You don't need to be an experienced craftsman or professional builder to insulate a balcony yourself. Technology
The foundation of any building is the foundation. The integrity and durability of the structure depends on its condition.
Features of the choice of door insulation The reasons for heat loss are different: from the skewing of the door leaf and insufficient sealing,
Much depends on how well the house is insulated: the microclimate and air temperature in winter and
Increasing the thermal protection of a private house during construction is an important stage of work, while insulating
A warm house is the dream of every owner of suburban real estate. Only if the house is comfortable and
The main reasons for the destruction of interpanel butt seams The following reasons for depressurization of the joints can be distinguished: non-compliance with
Possibilities of using foam fillers Balloon thermal insulation, although in all respects is better than analogues, but
The main types of insulation Today there are two optimal options: mineral wool (or glass wool)
Old panel houses are especially in need of insulation. This becomes noticeable with the onset of cold weather, when