Today the construction market presents a very wide range of floor coverings. The combination of a pleasant price and high
Properties of mineral wool in slabs as insulation The thickness of the insulation depends on the base Mineral wool is
It is not necessary to run to create a comfortable temperature in a small room such as a garage or outbuilding.
What is the difference between polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam? Water absorption (%) - a parameter that determines how much water can be absorbed
Home | Construction | How to insulate walls from foam blocks from the outside? Date: December 29, 2018 Comments: 0
Scope of application of vapor-moisture insulating membranes ↑ The basis of the film is polypropylene, which provides the coating with strength, resistance to
The market of thermal insulation materials is replete with offers for every taste. Mineral wool, foam and polyurethane foam for a long time
What is mineral wool With the onset of cold weather, the issue of keeping warm in the room becomes especially
The device of the foundation in the house on screw piles is a kind of construction Residential buildings installed on
A warm house is the basis for a comfortable stay for a family. Today the market offers