of magnitude higher than below, and refused artificial insulation. As a sane person, I tried to insist that such a decision was wrong, especially if this area will be used not as a place for relaxation, but as a conference room with a gorgeous view of the city.

In response from the customer, I heard only that I was trying to rip off more money from him, and that all the arguments that I give are stupid, and nothing more.

Construction work was carried out in winter, so he could not immediately assess the scale of the tragedy. My wait was not quite long, because with the first cold weather that hit in the second month of autumn, I received a call from the same customer, who thought that now the insulation of aluminum windows on all balconies of the office would be more acceptable.

Having explained to him that these works presuppose almost complete dismantling of the structure, and having announced the amount, I was again sent by this character so far, where no human had ever set foot. A little more than a month later, just at the time when the first December frosts began to draw patterns on the windows of our houses and apartments, my phone again burst out with a call from the same person who tearfully apologized, realizing that the price I was calling then was the top tolerance.

Alas, high-rise work is a service that is paid differently in summer and winter, and rude words in my direction resulted in a fine. However, the total was still lower than usual and we got to work. The conclusion from this asks only in the form of a proverb that the miser pays twice. And in the case of insulation of a balcony with aluminum profiles - even three times.

Thermal insulation of aluminum window structures

When an aluminum frame is used for glazing, one cannot fail to note some of its properties: along with high strength, lightness and low price, this material has high thermal conductivity, which is not considered by everyone to be a positive characteristic.

The aluminum profile forms vertical posts and horizontal transoms, thus the glazing contour is divided into sectors. Either a window with opening sashes, or "dull" glass (fixed), or an opaque panel is installed inside each sector.

In some cases, a balcony or loggia is equipped with single glasses inserted into an aluminum profile. The cost of such structures is low. However, all the costs of insulation are borne by the residents.

There are several options to insulate such a window:

Thermal insulation of aluminum windows by installing a second row of glazing is the cheapest and easiest way to save the balcony from freezing, and also provides a good level of sound insulation. This technique is also used when it is not possible to dismantle the aluminum profile with which your loggia is equipped. However, this method has a drawback. A window closed with an internal thermal circuit is rather difficult to clean, and not every loggia can withstand a large mass of glazing. As a result, this method is rarely used.

In some cases, the loggia is completely freed from glazing: the entire aluminum frame is removed, and a "warm" contour is installed in its place. But insulation in this way is possible if the loggia or balcony has independent glazing within one floor.

With through glazing covering several floors, in order to insulate the window, the third method is most often used. The opening sashes are replaced on the PVC window structure, and the "blind" glasses are removed, and double-glazed windows are installed in their place. Then, with the help of sandwich panels, the remaining sections of the old glazing are insulated.

If the insulation is carried out in this way, then the loggia and balcony can be safely used as a pleasant addition to the living space all year round.

Insulation of sliding window structures on the balcony

For effective use of a glazed balcony, the best option is to use sliding systems. But here an important question arises, how and with what to insulate the sliding windows on the balcony?

First of all, in order to insulate balcony sliding products, it is necessary to take into account the principle of their operation. Window blocks can be opened according to the following principles:

  • Moving the transom along parallel guide profiles using wheels.
  • The transom is first put forward straight, and only then it is shifted to the side.
  • The sash travel is made to the top along the plumb lines.

Of course, you can entrust the laymen with insulating sliding window transoms, but this will cost a lot of money and the result will not always be good.

Important! All the manipulations to insulate the balcony with glazing can be done with your own hands. The main condition is to carry out all work in warm weather.

When performing work, you should not lose sight of safety precautions, you should also study the technology and take into account all the likely results of insulation work if the product has a warranty period.

Insulation progress:

  • Preparatory manipulations. This work involves removing old sealant or foam. You also need to remove dirt and grease from the surface.
  • Determination of places where cold air enters. You can install them with your hand or a lighter fire. For sealing, use foam, sealant or tape.
  • In addition to the frame contour, you can insulate the line of junction of the profile with the window sill, slopes, ebb tides.
  • It is necessary to assess the technical condition of the mechanism with which the plowing is performed, since in most cases the loss of heat occurs due to improper installation or operation of windows.

The seal tends to wear out

Important! The reason for the loss of heat can be the deterioration of the seal, when replaced, all problems disappear.

Cold and warm glazing of the loggia

An aluminum profile window will not be able to keep heat at the proper level, therefore such glazing is called "cold". In winter, a loggia (balcony) with such glazing cannot be used as an additional living space due to the so-called cold bridges. Through them, the air inside will be cooled. In order for the loggia to be fully used as a study or a winter garden, "warm" glazing is used, which provides for the installation of plastic windows. The advantage of PVC structures is a high degree of thermal insulation, however, a "cold" aluminum window during installation is much cheaper. Thus, when choosing the type of glazing, it is necessary to decide how the loggia will ultimately be used.

Of course, you can make insulation on your own, however, so that the balcony or loggia is not only a reliable shield from the cold for a long time, but also pleases the eye with a neat appearance, it is advisable to turn to professionals for help.will carry out all the necessary work, you will only have to enjoy the comfort of your home, looking through a warm window at bad weather or winter cold!

Insulation of plastic windows

Cold weather sets in and we begin to think about how to save our apartment from the draft and noise of the metropolis. There are many "folk" methods and tips described on the Internet, which we will omit. But this brings a lot of trouble, a waste of time and money to prepare for the winter, spoils the appearance, when in the spring you have to remove everything and tint the damaged sections of the opening and so on every year. Of course, they will help you eliminate drafts in the cold season, but only until next spring.

Thermal insulation of plastic windows in Moscow and the region

How can you insulate a balcony with cold glazing

Developers of residential neighborhoods in large cities, regional centers and even small settlements are commissioning houses with standard glazing of balconies and loggias. The standard scheme for its implementation is the installation of an aluminum profile frame and installation in the window sashes of a single sheet glass. This is due to the fact that, according to existing standards and building codes, balconies and loggias are not living quarters, but perform auxiliary functions and therefore do not need insulation. From a financial point of view, such a design is the most economical for the developer and relieves him of responsibility for imperfections that may arise during the installation of more expensive and demanding warm glazing.

Recently, a fashionable trend is the insulation of the balcony with cold glazing, which allows residents not only to save heat energy, which is subject to accounting and appropriate payment, but also to expand the useful living area of ​​the apartment. On a warm balcony, you can arrange a workshop, make a study, create a flower or vegetable greenhouse.

At the same time, the question arises for homeowners: how to insulate balconies with cold glazing. If the walls and parapet can be covered with effective modern insulation and sheathed on top with finishing from a number of common and popular materials, then the solution to the problem of cold glazing is much more difficult.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that any changes and alterations to the standard glazing can lead to a change in the appearance of the facade of the building, and the reconstruction may not be approved by the relevant services. As a result, replacing cold glazing with warm glazing may be prohibited. And in the case of work carried out without permission, penalties and a lawsuit may follow, as a result of which a decision is usually made to dismantle the installed glazing.

How to insulate aluminum frames on the balcony?

How to insulate aluminum windows on the balcony?

Not so long ago, panoramic glazing was an attribute of exclusively premium housing. Floor-to-shelf windows were expensive, but provided a stunning view from the apartment, making the surrounding space a part of the interior.

Today, such glazing is available to everyone, but owners of specific apartments often have problems with their thermal insulation.

How to insulate a panoramic balcony in order to provide an optimal microclimate in the home without violating the integrity and aesthetics of the structure?

Types of panoramic glazing of a balcony

It is customary to call panoramic windows / transparent walls that provide a large view of the surrounding area. In an apartment, it can be a loggia with double-glazed windows from floor to ceiling or a balcony with glazing on several planes.

Technically, this can be organized in 3 ways:

  • using traditional window systems. They consist of several sections, mounted in one row using a common frame;
  • using facade glazing.It can be represented by frameless double-glazed windows installed on vertical transoms and horizontal lintels or by a solid glass plane. In both cases, the light-transmitting panels are sealed with a special sealant;
  • using frameless glass systems. Thick tempered glass with processed edges acts as a fence. It can be monolithic (fixed, represented by one solid glass unit) or tape, when the doors of the structure move on guides (like sliding wardrobes, according to the accordion principle).

Each version of panoramic balcony glazing differs not only in its aesthetic characteristics, but also in heat-saving properties.

Facade and frameless glazing allows you to isolate the balcony from bad weather. Despite the presence of seals on the doors, all attempts to insulate the structure will be in vain - the heat will still go out into the street. Only the use of traditional window systems can effectively insulate a balcony through the use of special frames and double-glazed windows.

Related article - balcony insulation with mineral wool.

Important nuances

There are significant differences in the insulation of a panoramic balcony and a loggia, provoked by the peculiarities of these structures.

The balcony is always located on a slab protruding from the load-bearing walls of the building and remains open on several sides. The loggia is built into the facade of the house so that only its frontal part borders on the street space.

From the point of view of openness, the balcony is a colder room, and therefore requires more costs for thermal insulation.

The structure of the loggia is reinforced with solid walls, which avoids its deformation during thermal insulation work.

Structural differences between a panoramic balcony and a loggia

Organization of balcony insulation at the design stage

Despite the cardinal differences in the structure of the panoramic balcony and loggia, the same technologies are used to insulate them. Some of them are used even at the stage of building a house, others - when it has already been put into operation.

To prevent heat loss, the main source of which is the glass surface, it is necessary to choose the right light transmission structure. The best option would be "warm windows". This term should be understood as enclosing structures with:

  • insulated profiles. Standard window systems use cold aluminum frames. For additional thermal insulation, they are equipped with thermal bridges - inserts made of polymer materials with low thermal conductivity. Also "warm" are windows with a plastic profile, the thickness of which is at least 80 mm;
  • energy-saving glass unit with optimal heat transfer resistance - 0.78 m² · K / W. They use at least double low-emission glass and the chamber is filled with argon. This prevents heat loss from the premises and improves sound insulation.

Registration of permission for balcony glazing

There is no clear legal regulatory framework on the issue of glazing balconies, so it is difficult to answer whether it is necessary to declare this and whether there is any point in the costly registration of permits. The current legislation provides for the procedure for official registration of repair work in a number of instances when redevelopment is carried out in apartments. Installation, dismantling, repainting and reconfiguration of balcony frames do not apply to reconstruction or redevelopment works, therefore the possibility of their implementation and the legality of installation are determined by local officials or representatives of architectural services. Complaints about the owners may arise if, during the modernization, the color of the entire profile frame or the shape of the window frames is changed.

Cold Glazing Conversion Techniques

The aluminum frame with cold single glass on the balcony protects the room from precipitation, street dirt, wind and dust, but not from the cold air in winter. The majority of residents are not faced with the question of whether it is necessary to insulate the balcony or loggia, they would all like to insulate the balcony with cold glazing. There are a considerable number of ideas and methods for solving this issue from craftsmen and reputable window companies, the reconstruction concerns the insulation of the profile itself and the replacement of glazing, the main methods consist of the following works:

  • Thermal insulation of the aluminum profile. Most often it is pasted over with Penoizol or Penofol from the inside, the effectiveness of this method is close to zero, the only plus is that the insulator will prevent hands and other parts of the body from sticking to the frozen aluminum frame in winter.

Related article: How to conduct light on the balcony with your own hands

  • Pasting a single glass with a heat-insulating film or replacing it with heat-saving types. In the first case, the film is able to reduce heat losses through the glass by 30%; when installing glazing with reflection of thermal radiation, heat losses can be reduced by one and a half to two times. However, these benefits are minimized by the curing of glass and metal balcony frames in winter.
  • Replacement of window sashes. Some masters, due to the fact that it is technically difficult to replace single glass with a warm multi-chamber glass unit in the sash, remove the cold-glazed window sashes and install windows with multi-chamber double-glazed windows in their place. Since the aluminum frame is replaced by a PVC structure, the windows differ in color from the aluminum frame and violate the aesthetics of the exterior of the building. Another design flaw is the installation of heavy windows with multi-chamber double-glazed windows in an aluminum frame that is not designed for heavy weight - this can lead to breakage of the fragile aluminum frame, loosening of its fasteners and collapse of the glazing.

  • Installation of the second glazing circuit. A radical method of insulating cold balconies and loggias is to install a second frame with warm glass inside the room. The method requires significant financial costs, leads to a decrease in the usable area, a violation of the aesthetics of the appearance from the inside of the room, difficulty in ventilation and the accumulation of dirt between the two glazing circuits in places that are difficult to access.
  • Replacing a cold aluminum profile with a warm one. The method allows you to keep the typical appearance of the glazing, which does not cause complaints from housing and architectural services, and to reduce heat loss through the aluminum profile during finishing to a minimum. The warm aluminum profile is an external and internal aluminum frame, separated from each other by a plastic insert, which is a cold bridge. The reconstruction results in the complete replacement of all cold glazing on the balcony or loggia, so the costs are maximum in comparison with other methods. It is better to use the structure in southern latitudes than in cold climates - the insulating plastic partition does not protect the aluminum frame from freezing and frost appears on the glass windows.

An analogue of replacing cold aluminum frames with warm ones is the use of wooden structures, finished on the outside with an aluminum profile. In this case, the old cold aluminum glazing must be changed, wooden frames will cost even more, but will provide high thermal protection of the room in cold northern latitudes.

In this case, double or triple glazed windows are installed in wooden sashes, their advantage in comparison with standard wooden frames is that the outer part is finished with aluminum, which protects the wood from the harmful effects of the external environment (moisture, solar radiation).

How to insulate aluminum windows on a balcony - All about insulation and energy efficiency

How to insulate aluminum windows on the balcony?

The glazing of the balcony turns this, often little-functional, part of the apartment into an additional living or utility room, significantly expanding the scope of its use. It is important to choose the right type of glazing, depending on the purpose of the loggia or balcony, technical and financial capabilities.

Cold or warm windows

If the balcony is not planned to be insulated, then it is enough to install cold glazing from an inexpensive aluminum profile. It will protect the space from atmospheric precipitation, wind and dust - you get an analogue of a summer veranda. Lightweight aluminum structures are often the only way out for residents of old houses with weak slabs, who want to somehow improve their balconies and use them to the maximum advantage.

Aluminum sliding windows

Single-chamber double-glazed windows will provide good sound insulation, but will not save you from heat loss through the floor, ceiling and walls. The use of more expensive 2-3-chamber double-glazed windows for an uninsulated balcony does not make sense at all.

If the loggia will join the total area of ​​the apartment or be used as a separate living space, then in addition to the mandatory work on capital insulation, it is necessary to provide warm windows, at least with a double glazing.

It is profitable to order inexpensive windows with one- and two-chamber double-glazed windows for a balcony or loggia, you can on the website "Moscow - Window"!

Single and double glazed windows

Window types by frame material

If in the case of cold glazing the best choice is aluminum structures, then with a warm version the number of points that need to be taken into account expands significantly. The frame material selection opens this list.


Modern wooden double-glazed windows have many advantages:

  • good sound insulation;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • long service life;
  • excellent hygienic properties;
  • an irreplaceable feeling of warmth, home coziness and comfort.

However, they are rarely used for balcony glazing for a number of reasons:

  • High price. For most standard apartments, it is economically impractical to install wooden double-glazed windows on the balcony.
  • The need for regular painting to prevent degradation. In the case of balcony glazing, it is quite problematic to do this from the outside.
  • Great weight. In most cases, it is necessary to carry out a serious strengthening of the slab, which requires effort and expense, and in many cases it is technically impossible.


The material has an impressive list of advantages:

  • lightness - there is no need for capital reinforcement of the slab and parapet;
  • strength and durability;
  • fire resistance;
  • not affected by harmful environmental factors;
  • thanks to the thin frames, the luminous flux entering the room is increased.

Warm double-glazed windows made of aluminum are equipped with thermal inserts, which compensate for the high thermal conductivity of the metal. In terms of heat saving indicators, such windows are very close to plastic ones; therefore, they can be safely chosen by residents of regions with mild and temperate climates. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Warm aluminum profile


This is the most common type of material for insulating glass units. Plastic structures have practically no drawbacks, they have an optimal performance / price ratio:

  • excellent noise and heat insulation;
  • high strength;
  • sustainability
  • easy installation;
  • undemanding care;
  • various colors and designs.

The only technical limitation for installing PVC double-glazed windows is a weak balcony slab in old houses, which cannot be loaded with relatively heavy systems.

Opening type

As a rule, most of the balcony glazing is made in a blank design - this provides a good luminous flux and helps to save money. But it is also necessary to provide for opening sashes - the systems are presented in a wide constructive variety, each of them has its own characteristics. The convenience of using the window structure will depend on the right choice.

Swivel... The presence of a rotary mechanism provides access to the entire surface of the sash, allows you to wash adjacent blind sections from the outside. But this design has many drawbacks:

  • When fully opened, a powerful air flow is generated, which is often not needed. Therefore, combs and various limiters of the opening angle are placed on the pivoting sashes, which quickly fail and increase the total cost of the glass unit.
  • With frequent opening, the sash sags, which requires constant adjustments, but their number is limited. The fittings and hinges of swing systems are more likely to fail, as they experience increased loads.
  • Cannot be set to micro ventilation mode.
  • Not safe for children and animals.

Folding... A system in which the lower horizontal is fixed, and the upper part is folded into the room at a limited angle. The design is convenient for airing, while being as safe as possible. The main disadvantage is the inability to wash the glass from the outside.

Swing-out. The most convenient and common type. Despite the fact that these systems are slightly more expensive, they are preferable, since they combine the advantages of a hinged and hinged design and have several opening modes.

Transom. The design of the window is similar to the window leaf - only the upper part of the sash can be folded back. Often installed with panoramic glazing for safe ventilation.

Sliding. Due to the design features, such sashes are used only for cold glazing. They allow you to save space on a limited area of ​​a balcony or loggia. Cons - insufficient tightness along the line of abutment to the frame, freezing in the cold season, which blocks the possibility of opening.

There are other sash designs: pivoting along a vertical or horizontal axis, folding, suspended, with outward opening - but they are not often used, mainly for solving non-standard tasks.

Technical characteristics of double-glazed windows

For warm glazing, the task is to create a comfortable microclimate, which directly depends on the technical characteristics of the glass unit:

Number of cameras... The more of them, the better thermal insulation properties will have a double-glazed window, but not indefinitely. For example, 5-6-chamber windows by this indicator are not much different from 3-chamber windows - they are quite enough even for the harsh Russian climate. On the other hand, the more chambers, the higher the total weight of the structure, and, therefore, the load on the balcony slab.

Professional insulation of the balcony frame

Some window companies carry out glazing and insulation of balconies with cold frames, using modern technologies and materials. When carrying out work, the following stages are the main ones:

  1. Sealing cracks in the ceiling with metal plates and polyurethane foam.
  2. Warming of frames around the perimeter with Vilatherm 60 mm., Polyurethane foam and Penofol
  3. Insulation with Penofol and sandwich panels of the balcony parapet

Typical glazing and insulation of balconies and loggias of modern high-rise buildings currently does not satisfy many residents because of its budget and cold indoors in winter. It is better to insulate a loggia or balcony with the installation of new warm high-quality glazing with the help of window firms performing these types of work, while new multi-chamber double-glazed windows are installed and the aluminum frame is insulated.

Modern ways

Window insulation using Swedish technology: modern insulation methods have advanced very far. To insulate glass with their own hands, they use a heat-reflecting film, devices for electric heating of window glass and frames.

Aluminum frames are sealed with modern polyurethane foams and sealants, which perfectly fulfill their function and can get into the deepest and narrowest gaps. In addition, using sealants, you can hide all traces of such insulation.

Window insulation according to Swedish technology is possible for wooden window frames. The glass unit is removed and set aside. In the place where the window frame is in contact with the sash, a groove is cut using a special electric cutter. Then the sealing strip is installed in this groove. After the window is put back on.

Swedish technology

Insulation of windows using Swedish technology has a fairly good effect on the final quality. But a milling cutter can not be found in every home, and some skills will be required to use it with your own hands, so it is better to entrust the work to a professional. The entire installation process is quite quick, and is perfect for a sudden cold weather.

Tips and nuances in work

Insulating the cracks with special sealants, carry out the entire process carefully, leaving no gaps. You will not save on this, and the quality of the work done will be much worse. Always insulate the joints under the windowsill with polyurethane foam.

Very often it is through them that a lot of cold sweats enter, since everyone forgets about them. Aluminum frames are not recommended to be insulated with electrical thermal systems.

When insulating seams with your own hands using foam rubber or cotton wool, try to seal them as much as possible at the joints. When securing with masking tape, overlap the pieces of livestock to prevent air seepage.

If the tape does not want to adhere properly and constantly peels off, then regular strips of paper can be used. Using a generous amount of glue, secure the paper in place.

Using the balcony as a place to spend time comfortably or as a workplace, you should take care of its warmth. A very good way to insulate a balcony is to seal the windows with your own hands. Do not forget that all insulation work should be carried out carefully and without gaps in order to maximize the effect of the work done. A wide range of different materials helps to choose what is necessary for you and to make the insulation as high quality and effective as possible.

Practical tips for insulating an aluminum balcony

In large cities, capitals of regional centers and even in small populated centers built on the basis of a master plan, new-built houses are increasingly appearing, and more often whole microdistricts from new multi-storey buildings, balconies and loggias of which have a complex semicircular contour and glazing. Glazing made in the same style and color scheme gives an attractive appearance and relieves owners who have purchased apartments in such houses from the worries of self-glazing balconies.

When designing glazing, architects proceed from the fact that a balcony (loggia) is not a heated structure. Therefore, the glazing provided by the project is always laid single, capable of protecting the balcony from wind, dust and precipitation, but not from low temperatures. More than 50% of Russians do not want to comprehend the simple truth in any way - a balcony is not a sauna or a greenhouse.

Having received a glazed loggia as a gift from the developer, they are immediately tormented by the question of how the aluminum balcony is insulated. In this article we will look at various aspects of this problem.

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"Cold" aluminum window profile

Usually, when glazing balconies or loggias, the developer uses the so-called "cold" aluminum window profile with single glazing for glazing. The choice in favor of such glazing is made for economic and technological reasons. This option is the cheapest and does not increase the cost of square meters in a new building. It allows you to easily glaze a semicircular or complex contour of the balcony.

The design of the aluminum window profile does not provide for the installation of a 2-3-layer glass unit.

Even a 3-chamber double-glazed unit will not reduce heat loss from freezing of aluminum, which has excellent thermal conductivity.

Therefore, the developer, by installing such glazing, warns the owners to insulate the balconies and increase energy costs due to the high consumption of heat energy used to heat the street.

But restless citizens, in spite of everything, want to have exactly "warm" balconies. The inability to physically insulate the cold aluminum profile of the balcony window makes them look for all sorts of ways and go to various tricks.

The legal aspect of changing the facade of the building

Any changes made to the enclosing structures of the facade of the building (and these include the parapets of the balconies), as well as glazing that does not correspond to the general architectural concept, require permission from the local executive authorities.

At the level of each constituent entity of the Federation, relevant regulations have been adopted.

In Moscow, this is the Government Decree of October 25, 2011 No. 508 "On the organization of the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings." One of the clauses of this Resolution provides for the mandatory obtaining of a permit if “- the shape of window and door openings in external enclosing structures changes;).

The procedure for obtaining such a permit consists of five consecutive stages and the approval of about 40 documents.

The cost of the services of law firms (in Moscow) providing services for coordinating changes in facades for a full package is about 1,000,000 rubles. There is something to think about.

Warming methods from "craftsmen"

The simplest way that they are trying to solve the problem of insulating the cold aluminum profile of a window on a balcony is pasting over its frame with thermal insulating material - penoizol or penofol. The efficiency of such "insulation" tends to 0. This is understandable. Even using the thickest foam foam of 10 mm, it is impossible to provide sufficient thermal insulation. Such "insulated" aluminum windows lose heat not so much due to freezing of the metal frame, but due to heat loss through a single window glass.

Pasting a single window glass with a heat-insulating (energy-saving) film of high quality can reduce heat loss in winter by up to 30%. But, of course, it cannot completely replace the second or third glazing circuit with the help of a film. Some craftsmen completely remove the window frames from the aluminum profile, leaving only the crossbars-guides, and in their place they mount the PVC-profile windows with double or triple glazing. In this case, the appearance of the facade of the building immediately suffers. Since the PVC profile is thick and visually very different from the aluminum window profile. Such a replacement is not acceptable if the balcony is semicircular.

Another trick to insulate the balcony is to install a secondary glazing system made of PVC profile with double glazing behind the existing glazing. This significantly reduces the area of ​​the balcony and makes it impossible to wash window panes between adjacent window units.

All these "partisan" methods of insulating the cold aluminum profile of balcony windows are either ineffective and still do not allow using it in the cold season, or lead to a critical loss of appearance and functionality.

Various methods of insulation

To keep your home warm and cozy, you should make sure that there are as few sources of cold air as possible. Such sources are old windows, and sometimes new ones worn by time. If you insulate the windows well, then no wind and low temperature will be scary to you.

Let's take a look at the basic and most effective principles by which you should make your own window sealing.

  1. A budget option for sealing the cracks that formed when a window, window or balcony door is not closed tightly is to use a sealing tape. They come in different thicknesses, so they can be matched to the required slot size. Thus, you seal the windows well and do not alter the aesthetic appearance in the least.
  2. All cracks and joints in the window frame and the junction of the window with the slopes are clogged with foam rubber or cotton wool. So that they do not fall out and have a more attractive appearance, masking tape is glued on top.
  3. To seal cracks and joints, you can also use a "porridge" of moistened toilet paper or newspaper. The paper is lowered into water, after which all the water is squeezed out, and the finished material is hammered into the right place. We glue it on top with masking tape or tape. Such a strange mixture keeps heat very well, since it has a rather high density.

Replacement for "warm" aluminum profile

More radical is the replacement of the existing glazing with a "warm" aluminum profile - a structure with disconnecting elements made of PVC or other plastic with a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, the aluminum profile of the window does not freeze, since no cold bridges are formed. “The warm aluminum profile used for balcony windows can have 2nd or 3rd glazing or double-glazed windows like PVC windows.

For southern and middle latitudes, such a replacement can be an excellent way out, since choosing an aluminum profile that matches the width and color is not a particular problem. Outwardly, from the side of the facade of the building, such a window will not stand out from others like it. Perhaps with a different glitter of glass.

But for northern latitudes, even a "warm" aluminum profile is not suitable for insulation. He freezes anyway. If the heating is functioning on the balcony, then ice and icicles form very quickly on the windows and frames.

This is due to the fact that the dew point is shifted towards the balcony and water vapor condensation and freezing occurs inside the balcony room.

Low thermal insulation properties of aluminum windows are incorporated in the very design of the manufacturer of the most popular window systems in Russia: Provedal (Provedal Sistemas, Spain).

What measures for the insulation of aluminum windows do we carry out?

Replacing the rubber seal helps to improve the heat and sound insulation of the window. The wear of the window rubber leads to blowing, moisture and dust from the street. Our craftsmen will select a window seal specifically for your profile. The assortment of materials for warming the porches of the frame, sash and glass in various colors: gray, white, black.

Switching the window to winter mode (setting the clamping force of the sash).

This procedure must be carried out once a year before the onset of cold weather. It will help to eliminate small gaps between the sash and the frame that lead to blowing.Our technicians will adjust the position of the eccentrics in just 15 minutes.

Adjusting the fittings helps to eliminate sagging of the sash.

Due to the skew, cracks are formed, which are the reason for the blowing and insufficient thermal efficiency of the window. For adjustment, specially provided hinged knots are used.

Installation of a double-chamber or heat-saving glass unit

necessary if condensation, smudges and ice form periodically on the glass. Most often, the problem is encountered by apartment owners in new buildings - contractors save on high-quality double-glazed windows and install single-chamber products. We produce double-glazed windows in our own workshop, and the installation is carried out in accordance with all standards and regulations.

Insulation of a window opening with mounting foam

necessary when a window sill or slopes freeze. Foaming can be carried out both outside and inside the premises, with preliminary dismantling of the old cladding.

Installation of ebb, window sills, slopes. Installation of these elements according to the standard significantly increases the thermal efficiency of aluminum windows. Ebb tides are necessary to protect the insulation from destruction and drain precipitation from the facade of the building and the window frame. Window sills and slopes help to create a single sealed contour with the window and prevent freezing.

Complete reinstallation of the window. It may be needed in case of large distortions of the window frame due to improper installation or shrinkage of the house. In this case, not only gaps between the frame and the sash can be observed, but also the complete loss of the sash of the sliding aluminum windows.

Wood-aluminum windows

The best option for fully insulating the balcony and making it suitable for use in winter as a warm room is wood-aluminum windows. They are of two types:

  • Aluminum profile with decorative wood trims on the inner (room) side of the window.
  • Wooden frames decorated with aluminum strips from the street side.

The first option of windows is absolutely unacceptable, since in terms of its thermal insulation properties it does not differ in any way from a "cold" aluminum window.

Of interest is the second option - wooden frames, glazed with 2-3 glass units and having outside, from the street side, aluminum plates that not only give the window a "techno" style, but also protect the wood from the effects of precipitation.

In terms of the width of the profile, such windows will differ from the usual cold profile with single glazing. But on the other hand, you can precisely choose the color of powder enamel, which is usually used to paint aluminum windows from the outside, and thereby minimize the visual difference between your balcony window and other balcony windows along the facade of the building.

When should an aluminum window be insulated?

  • Blowing from under the windowsill;
  • Runs through the sash perimeter;
  • Ice appears in the corners of the window;
  • Strong cold is felt from the glass;
  • Condensation or ice forms on the glass unit;
  • Fungus and mildew on the frame and cladding.

How to insulate an aluminum profile on a balcony before it turns into a piece of ice?

From the author: hello dear readers! Now I want to share my experience so you know,

how to insulate an aluminum profile on the balcony yourself and at the same time achieve the maximum effect.

Once, while installing a balcony made of metal profiles in an office building, the customer thought that the temperature on the sixteenth floor in winter would be an order of magnitude higher than below, and refused artificial insulation. As a sane person, I tried to insist that such a decision was wrong, especially if this area will be used not as a place for relaxation, but as a conference room with a gorgeous view of the city.

In response from the customer, I only heard that I was trying to rip off more money from him, and that all the arguments that I give are stupidity, and nothing more.

Construction work was carried out in winter, so he could not immediately assess the scale of the tragedy. My wait was not quite long, because with the first cold weather that hit in the second month of autumn, I received a call from the same customer, who thought that now the insulation of aluminum windows on all balconies of the office would be more acceptable.

Having explained to him that these works presuppose almost complete dismantling of the structure, and having announced the amount, I was again sent by this character so far, where no human had ever set foot. A little more than a month later, just at the time when the first December frosts began to draw patterns on the windows of our houses and apartments, my phone again burst out with a call from the same person who tearfully apologized, realizing that the price I was calling then was the top tolerance.

Alas, high-rise work is a service that is paid differently in summer and winter, and rude words in my direction resulted in a fine. However, the total was still lower than usual and we got to work. The conclusion from this asks only in the form of a proverb that the miser pays twice. And in the case of insulation of a balcony with aluminum profiles - even three times.

Floor insulation

Floor insulation system

For the insulation of load-bearing structures, a variety of materials can be used, among which mineral wool, penoplex and polystyrene (foam rubber) are especially widespread. All of the above types of heaters are characterized by low thermal conductivity and allow you to reliably isolate the inner spaces of the balcony from cold air. The solution to the problem is best to start with floor insulation, which can be protected by a multilayer coating system that includes heat-insulating plates (mineral wool or any other synthetic insulation).

Installation lag

The order of the operations performed in this case will look as follows:

  • First, you should decide on the thickness of the insulating layer, since the height of the parapet will depend on this. According to building codes, it should not be less than 95 cm (if there are small children in the family - not less than 105 cm).
  • Based on the measurements obtained, a set of bars of the required thickness should be prepared, which are then laid across the floor at a distance of about 50 cm from one another.
  • On top of these bars, longitudinal logs are placed so that their ends do not rest against the parapet. In this case, the distance between the lags themselves and the balcony fence should be about 7 cm (on each side).
  • Then, in the intervals between the lags, it is necessary to lay the plates of the insulation of your choice, covering them on top with chipboard sheets, which are subsequently attached to the lags by means of self-tapping screws.


As a result of the operations performed, you will receive an insulated sub-floor, on which a finishing coating is later laid. If you wish, you can use a system of special heating elements for floor insulation (the so-called "warm floor").

Is this work at height?

Yes, you might wonder why the insulation of aluminum balconies is a high-rise work, because the process is entirely carried out from inside the room. This is true, but in the event that you are the owner of a panoramic structure that has already been fully installed, and you decided to preserve heat only a few years later, then it must be completely dismantled. Not many construction teams will dare to remove windows on the sixteenth floor of a skyscraper in frosty weather, and even with a possible strong wind.

In my short story, which I gave a little above, the situation was just such that not every master who does not have experience in working at height would give the go-ahead for such work. And since this phobia is the most common after the fear of the dark, finding someone with enough courage will not be easy.

Is it real at all?

Insulating a loggia with aluminum windows is as real as making a double somersault.Yes, it will be a bit of a hassle, but patience and work will crush everything. You will need a little knowledge and my experience, which I will gladly share right now.

Many people say that the efficiency of insulation drops every time you want to increase the amount of glazing in a room. I assure you - this is not so, and if you have rented or bought an area that is made very cold due to the large number of windows, then you can insulate them too.

An uncomplicated solution, which may not seem entirely reasonable, is to cover part of the glass. For some it seems nonsense, although this option has a right to exist. If you do not need to create an extensive view from the window, and panoramic glazing on the loggia was not your idea, then nothing will stop you. Of course, with a high degree of probability, you lose the internal volume of the room, but it does not disappear, but only begins to serve you in a different role.

I am not telling you now that you will need to completely remove the entire lower part of the balcony. I have come across cases when we sewed a window together with glass. Having insulated it on both sides, you thus get a wall of insulation that will keep the high temperature in the room much better.

But, before resorting to such drastic measures, think twice if you need it so as not to throw money down the drain. It is also worth paying attention to whether this will interfere with the mechanical action of the opening windows. Agree that it will not be very cool to sew up the lower part of the balcony so that the upper one cannot open.

Let's go directly to the works

Before insulating a loggia with aluminum glazing, you need to make some preparatory steps, without which insulation may be useless.

  1. Clean the entire aluminum profile from unnecessary elements. The remains of putty, polyurethane foam or other construction debris - remove all of this. In small quantities, they will not greatly affect energy saving, but the inconveniences during installation will be obvious.
  2. Fill up any unnecessary holes or slots in the profiles. It often happens that when installing the frame, a screwdriver could come off or a sander could slip off. There were no defects of such a scale as to discard or cut off a part, but when insulating you can suffer a little. Ordinary sealant will help you solve this problem.
  3. Choose insulation. In this case, since the process will be associated with small objects, many experienced builders suggest using ordinary construction foam. I do not recommend resorting to such drastic methods due to the fact that it can deform the frame, which will create unnecessary problems when installing the windows themselves. The most adequate, in my opinion, is the use of mineral wool. In this case, you can purchase a roll, not plates, which will be cheaper, and fill all the cavities in the same way.
  4. Prepare your instrument. In the event that you use polyurethane foam, all you need is a special gun into which the cylinder is inserted. If your finger falls on mineral wool, then a small spatula, utility knife and tape measure will be enough.

If you do not know how to properly pour the foam, you can see how to do it in the video below:

So, we decided that there are two options for the material with which we can insulate an aluminum balcony - these are foam and cotton wool. A few notes to keep in mind when working with the first one:

  • do not overdo it, because a large amount of material can lead to deformation of the profile itself;
  • buy more construction foam than you need. You see, if she is not enough, then it will be an order of magnitude worse than the case when she remains. It should dry out all at the same time, and not in parts after purchase. Better to stay, because it can always come in handy;
  • fill the profile evenly and penetrate into all cracks. This is the only way to achieve maximum results.

If, when insulating an aluminum loggia, you use my choice, which appears in the form of mineral wool, then do not forget that correct calculations will help you save a lot. The main advantage is that you will not in any way affect the size, shape or stability of the aluminum frame itself. We calculated how much to cut, cut off, placed, straightened with a spatula - and voila! All is ready!


