A device for measuring air humidity and features of its application

Indoor air humidity is one of the most important indicators that determine the microclimate in the house. If the temperature and speed of air flows can be roughly determined by personal feelings, then say how much water in the volume of the room "by eye" will not work. How to determine the humidity of the air? For this, either a device for measuring air humidity in the room is used, or improvised means.

They all have individual accuracy and order of use.

Temperature measurement was discussed in a previous article.

Physical concept

Humidity is the content of water vapor in the air. The comfortable existence of living organisms, the possibility of the development of living nature, the preservation of materials is possible only at certain values ​​of this parameter.

It happens:

  • absolute;
  • relative.

Absolute shows the amount of water vapor in a certain volume. Most often it is measured in g / m3. It has no practical value, since it is impossible to determine the normal humidity or not, knowing that the amount of water vapor is 10 g / m3.

The maximum values ​​change depending on the air temperature. At -30 ° C this parameter is 0.29 g / m3, at 0 ° C - 4.8 g / m3, at + 30 ° C - 30.4 g / m3. The maximum value is reached at a temperature of 100 ° C (boiling point of water) and is equal to 598 g / m3.

The relative is determined by dividing the value of the current humidity by the maximum possible at a certain temperature, multiplied by 100. The humidity is measured in percent. It is widely used in weather forecasts, food composition, characteristics of industrial, warehouse and residential premises.

Criterias of choice

Typically, a mechanical or electronic hygrometer is chosen for a living room. The choice is related to the compact size of the devices, their safety for others and high accuracy in measurements.

Principle of operation

Comparing the work of a mechanical and electronic meter, we can say that the first is easy to use. For its operation, no power sources are needed, and therefore its price is lower.

The digital portable model has:

  • less error in determining the relative index;
  • higher speed of data processing and output of the total to the display;
  • built-in memory unit for storing results.

Some electronic copies are, in fact, mini meteorological stations. The compact body includes: thermometer, hygrometer, barometer, dew point, clock and calendar.

Recently, a digital hygrometer has been installed in a baby monitor. This allows parents to fully control the child's condition, even if he is at some distance.

Modern devices are equipped with a Wi-Fi unit. The weather information for the region obtained via the Internet is shown on the display.

Humidity range

Indicators of relative humidity will always be unequal, not only in different rooms, but also in one room, at different points. For example, to measure the humidity at the far wall in the sleeping area, a device with a range of 30 to 80% is sufficient. And to take readings near the balcony, you need a meter from 10 to 90%.

For accurate moisture measurement, purchase a multi-sensor hygrometer

Purchase a hygrometer with multiple sensors for accurate moisture measurement

For greenhouses and incubators, as well as for other rooms with a high moisture content, you need to take the device with the maximum value (100%). And for the bath you will have to buy a special one, taking into account the increased temperature (up to 120 ° C).

Measurement accuracy

As a rule, in the areas of work and rest, high accuracy in the operation of moisture meters is not required. Approximate readings are sufficient. But if the house has special rooms, then very careful measurements will be needed. These rooms include a library and a wine cellar. The first room has always had very strict requirements. The humidity in it should not fall below 50%, and the upper threshold cannot be higher than 60%. As for the wine cellar, the readings there should be at the level of 65-75%.

In such rooms, it is better to use psychrometers or the most accurate electronic devices.

Flows through the windows

Excessive moisture in the air in the literal sense of the word deplorably affects the state of the objects around us. The inner surface of the windows is covered with drops of moisture, which flows down onto the windowsill. Bed linen, clothing, fur products acquire an unpleasant odor of dampness, they are inconvenient and unpleasant to use.

Food deteriorates, it is impossible to eat them. The enclosing structures and furnishings are moldy. Its spores spread through the air and can cause allergic reactions and a sharp decrease in immunity. A person is sick more often, the healing process takes longer.

The main types of hygrometers

In order for the moisture meter to serve for a long time, properly and demonstrate high analysis accuracy, you need to choose it correctly. For this, it is important to know the features of the most common types of devices. The most common are mechanical models, however, errors are often encountered in their operation, since they cannot always be checked by the appropriate services. The operation of a hair hygrometer is based on the analysis of an ordinary human hair that reacts to changes in moisture, and a film hygrometer - on the properties of an organic film that stretches or shrinks when moisture is shifted in opposite directions. Both those and other devices do not have sufficient accuracy, in contrast to the psychometric type moisture meters. But the most advanced today is an electronic hygrometer, which is available in three versions - ceramic, electrolytic and electrolytic with heating function. There are also meters of a combined type that investigate both humidity and temperature.

Like in the desert

Lack of moisture in the air at low temperatures leads to hypothermia and dehydration due to increased sweating.

In such air, the level of static electricity increases, and the amount of dust increases. The mucous surfaces of the human body dry up. There is a sore throat, dryness in the nasal cavity, burning sensation in the eyes.


Of course, a high-precision home appliance is an unnecessary luxury that needs to be paid extra for. However, when deciding to buy a device that is not so urgently needed in household use as a hygrometer, we are already making high demands on it. We can hardly feel a difference of 0.5% -1% in humidity measured by a mechanical device, however, a household electronic hygrometer, whose readings "jump" and "fall" upon contact with the hand or exhaled air by 10% -15% will not cause we have confidence. In other words, the hygrometer should not be a toy.

We use devices

The easiest way to measure air humidity is with a device. It is called a hygrometer. According to the principle of action, it happens:

  • by weight;
  • hair;
  • film;
  • electrolytic;
  • ceramic;
  • condensing;
  • electronic;
  • psychrometric.

In domestic conditions, psychrometric, hair, electronic hygrometers are used. To obtain reliable results, know how they measure air humidity.

The most reliable

Determination of air humidity using a psychrometer (from Greek - cold) is not difficult.The operation of the device is based on the fact that the presence of moisture lowers the temperature. The panel has 2 thermometers and a psychrometric table. The first thermometer is dry, the second is wet. To measure, you need to find the difference in temperature readings. In the table vertically the temperature of the air measured by the dry bulb thermometer is indicated, horizontally the difference in readings. The intersection of these two lines shows the relative humidity as a percentage.

The psychrometer is a reliable, fairly simple device for determining moisture content, giving accurate information. Requires constant monitoring for the presence of water in the wet bulb thermometer. Allows you to simultaneously monitor air temperature and humidity.


The oldest and simplest moisture meter is the hair hygrometer. How to find out the humidity of the air using it?

It is enough just to look at the arrow, under which there is a scale with divisions every 1%. The principle of operation is based on a change in the linear dimensions of objects, depending on their saturation with moisture. Ordinary fat-free hair is used as such an item. Hence the name of the device "hair" came from.

As a disadvantage, a large measurement error (about 10%) can be noted. The advantages are:

  • high sensitivity;
  • quick response to changes in humidity;
  • large measurement range - from 30 to 100%.

It is used to determine the relative humidity of air in a residential area. It is often a beautifully decorated piece of furniture.

The most modern

How is humidity measured in modern classics and high-tech interiors? Modern design requires modern appliances. One of these is a digital (electronic) hygrometer. It is based on measuring the resistance of an electric current when the moisture content of the electrolyte changes.

Devices for measuring air humidity and the specificity of their application

There are many instruments for measuring moisture in the atmosphere. Even a pinecone can be called that word. The difference between them is only in what principle of action they use to determine. They can also be divided into electrical or mechanical.

Of those that can be purchased in the store, two are attracting attention:

  • hygrometer (there are many types);
  • psychrometer.

The main indicators when choosing a device for measuring humidity are the accuracy of the device and ease of use.


Literally from Greek - a measure of moisture. Devices can measure both relative humidity (used in everyday life) and absolute. There are precise devices that measure the dew point. To obtain the last two values, a weighing hygrometer is taken. These indications are often needed for laboratory research and are not used at home.

The more moisture on the surface of the hair, the more the arrow deflects.

The simplest hygrometer is the hair and film sample. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that fat-free synthetic hair changes its tension when moisture enters it. The ends of the hair are rigidly fixed, one of them to the arrow on the scale of the device. An organic film can be used instead of synthetics. The devices measure moisture well in cold rooms (up to 0 ° C).

The condensation meter has a maximum operating range (from 0 to 100%!). Its principle of operation is that moisture settles on a flat mirror-like and cooled surface under the influence of a beam of light. A thermometer below the surface measures the reading by converting it to relative humidity. The device has large dimensions, so it is difficult to use it in an apartment.

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The ceramic moisture meter uses the electrical resistance of the mass.The substances contained in the ceramics are responsible for this. Kaolin and silicon have metal particles that change resistance when exposed to moisture. The device is compact and has gained wide popularity in home use.

Modern electric hygrometers measure for their readings:

  • in ambient air, electrical conductivity;
  • dew point by optoelectronic method;
  • resistance to salts and polymers;
  • capacitor capacity.

For work, microcircuits are used, which minimizes errors in accuracy and significantly speeds up the display of readings on the display.

It should be noted that it became possible to measure humidity using a smartphone. A special application is installed on the phone. The program determines the humidity in the room with good accuracy.

There is another type of hygrometer, which got its own name due to its high measurement accuracy and versatility.


To check the humidity of the air, it uses one of the properties of the liquid - evaporation. The temperature difference is indicated by two thermometers. One of them is called dry. The second is wrapped in a damp cloth, one end of which is submerged in water.

The advantage of the device is that it guarantees accurate measurement of humidity in an apartment with deviations of 2-3%!

Evaporating, the liquid cools the wet thermometer. Therefore, the less moisture in the room, the lower the readings of this meter. Comparing the readings of both thermometers, using the formula, the absolute or relative humidity in the room is derived. And for simplicity, they use data from a ready-made table. At the intersection of the found temperatures, the desired humidity indicator is found.

There are three types of psychrometers:

  • The remote uses thermistors and thermocouples. They can be electrical or gauge.
  • The stationary one consists of two thermometers placed in a meteorological booth, one of which is wrapped in cambric.
  • The aspiration unit uses a special fan that blows the thermometers enclosed in a protective case.

The disadvantage is expressed in the impossibility of measuring at several points and the need for constant wetting, preferably with distilled water.

Yourself with a mustache

How to measure humidity if there is no device, and there is no need to buy it due to rare use? Come to the aid of ingenuity, the experience of generations, simple objects that are in every home.

Burn, burn my candle

Introducing the old-fashioned way to determine the humidity in a room. To do this, it is enough to make a moisture meter from a simple candle and a match. Before measuring humidity:

  • close the doors leading to adjacent rooms;
  • ensure there are no drafts;
  • light a candle;
  • watch the flames.

If the flame vibrates and the halo has a crimson color, there is a lot of water vapor in the air. If the combustion is exactly vertical and the flame is orange-yellow, the presence of water vapor is normal.

Water, glass, refrigerator

This method makes it possible to measure the humidity at home. This meter has only three moisture readings:

  • excessive;
  • normal;
  • insufficient.

Before checking the humidity in the apartment, pour plain tap cold water into a glass beaker. Refrigerate for 5-6 hours. The water temperature should be 6 ° C.

You can measure it either with an outdoor thermometer or a bathroom thermometer. Then place the glass on the table in the room, 1 meter away from windows and walls. After 10 minutes evaluate the result:

  • condensation on the outer walls of the glass has concentrated into drops that flow down onto the table - excess;
  • the physical state of the condensate has not changed - normal;
  • condensate has evaporated or it has become much less - insufficient.

Increased moisture

Measurement of air humidity in the apartment is made so as not to face the difficulties of air dryness and increased moisture level. Some people think that this is not a particularly serious problem, so installing a hygrometer is pointless. But this attitude must be changed, since there will be negative consequences if the humidity level in the apartment is not controlled.

The relatively high level of moisture in the air at home is a source of microscopic fungi on surfaces. Also, such conditions are a favorable environment for the development of a fungus, which can adversely affect human health. Mold can lead to the development of allergies in a person.

Dampness caused by humid air will increase mold growth.

But don't forget that allergies are just one of the diseases that mold can cause in humans. The fungus can become the source of a variety of infectious diseases.

Mold spores can end up in your food. A person and his entire body can begin to suffer from foodborne diseases. It is dangerous for all people who live in this house.

To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. Airing should take place regardless of the temperature outside the window and at any time of the year.

Airing should be done at least twice a day. This is the minimum amount, preferably more. Thanks to this, you will be able to make much less moisture. Protect your apartment or rooms (premises) that have increased moisture and enjoy the air!

You will be able to enjoy a pleasant home environment due to the fact that the moisture is always normal.

Misted glass

Make a psychrometer yourself

An ordinary room mercury thermometer can be used to determine air humidity. With its help, it is possible to measure air humidity by a psychrometric method. Before measuring the humidity in the room, prepare an ordinary cloth and water.

The procedure for checking the presence of water vapor in the volume of air with your own hands is as follows:

  • measure the air temperature in the room and write it down;
  • wrap the mercury bulb of the thermometer with a damp cloth;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • take and record the thermometer readings;
  • calculate the difference between dry and wet measurement;
  • download the psychrometric table;
  • find the humidity level in the room.

Such an air humidity meter does not take up much space, does not require additional costs, and provides the necessary measurement accuracy.

Parameters for choosing hygrometers

Hygrometers can be wall-mounted, bench-top, mechanical, or digital. Here the choice is for the buyer. The main thing is what technical characteristics it will have. Buyers pay attention to the accuracy of the data. It all depends on whether you need very accurate data or you don't need very accurate numbers.

Electronic devices with sensors are especially popular, one of which is installed outside the window, and the case itself is inside the room. Thus, it will be possible to obtain information about the humidity outdoors and indoors.

At first glance, the state of air humidity seems to be an insignificant factor. However, after a detailed study, the effects of dry and humid air become noticeable.

Video review of a thermometer with a moisture meter.

Normal indicators

It is not enough to determine the humidity in the room. It is also necessary to know whether the received data is normal. The optimal and most comfortable value is 45%. At the same time, the acceptable range of variation of air humidity in the apartment is 30 - 60%. It is recommended to maintain a different amount of water vapor in rooms with different functional purposes:

  • hall, dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom - 40-60%;
  • bedroom for adults and teenagers - 40-50%;
  • children's room - 45-60%;
  • cabinet - library - 30-40%.

It is quite troublesome to achieve different indicators of the presence of moisture, even in small rooms. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the rate of humidity. In most modern living quarters, it is not enough due to the large number of heating and electrical appliances.

From this, the state of health worsens, the efficiency decreases. Children suffer the most from this.

Humidity and well-being

The moisture content is influenced by weather conditions, the change of seasons, the activities of the person living in the house. When using air conditioning and heating systems, the volume of water particles in the air is reduced. The air becomes dry, resulting in an electrostatic effect that lifts fine dust upward. This promotes the spread and multiplication of microbes and dust mites.

The reasons for the increased degree of moisture in the house can be:

  • rainy and damp weather;
  • roof leaks;
  • violation of the heat balance;
  • poor ventilation.

Excessive moisture content in the room leads to deterioration of household items, the appearance of mold and mildew, which multiply at high speed.

To prevent problems, it is necessary to maintain the moisture content in the normal range. In domestic conditions, humidity is measured using a spruce cone or a container of chilled water. The first way is the simplest. They choose a spruce cone, put it on the table and observe it. If the leaves open, the air is dry. The second experiment is performed as follows:

  1. Water is collected in any container (jar, bottle, stack) and placed in a cold place to cool the liquid to a temperature of + 3 ... 4 ° C.
  2. After a while they get her out.
  3. Placed on a table away from the battery.
  4. Observe for 5 minutes.

As a result of the experiment, the following results can be obtained:

  1. The glass object fogged up, then became dry - the moisture content is low.
  2. Streams of water flow down the walls of the container for a long time - the air is humid.

Indoor air humidity, its permissible and optimal norm in a residential apartment

According to GOST 30494-95, the optimal rate is 40-60%, the average level is 45%, in the summer season - 30-60%. With such parameters, a person feels good.

The optimal humidity in the room, taking into account the type of rooms, is shown in the table:

Room typeMoisture content, in%
Dining room40-60
Bathroom, kitchen40-60
Working area, library30-40

The permissible norm is a value at which great harm to human health is not caused, but efficiency decreases, poor health appears, and mood worsens. The maximum allowable indicator varies within 65-70%, for regions of Russia with an increased degree of water vapor it reaches 75%.

What is the danger of insufficient and excess moisture when either "it flows through the windows" or "like in the desert"?

Lack of moisture leads to the following consequences:

  1. A decrease in the elasticity of the skin, hair and nails, as a result of which wrinkles appear on the face, cracks and peeling of the skin, dermatitis develops.
  2. Dry mouth, mucous membrane of the eyes, lips. There is irritation and itching, the skin turns red, cracks.
  3. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, puffing, as a result, snoring at night, the manifestation of colds.
  4. Weakness, fatigue, headaches. Symptoms are possible due to thickening of the blood. Circulation slows down, the heart works under stress and wears out quickly.
  5. Delayed secretion of digestive juices.
  6. Weakening of immunity, the appearance of infectious diseases.

If the moisture content is exceeded, frequent manifestations of bronchial asthma and rhinitis are possible. In a damp room, diseases can turn into chronic ones, it is almost impossible to cure them.Food products become moldy, spores spread throughout the room and enter the human body, multiply and lead to a decrease in immunity, allergies and many dangerous diseases.

Humidity measurement is a mandatory procedure, the action of which is aimed at improving the health of those living in the house.

We bring to the norm

To ensure a comfortable stay, it is necessary to regulate the relative humidity of the air. This requires:

  1. Ventilate the premises regularly, at least twice a day. It is best to do this after waking up and before bed. In winter, it is better to carry out short ventilation times with a wide open window to prevent cooling of the walls and floor. In summer, when the amount of moisture outside is not enough, you can not open the windows wide for a long time.
  2. Increase the number of indoor plants. Moistening occurs due to the evaporation of moisture from the soil surface. Shriveled, drooping, dried leaves will indicate a lack of moisture in the air.
  3. Set up an aquarium. Evaporation of water from its surface greatly humidifies the air. This is noticeable even without measurements. If you do not want to engage in aquaristics, you can place containers with water in the apartment. Not so aesthetically pleasing, but very practical.
  4. Carry out wet cleaning regularly. The absence of dust will allow more moisture to be suspended.
  5. Purchase a special humidifier. This is especially true if there are infants and young children.
  6. Spray water with a spray bottle for watering plants or ironing clothes.


It doesn't matter whether you choose one method or you will use a set of activities. The main thing is that the temperature and humidity indicators are within normal limits.

We need the right moisture, moisture is very important to us. Such a main conclusion can be made by reading the article. Maintain the air humidity in the apartment within normal limits, take care of your own health.

type of instalation

The most common version for household use is the desktop type. Usually, compact devices are bought for the home, which do not take up much space on a table or shelf.

Wall-mounted versions of devices for measuring moisture are widely used. Often made in decorative design, they are placed on the wall of the room. They are usually flat in shape. In addition to home use, they are used to collect data (temperature and humidity) in rooms for storing raw materials. Such professional devices are called loggers.

Now you can choose a hygrometer for every taste

Now you can choose a hygrometer for every taste

There are portable models for the field. The portable version is very compact and fits in a pocket, usually has a digital display.

In laboratories, stationary equipment is used, which can have a mass of up to 50 kg. An example is a coulometric hygrometer. It is designed to measure the absolute humidity index of gases.

Placing several measuring devices in one housing is widespread. For example, a thermometer for taking air temperature readings and a moisture meter. Such a device is called a thermohygrometer and is often used for domestic needs in home incubators and greenhouses.

You can see the portable versions of the instruments on the retractable probe. A thermo-hygrometer stick is needed in order to take readings of the degree of humidity in hard-to-reach places.


A hygrometer is a device for measuring air humidity, the principle of operation of which makes it possible to reveal how changes in humidity indicators are reflected in individual bodies and matters. A striking example is a hair hygrometer, where fat-free human hair acts as a measurement tool.By changing its own length, based on changes in moisture indicators, the hair allows you to obtain data on the required indicator in the range from 30 to 100%.

A film-type hygrometer has also become widespread. Such a device for measuring air humidity contains an element in the form of an organic film, which is extremely sensitive to moisture level. There are also a number of other, higher precision hygrometers available. However, their use in a domestic environment can be too expensive.

How to maintain the relative humidity in your home

We have already decided how to measure the state of humidity in the room, now it remains to figure out how to restore the optimal level of humidity.

If the humidity is low

Ventilate the room.

However, this method cannot always significantly improve the state of the home microclimate, since in summer the outside air can be dry.

Also, when airing in the traditional way, dangerous microbes, allergens, dust, harmful gases and unpleasant odors can get into the apartment. But if you keep the windows constantly closed, then there is a high probability of encountering another problem of maintaining the microclimate - stuffiness (high levels of carbon dioxide).

The principle of the psychometer

Another device for measuring indoor air humidity is psychometer... The mechanism of operation of psychrometric devices is based on the use of the physicochemical properties of liquids.

For measurement, the device has two degree tubes with liquid, one of which is wrapped in a wet cloth. When moisture evaporates, the temperature indicator on the wrapped tube is lower than on the dry one.

To get the result, you need to look at the air temperature on a thermometer that is not wrapped in a cloth, calculate the difference in liquid indicators between both tubes.

Further, in the first column of the table of values, find the air temperature according to the thermometer. Find the difference in the values ​​on the top line. The number at the intersection of a column and a row is an indicator of humidity.

Psychrometers are of three types:

  1. Stationary... A simple device consisting of two thermometers enclosed in a meteorological flask. One of the thermometers interacts with a damp cloth, and therefore, the liquid changes its physicochemical properties and a difference in degrees appears. The results are calculated according to the table.
  2. Aspiration The psychrometer is similar to a stationary one, the difference is that an aspirator fan is installed in a protective case to move the compressed gas. A kind of vacuum creates conditions for obtaining the most accurate indicators.
  3. Remote the device can be manometric or electrical. The design contains gauge thermometers or thermistors that change resistance depending on the state of the external environment. The finished results are displayed on the digital display of the device.

Psychrometric devices undergo standardization and verification, so the output values ​​can be considered the most accurate.

Simple ways

It is not necessary to buy special devices to determine the level of humidity in the air at home. You can use the tools at hand that you can always find. They will not give exact indicators, but with their help it will be known how humid, dry or normal it is in the living room.

The air humidity in the room can also be measured with improvised means.

One of the easiest ways is to put water in a glass and refrigerate it. The liquid must be cooled to +3 o C and then put on the table in the room. Within 5 minutes it is necessary to observe the condensation on the walls of the vessel. Misted glass indicates a normal water vapor content in the air. If the walls are dry, this is a lack of moisture.

, and when the drops flow down, then there is increased humidity in the room.

You can also determine the indicators of moisture in the air by the state of flowers.They react painfully to dryness, so the tips of the leaves begin to dry out. However, this method is only suitable for those indoor plants that like to spray.

Another proven method is a lit candle. When the flame rises during combustion, the level is normal. If it rises in different directions with a crimson halo, then there is too much water vapor.

The optimum degree of relative humidity in the room should not exceed 30-60%. The exceptions are regions where the natural humidity is higher and is 75%. Awareness of the moisture level in your living space can help you avoid many of the health concerns of your entire family.



