Features of the use of facade plaster for insulation

What is a wet facade, its advantages and disadvantages

The system of thermal insulation of external walls by the wet method appeared in Germany in the middle of the last century, and already in the 70s it spread throughout the world. Today, it is difficult to find a homeowner who would say that his home does not need a thermal pad, although insulated buildings were a rarity several decades ago. Thermal insulation not only protects against seasonal cold, but also sets the microclimate in the room all year round: warm in winter, not hot in summer. Wet finishing helps to solve these problems and many others.
So what is a wet facade? This is a "layer cake" made of insulation and plaster. Between them there are still several fastening, necessary layers, but the main thing in the "wet" finish is thermal insulation, laid on the walls of the house and covered with plaster mortar. From the photo you can study the structure of the wet plastering method more clearly.

Wet façade technology is also used in multi-storey construction

The advantages of this particular method of insulation are in several important points:

  1. This finishing system is a reliable and durable insulation for walls. A properly applied layer of plaster lasts for decades and protects the facade from cold and heat.
  2. Reliably protects the wall from wind and noise.
  3. It is a beautiful decoration for a building.
  4. Easy to assemble.
  5. Has an acceptable cost.

Wet house finishing device

Disadvantages can only be highlighted in comparison with other facade systems. For example, if we compare it with siding coating, then wet facades are more expensive - this is not the most budgetary way of finishing. And if you compare with natural stone cladding, then they are less wear-resistant. In general, insulated plaster facades have more advantages than disadvantages.

Types of plaster mixes for insulation

The choice of thermal insulation

Today the market provides several different types of thermal insulation materials that can be used for facade insulation followed by plastering.

  • Polyfoam or expanded polystyrene extruded

This material has its undoubted positive properties. First of all - ease of installation. The cost of polystyrene is also an advantage, since insulating even a large house will be a budget option for any wallet. Due to its low weight, the foam can be attached to any building, and the foundation will not suffer. The table shows the main properties of the foam material, which must be taken into account when calculating the insulation. For example, if you stack too thick sheets, then the microclimate of the house will resemble a tropical forest, which is harmful both for the walls and for the health of residents. The fact is that foam plates do not allow moisture and air to pass through at all.

Physical and technical properties of polystyrene and expanded polystyrene

  • Mineral wool

Another commonly used insulation material for wet finishing is mineral wool. It allows air to pass through perfectly, but retains heat leakage. Installation of mineral wool is also not difficult, but it has more weight. Minvata is a more expensive material. Its technical properties can be studied from the table.

Physical and technical characteristics of mineral wool

If you compare these two types of thermal insulation, then you need to highlight a few more qualities. Mineral wool does not burn, but the foam has not very good combustion performance. It smolders, releasing substances that are deadly to humans. Polyfoam does not like ultraviolet radiation.The destruction occurs quickly enough, therefore, when installing plaster facade systems, it has to be fastened quickly and in parts so that the insulation is not exposed to the sun for a long time. Mineral wool is not affected by the sun.

Extruded polystyrene foam has the best performance, but its cost is several times higher than foam.

The choice of insulation should also take into account the material of the wall. For example, breathable porous materials are easier to cover with mineral wool, and foam can be mounted on concrete slabs.

Selection of plastering systems for insulation material

To work on any type of insulation, a plastering system is required, which consists of an adhesive, a primer and plaster. Renowned manufacturers produce complete plastering systems for façade work. It is always best to buy materials from the same source, despite the potential savings. Knauf, Ceresit and other recognized brands, world-renowned enterprises for the production of finishing materials, produce several types of plasters and related compounds for different types of thermal insulation. Consider the basic plasters.

  • Acrylic

These compounds are usually sold ready-made and are based on acrylic resin. They create a thin elastic coating that does not allow water to pass through, but unfortunately attracts dirt. A distinctive feature of thin-layer acrylic plasters is the variety and richness of colors. No other plaster has such a rich palette. Silicone is sometimes added to acrylic to increase the protective properties, but then the price rises. Acrylic systems are resistant to temperature fluctuations and UV-resistant.

Acrylic renders manufacturers

  • Silicone

These masses are sold ready-made, like many acrylics, and have high wear resistance, impact resistance and adhesion. But unlike acrylics, they do not attract dirt. They do not crack at all, even when shrinking. The disadvantage of silicone plastering systems is their high cost.

  • Silicate

These compounds are based on mineral glass, so they have good wear resistance and strength. A thin plaster film made of silicate mixture allows steam to pass through, and therefore can be used on walls made of mineral raw materials. Has a more affordable cost. Fits well on fibrous insulation. The composition simply fits and does not crack.

  • Mineral

Mineral or cementitious plasters are made from high quality white cement, plasticizers and sand. These are the most budgetary plasters, but at the same time the most durable. They are vapor permeable, have high wear and impact resistance, but not a large selection of colors. They have excellent resistance to weather conditions. Cement-based plastering systems are easy to apply even by non-professionals. Best of all, they fit on mineral wool insulation.

In the table you can see the comparative characteristics of the main properties of plastering systems. If you decide to insulate your house with a vapor-tight heat insulator, then choose the appropriate finish. In the case of mineral wool, cement and silicate mortars are suitable for you. With the wrong selection, the facade finish may suffer and will not last long.

Comparative characteristics of types of plaster compositions for work on insulation

Technology for applying plaster to thermal insulation boards

Consider a standard technology that anyone can use when making a wet façade. It is suitable for both expanded polystyrene and mineral wool. The difference between the two is in the use of suitable plastering systems and the selection of fasteners.

Important! Remember that for "breathing" wall materials, you need to select the appropriate insulation and plaster, otherwise you risk getting mold and mildew on the walls inside the room.

It is better to break down all the work into stages that must be followed in sequence and performed efficiently, otherwise the result may not be what you expect.

Surface preparation

All old trim must be removed. Clean off paint, remove nails, protruding parts, lighting fixtures. If the walls are covered with plaster, then hammer them in with a hammer. All that fights back - delete. If most of the layer is strong enough, then simply repair the façade. How to repair old plaster can be found in the corresponding article on our website. Now apply a primer for better adhesion and let it sit overnight.

Aligning walls with beacons

Applying a starter coat or leveling walls

The insulation should be mounted on perfectly flat walls. The discrepancies can be no more than 2 cm. If your external walls have irregularities of more than 3 cm, then in addition to the decorative one you will need a starting plaster mixture. It has a rougher structure, but also ductile and impact resistant. It is better to use mineral plaster. It can be applied in a thicker layer - up to 35 mm.

Place the beacons at an equal distance from each other and stretch the cord along which you will align the layer. Use a trowel to apply the mortar. With a grater and as a rule, the plaster composition is rubbed over the surface. Remember that the grout dries in 4 hours. Cook just as much as you can quickly put on the walls.

The first layer should not be more than 15 mm. If more is required, then it is necessary to apply a reinforcing mesh with glue and continue plastering after drying.

Applying glue to insulation

Installation of slabs

After the leveling layer has dried, it's time to start installing the heat insulator. To do this, attach the starter strip along the plinth. The starting profile is required to hold the first row of slabs. The fact is that thermal insulation panels have the ability to move by 10% when glued. Prepare glue and special "fungi". Now the most important thing is to apply the glue correctly. It is applied to the wall and to the slab itself. Apply on the wall in a continuous layer, and on the slab pointwise in the center and with a jerky roller along the edges. The photo shows how best to apply glue to the insulation.

Now press the slab against the wall. Remove excess mortar with a trowel. It is better to fasten the plates with a sling, then there are no gaps for the flow of cold to the walls. On the packaging, read the time for complete drying of the composition, usually at least a day. Let the glue dry. If you start to fix it with "fungi" ahead of time, then the insulation may lag behind the wall at the edges. When fastening, use plastic, as they do not provide a cold bridge. Fix according to the scheme shown in the photo.

Layout of dowels for insulation

Application of a thin decorative plaster layer on the insulation

You can start working with a decorative solution only after priming the insulation. Sometimes it is advised to put a fiberglass mesh on the plates. In this case, lay a thin mesh with glue on the dried layer of soil and level it. A layer of decorative mixture is applied with a wide spatula and spread using the technology provided for this plaster. For example, "bark beetle" is rubbed with a float in a circular or up and down motion. The textured mixture "fur coat" can be applied using a roller or a special apparatus. Rub regular smooth plaster finish with a float.

Important! Remember that the work on the manufacture of a plaster wet facade must be carried out at a temperature from +5 to + 25 degrees.

Technology of plastering on vapor-permeable insulation

The choice of insulation

In order for the plastered surface to efficiently fulfill its protective and aesthetic functions, you need to choose the right insulation.

And for this it is necessary to pay attention not only to the price and quality of the selected material, but also to the basic characteristics of the wall on which it will be mounted.

So, a facade made of a material with a low thermal conductivity is best insulated with mineral wool.

And for walls made of porous materials, or erected by the frame method, it is advisable to use vapor-proof polystyrene foam as a heater.

If the outer wall has a high degree of thermal conductivity, then it must be insulated with foamed polymers.

For finishing the facade, one type of insulation is usually chosen, but sometimes situations arise when you can use a combination of two different materials, compensating for the disadvantages of one with the advantages of the other.

Also, when choosing a heater, it is worth considering its properties such as flammability and soundproofing.

Master class on the topic of the article:

But you still need to remember one important rule: there are no bad heaters, but there is a violation of the technological process during their installation.


All plaster mixes are divided into four main types, each of which has its own composition, method of application and conditions of use:

  • Mineral plasters, the most economical, durable and durable, since they contain cement;
  • Acrylic plasters, elastic and moisture resistant due to the high content of acrylic resins;
  • Silicate plasters, plastic and very porous, based on liquid potassium glass;
  • Silicone plasters, versatile and able to protect against any kind of impact, made on the basis of silicone resins.

Therefore, it is very important when choosing a certain type of plaster to adhere not only to the recommendations for their use, but also to take into account the properties of the insulation on which it will be applied.

Neglecting these facts, instead of a high-quality result, you can get a poorly functioning system with an ugly and cracked surface.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that plaster is the most important element in facade insulation.

Indeed, the insulation itself as a building material is very unstable to severe frosts, to temperature extremes and high humidity.

That is why, without a protective layer of plaster, it ceases to perform its important heat-saving function and becomes simply useless.

Please watch a video on the topic:

But still, the main thing in this technology is that with the help of plaster, truly beautiful and durable architectural compositions are created.

One of the most popular methods of exterior wall decoration is facade insulation plastering. This is a reliable way to make a durable, high-quality facade, contributing to additional insulation of the building, and a huge selection of facade coatings allows you to use all the power of design. In a building environment, this type of facade is called "wet", since all work is carried out with damp materials that require a fairly long drying time. Naturally, for such a technology, you need to choose the right materials.

How to choose a plaster composition?

Thermal insulation can lose its properties if the plaster is incorrectly selected for the insulation. Possible options:

  1. Mineral plaster. The composition, in addition to the main component (cement), may include plasticizers, hydrophobic additives, microfiber fibers. All of them together provide the strength of the plaster layer and extend its service life. The price of mineral plaster is low, however, this material is characterized by a high solidification rate, vapor permeability, but requires finishing painting, otherwise it will quickly become dirty.
  2. Acrylic compounds are ready to use. Such plaster is represented by a wide range of designs that are different in color.The acrylic composition is durable, retains the shade for a long time, dries quickly. The main disadvantage is low vapor permeability, so this plaster is not suitable for breathable insulation materials. In addition, this type of coating is susceptible to destruction under the influence of sunlight, it loses its elasticity and cracks.
  3. Silicate composition is another ready-to-use finishing material option. It passes steam well, does not lose its properties under the influence of UV radiation, is elastic and resists aggressive substances. Due to the many advantages, silicate compositions represent the highest price category.
  4. Silicone plaster is durable, elastic, prone to self-cleaning, and is characterized by vapor permeability. It is easy to apply, but expensive.

The plaster is selected according to the external properties of the finished layer (textured, smooth). The shade and matching of the finish to the object play a role.

Facade plastering technology for insulation

Work on the creation of a wet facade is divided into several stages. First you need to create conditions for work. a wet facade cannot be done at low or very high temperatures, optimal conditions are + 15 + 25 degrees. Otherwise, you need to surround the building with scaffolding, cover them on top with a windproof film and create a thermal loop. Next, the walls are prepared: you need to clean them of old coatings, if any, debris, dust, wash and dry. If there are chips and protrusions, they are removed with a chisel, puncher or other tool. Cracks and depressions are putty and leveled. The surface of the walls should be as flat as possible. this ensures strong adhesion of the insulation. It is important to remember that plaster and putty at this stage should already be combined in composition with insulation and other coatings. After that, the walls are primed.

The next stage is the installation of insulation. The insulation is glued, starting from the basement profile, in horizontal rows, with a bandage of 20 cm. This is necessary in order to avoid long vertical seams that violate the thermal insulation of the structure. When laying the insulation, it is necessary to ensure that the error in smoothness does not exceed 3 mm, otherwise the resulting irregularities will be visible even after the end of the work. At the corners, the insulation is glued with an overlap of 2-4 cm, the excess is later cut off. The technology of plastering the facade on the insulation provides for double fastening of the insulation: on the glue (preliminary) and on the dowels-umbrellas. You can fix the dowels no less than a day after gluing. Now you can start reinforcing. Reinforcement consists in uniformly covering the insulation with a layer of reinforcing composition, into which a special alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh is immersed, and creating an upper covering layer of the same composition. It is important that each layer of the composition is at least 2 mm thick, and the mesh is located between them, but does not adhere to the insulation.

Reinforcement starts from the corners of the building, window and door openings, then the entire walls are reinforced. To facilitate the work and additionally strengthen the openings, you can use a reinforcing profile, which is a metal perforated corner connected to the strips of the reinforcing mesh, which is attached to the opening.

Reinforcement is important not under the sun, cloudy weather or shade is ideal.

The next stage is finishing. After the reinforcing composition has dried (at least 72 hours), the walls are covered with decorative plaster or plaster for painting. The choice of materials here is huge, these are smooth plasters, and textured plasters, and colored primer paints that do not require plaster.

In any case, you need to follow a few rules. All materials must be for outdoor use. The plaster and topcoat must match, i.e. acrylic paint requires acrylic plaster.Weather conditions should exclude bright sun, low temperatures, wind and precipitation. Finally, the topcoat is usually exterior paint. It is important to keep in mind that for some types of paints, in particular, for silicone and silicate (siloxane) paints, it is necessary to pre-prime the walls with appropriate primers.

Price for facade plastering for insulation

A wet facade is one of the most affordable ways to decorate a house, its price is significantly lower than insulation and cladding separately. It is especially important to simultaneously solve 2 problems: the insulation of the house and the design of its appearance.

The plaster mixes themselves cost in the range of 70-90 rubles / kg. at an average consumption of 10 kg of ready-mixed mixture for 4-7 sq.m. wall surface, depending on the thickness of the layer. Based on these figures, you can calculate the cost of materials. If you order facade work in a construction company, then plastering work will cost 250-300 rubles / sq.m. One of the important design solutions for a wet facade is the separation of the insulation function between the walls and the outer cladding, which makes the walls thinner, making construction cheaper. In addition, the materials used in this system "breathe", which means they not only seal the walls from the external environment, but help maintain a microclimate in the interior. It is the combination of all these advantages that makes wet facades one of the most common in construction.

Choosing plaster

Insulation of walls from the outside under plaster
Insulation of walls from the outside under plaster

Insulation plaster can also be varied, since some materials do not contact each other. In order not to describe in detail each option, I will focus only on the most key aspects that will help you make your choice.

Acrylic plaster

  • Easy to apply.
  • Has a huge selection of colors.
  • Dries quickly.
  • Acrylic plaster is resistant to the formation of salt outlets.
  • It is completely harmless, so it can be used for interior work.
  • Resistant to abrasion and natural precipitation.

Mineral cement plaster

  • High vapor permeability of the plaster.
  • Low cost.
  • Fast drying.

Silicone plaster

  • It is difficult to damage and resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Has no shrinkage.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Repels dirt and does not attract dust.
  • Has a high degree of steam transmission.

Polymer plaster

  • Complete resistance of the plaster to any whims of nature.
  • Water vapor permeability.
  • Wide range of colors.
  • Abrasion and fading resistance of the plaster.
  • Polymer plaster is elastic and resistant to deformation.

But there are also two significant disadvantages of polymer plasters, namely: the high cost of the material and the complex application technology.

The problem of selecting materials for facade insulation is the interaction of plaster mixtures with insulation, so as not to get confused, I will give a small table that will show which materials can be used with each other.

Wall insulation with plaster
Wall insulation with plaster

InsulationWall plasters
Mineral wool++++

Important! When choosing materials for facade work, you should always pay attention to the indicators of density and vapor permeability. These are the two most important factors affecting the durability of the coating.

Of course, we must not forget about the price component, because it can differ significantly depending on the thickness or density of the material. It is also not worth overpaying, it is better to initially take into account all the factors and choose exactly what will meet all the requirements set.

How to choose materials for wall insulation with a wet method

The raw materials used in the work must have a certain level of water absorption,

frost resistance, vapor permeability and thermal expansion.

The insulation layer for a wet facade can be basalt (stone wool slabs) or polystyrene foam. Basalt wool slabs with a density of 150 kg / m3 and a strength threshold of at least 15 kPa, are recommended for finishing the facade of a house.

Glass wool is not used as insulation for the plastering system, because the structure of the material is not designed for high loads.

Thermal insulation of the facade with extrusion polystyrene foam ceases to be popular, because it is more difficult to fix it due to poor adhesion with construction adhesive. In addition, this material "does not breathe", prevents the free conversion of air and steam, smolders in a fire, with the release of toxic substances.

It is allowed to insulate the walls of the house with foam plastic only for facade brands that meet fire safety requirements. Additionally, for the same purpose, cuts are made from mineral wool.

When insulating a log house with penoplex, the protruding joint of the logs is not removed, because cut crowns will cause the corners of the house to freeze.

The choice of material depends on the thickness of the wall and its composition, on the climatic zone where construction work is carried out, on the layer of interior decoration.

How to fix insulation boards

The insulation is glued to the previously prepared wall surface. The glue is gently applied over

perimeter of the material. This method reduces the consumption of the adhesive and provides the required fastening strength. During work, make sure that the glue covers at least 40% of the area of ​​the insulation.

After drying for 3 days, the thermal insulation layer is additionally fixed with dowels. Fasteners go 5-9 cm into the wall, depending on the volume and number of pores. The insulation must be fastened with a dowel with a wide head. The cap at the dowel should be made of polyurethane foam so that wet spots do not appear on the facade.

Façade stains appear when using a metal-headed dowel.

Because the metal freezes at the base of the outer surface, and warm air comes out of the house, condensation appears. Condensation on the surface forms a wet spot. Therefore, under the plastering systems of the facade, a dowel with a plastic head is used.

To ensure the quality of thermal insulation, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  • it is impossible to form continuous longitudinal joints between several rows;
  • the seams of adjacent slabs must necessarily overlap;
  • the inner side of the slab is pressed by force against the base of the wall, and the edge of the insulation is pressed against the edge of the adjacent slab;
  • glue protruding between the seams must be removed immediately with a rag.

How to determine the layer of thermal insulation?

Facade insulation plaster systems do not include thermal insulation material. It is purchased separately, so it is important to know exactly what thickness of the slab to choose. You can buy an option that meets the minimum acceptable limit for building codes. The thickness of the insulation varies depending on its type.

A layer of thermal insulation within the range of 80–150 mm is considered sufficient.

If you choose slabs of acceptable thickness, you can not only perform the insulation correctly, avoiding mistakes (dew point displacement, etc.), but also reduce the cost of heating the facility. The choice of the thickness of the thermal insulation is due to the resistance to heat transfer of the supporting structure. In addition, the calculations should include the average daily data on the temperature regime on the ground in different periods.

How to check the quality

There are a number of tips to help determine if the insulation work is progressing correctly:

  1. At the preparatory stage, the walls are cleaned of dirt, previous coatings, stains.
  2. Without deviating from the instructions, work is carried out with the adhesive composition.
  3. Insulation plates are fixed evenly.
  4. There is no unevenness at the joints between slabs or blocks.
  5. The dowels do not stick out over the insulation.
  6. The reinforcing mesh is laid in the base layer of the plaster.
  7. Breathable materials are used, the plaster "breathes".
  8. From the drains, from the roof, water will not enter the facade finish.
  9. There are no bulges on the surface of the wall, and the facade is not covered with bumps.
  10. There are no cracks on the wall, in the corners of window and door openings.

Installing thermal insulation at home increases the life of the building, significantly improves living conditions and reduces the cost of annual heating costs for the building in winter. It also protects walls from weather conditions, fungus and shock-absorbing destruction. Under sustained conditions and proper care, good thermal insulation of the outer wall of a building can last 25 years.

Insulation expanded polystyrene

Probably the most popular type of insulation has been known for many years. But modern polystyrene contains special flame retardants that prevent it from burning. But, despite this, this insulation has a whole list of negative points:

  • When melted, it emits toxic fumes that are very harmful to health.
  • Due to the low vapor permeability, moisture forms on the surface of the walls, which has nowhere to go.
  • The regulations limit the use of expanded polystyrene in the construction of social facilities and premises with high traffic.
  • Dissolves by reaction with chemical solvents and bitumen paints.

Fastening polystyrene foam to the wall
Fastening expanded polystyrene to the wall There are a number of positive points:

  • Absolutely not subject to decay and insensitive to the environment.
  • The high density of some grades of polystyrene significantly strengthens the facade and gives it additional protection against mechanical stress.
  • The insulation is neutral to alkalis and acids.
  • Does not support combustion and, without external influence, dies out within four seconds.
  • Relatively low cost compared to other types of insulation.

Technology advantages

"Wet facade" is an excellent way to protect sheets of heat-insulating material from temperature extremes and aggressive environmental influences. The insulation itself is very unstable to precipitation, high humidity and severe frosts, which can adversely affect its heat-insulating properties.

The "wet facade" technology is widespread today in suburban construction

Therefore, the plastering of the facade on the insulation is so in demand. Consider the main advantages of this type of finishing work:

  • The façade covered by the method of "wet plastering" will help to reduce the cost of heating and air conditioning;
  • Such facades do not require internal wall insulation, which saves the area of ​​the premises of the building;
  • This is a fairly economical type of work, due to which the cost estimate for the construction and decoration of the building is reduced;
  • Even a non-professional can perform plastering of facades, if he clearly follows the stages of technology;
  • The plaster layer hermetically fills the joints between the insulation panels and thus protects them;
  • The technology of work can be carried out on different types of facades - monolith, timber, brick, aerated concrete, etc.;
  • Modern plaster mixes allow you to create an attractive and neat appearance of facades;
  • This procedure will increase the life of the building.

Plastering facades on insulation has a number of advantages, therefore this type of finish is chosen quite often.

Facade insulation: requirements and advantages

Thermal insulation materials that can be used to protect walls from cold on the outside of the facade are presented in several versions. Any insulation will not work for this purpose. The fact is that in winter the temperature outside drops below 0 ° C, and inside the building there is a much warmer microclimate.To prevent the temperature drop from provoking unpleasant consequences, the insulation must meet a number of requirements:

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • easy installation;
  • the ability to mount on any surfaces (concrete, wood, brick);
  • relatively low weight so as not to burden the structure;
  • sufficient level of density;
  • safety.

Facade insulation

If a layer of thermal insulation is used in addition to the main building material from which the walls will be erected, then in this case, the cost of heating the object is reduced. This is due to the fact that the insulation retains heat well and does not allow the supporting structure to cool down quickly.

In addition, the thermal insulation material protects the walls from deformation.

But this is possible only on condition that the calculation of the required thickness of this layer is performed correctly.

The choice of the type of insulation for plaster

The entire list of finishing works is usually planned in advance, therefore, even at the stage of choosing a heater, it is worth understanding the properties of different types of material in order to plaster them using the correct technology. Most often, expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) and mineral wool are used as materials for insulating facades.

  1. Expanded polystyrene;

Sufficiently easy to install and inexpensive material with excellent moisture resistance. Expanded polystyrene insulates the facade well, but is less durable than mineral wool. In addition, expanded polystyrene does not have fire safety.

It is most reasonable to choose expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation of brick facades, concrete, expanded clay concrete and slag concrete walls.

Insulation of house facades with expanded polystyrene - type of building after completion of installation work

  1. Mineral wool;

Non-flammable and breathable material with excellent vapor permeability. If you are going to mount such a heater, you should understand that its weight is more significant than that of polystyrene, therefore, a stronger crate is required to attach it to the facade.

It is also recommended not to skimp on the quality of mineral wool and choose two-layer materials in the form of diabase or basalt slabs. They are quite dense and have a hard outer surface.

Mineral wool is used to insulate houses from timber, expanded clay concrete, as well as walls made of gas silicate and aerated concrete.

Thermal insulation of the facade with mineral wool - the installation of the material on the walls was carried out "at a stretch"

When choosing a plaster, it is necessary to take into account the type of insulation that will be mounted on the facade. If you settled on expanded polystyrene, the reinforcing mesh should also be special - resistant to alkalis.

Comparison of materials

Insulation of the facade with mineral wool for plastering is a preferable solution. The same applies to expanded polystyrene. The fact is that in terms of properties, polystyrene is inferior to these types of insulation, but it is cheaper. If the price does not bother you, it is better to plaster over the plates of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.

When comparing the types of insulation, you need to remember the properties of the materials from which the walls are made. The design may differ in different levels of vapor permeability and thermal conductivity. It is these properties that determine the type of insulation. For example, wooden structures protect from the cold with natural, breathable materials - mineral wool slabs. Such insulation will allow air and steam to pass through, which will facilitate the removal of moisture from the insulated facade.

This option eliminates the need for artificial ventilation of supporting structures.

If you need to protect the facade of a house made of aerated concrete, gas silicate material, as well as large-porous expanded clay concrete, it is again recommended to pay attention to vapor-permeable insulation.The fact is that these building materials combine good indicators of vapor permeability, and also high thermal conductivity, which means that a heater with an equal level of vapor permeability is required, but capable of retaining heat. Mineral wool is most suitable for these requirements.

aerated concrete and gas silicate

To insulate a building made of materials that retain heat well (brick, expanded clay concrete), any type of thermal insulation is suitable:

  • mineral wool;
  • foamed insulation.

In this case, there will be no conflict of properties. As a result, the structure will be ventilated with sufficient efficiency, which will ensure a long service life of the facility.

Facade plastering - stages

The technology of work on applying plaster to heat-insulating plates includes preparation, fastening of insulation, installation of a reinforcing mesh and plastering. This is due to the multi-layer construction of the finish:

  • Insulation layer;
  • Reinforcing mesh;
  • A layer of plaster.

Layered diagram of the "wet facade" - the figure shows the alternating arrangement of materials on the wall

Preparatory work

The optimal temperature regime for plastering the insulating layer is from + 15 ° C to + 20 ° C. If this condition cannot be met, and the finishing process cannot be postponed in any way, you will have to create a thermal circuit artificially. For this, all the walls of the building are surrounded by forests, covered with a windproof layer (film).

Then they start preparing surfaces - cleaning from the previous coating, dirt and dust, washing and drying the walls. Next, you need to carefully check the integrity of the surface. If unstable areas are found, they are embroidered and filled with putty. When planning the installation of insulation on glue, it is important to ensure the most even plane of the walls of the building.

After the walls are prepared, they are primed. The choice of compositions for puttying and priming should be carried out according to the principle of their compatibility with the materials of the walls and insulation. If you do not follow this rule and choose at least one material that does not combine with others, the service life of the finish will be significantly reduced.

Front walls are primed with a long-handled roller

Insulation installation

If you decide to mount thermal insulation boards by gluing, then the technology of work will be as follows. Insulation plates are glued in horizontal rows, starting from the lower part of the facade - from the basement profile.

In this case, it is worth placing the material "in a runaway", with an indent from the joint between the plates in the bottom row to the joint of the next row by at least 20 centimeters. If you stick the material exactly one above the other, you get vertical seams along the entire height of the building, which will reduce its thermal insulation.

It is also important not to allow a difference in the level of the slabs among themselves by more than 3 millimeters, otherwise such errors cannot be hidden even under a layer of plaster. After the glue dries, after about 24 hours, proceed to additional fixing of the insulation on the dowel-umbrellas.

Installation of expanded polystyrene plates on the facade walls - after gluing the material, it will need to be fixed on the dowel-umbrellas

To keep the plates securely, they are fixed on dowels in the middle and always at the joints of the insulation. It is not worth screwing the fasteners into the insulation too much - this only deforms it.

Facade reinforcement

Then they proceed to the installation of the reinforcing mesh on the facade. This is a special fiberglass mesh that is fixed to the insulation either with plastic fasteners or on plaster. When attaching the mesh to the plaster, it is important to ensure that the layer of the composition on the wall is at least 2 millimeters.

Bonding the reinforcing mesh to the facade is a necessary step before plastering the walls

Installation is performed first on corners, as a surface that is more difficult to process, then on the main planes.For better reinforcement of the corners in front of the mesh, a perforated corner profile is mounted on them, also on the plaster.



