Rules for the beginning of the heating season, standard temperatures
Complaints about the lack of heating, like any complaint about poor heating, can be directed to more than one state structure. But this does not mean that you can start right away with the most stringent one - you must adhere to a certain algorithm. To begin with, clearly establish on whose balance your apartment building is located, in order to understand where to call about heating in the first place and who to call about checking the work of utilities.
When sorting out who should still complain if your management company does not take due action, as well as heating in the apartment, pay attention to the following sequence of your steps:
- Call the Department of Housing Inspection - the emergency dispatch service of your city;
- Write a complaint to the local housing inspectorate;
- Submit a formal complaint to your heat and power organization;
- Demand protection of rights in Rospotrebnadzor;
- Call and write to the local administration;
- Submit an appeal to the territorial Antimonopoly Service;
- Make the situation public in the media, if necessary;
- Apply to the prosecutor's office, court.
Wherever you submit an official application for heating, cold pipes, batteries, you must be given the same official, written response. It is advisable that complaints be received collectively, from several residents of your house at once.
If you have a cold radiator, but at the same time a hot riser, then there is a problem, most likely, not with the neighbors, but only with you, here you will first of all need a local check. Where to go with such a question on heating, as mentioned above, is the management company.
In the current legislation, there are no rules regarding how an application should be drawn up to a management company, HOA, housing and communal services or other similar organization. The requirements for this document are the same as for other official business papers. The statement is written on a white sheet of A4 format in blue ink, strikethrough, corrections, emotional expressions in the text are not allowed. The structure is as follows:
- The name of the organization where you are going to complain about the cold batteries in the apartment;
- Your personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, residential address, telephone number for communication);
- Document's name;
- The problem outlined in essence, the results of measurements in the apartment and the identified inconsistencies with the standards, the date of measurements and a link to the act that should be attached;
- The stated requirements, proposals with an indication of the timing of their implementation;
- Date and your signature.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with: Termination of the agency agreement unilaterally by the agent
Russia is a huge country with many climatic zones. If it is still hot in the south, frosts cover Siberia and the Far East, snow falls. Hence, the start time of the heating period unambiguously depends on the air temperature of a particular area.
Cats love warmth too
The beginning of the heating period or the suspension is clearly regulated by the rules on the provision of public services by Government Decree No. 354 on 06/05/2011 (as amended on 09/09/2017). It is said here that the heating period should begin if the average daily temperature of the environment is below 8 ° C for 5 consecutive days.
At the same time, the heat carrier of the central system must be supplied uninterruptedly and around the clock for the entire heating period (Appendix No. 1, paragraph 14 No. 354).Breaks for maintenance and adjustment of thermal systems are allowed:
- no more than 24 hours in total per month;
- no more than 16 hours at a time, while maintaining the air temperature of residential premises 12 C;
- no more than 8 hours at a time while maintaining a temperature of 8 degrees;
- 4 hours keeping the temperature at 8 degrees.
For each hour of exceeding the break, the amount of payment for the use of thermal energy is reduced by 0.15% (Appendix No. 2 of the Rules, section 9).
Resolution No. 354 regulates the standard air temperatures of individual rooms during the heating season (GOST R 51617-2014):
- living rooms, kitchens, toilets: 18 - 20 C;
- bathroom: 25 C;
- corridors, staircases: 16 C.
How, where to go about heating in an apartment if the room temperature does not meet the standards, read below. The overall responsibility and control over the implementation of Resolution No. 354 rests with the heat supply organizations, the management office, and local government bodies (Law No. 190-FZ).
Adopted standards
It would seem that the laws of the Russian Federation provide for the rules for the centralized heating supply of apartment buildings, they stand guard over the rights of consumers. But what to do if these laws are violated, what to do, where to complain about the lack of heating in an apartment or house.
You should call about the quality of heating in Moscow and the Moscow region both in cases of complete cessation of heating, and in situations with regular interruptions. By constantly measuring the temperature in living rooms, one can conclude that there are violations.
However, in order to file a complaint, it is necessary to collect the evidence base, that is, to fix it in a photo or video about the low heating of the apartment.
This is a serious crime that jeopardizes the performance of the entire heating system of a district or community. If it freezes, it will be impossible to resume the supply of heat until the end of winter. This is especially true in areas where low temperatures prevail.
Such situations usually cause a wide resonance, including in the media. Therefore, tenants must publicize such flagrant violations.
Where to call
If you turn off the heating, you need to immediately call the UK, the resource supplying organization and the local administration. They are no less interested in resuming the supply of heat, their leaders will be punished, up to and including removal from office, for such omissions.
Phones can be found in monthly receipts for maintenance and heating payments, at information stands near the house.
If the problem is serious and it is not possible to solve it at the local level, it is necessary to involve public authorities.
Rospotrebnadzor has organized a hotline at 8-800-100-0004. The call is free from anywhere in Russia. Hot lines of other government agencies are distributed by region; you can find them on the official websites.
Grounds for complaint
If you are going to make a claim for poor heating, you must have a good reason. The GOST prescribes the norms and all permissible deviations when supplying heat to different rooms. Heat must be supplied without interruption throughout the entire heating season.
Government decree No. 354 indicates possible interruptions in the supply of heating to houses:
- A drop in air temperature in total can last up to 24 hours a month;
- The temperature in the rooms from 8 to 10 degrees should not last more than 4 hours;
- Lowering the air temperature in rooms to 10-12 degrees is allowed within 8 hours;
- A temperature of 13-16 degrees is permissible for 12 hours.
If the norms are not met, the service provider must be held accountable to consumers. Payment is reduced by 0.15% for each extra hour above the norm. For multiple violations, the service provider may face criminal or administrative liability.
The reason for contacting a management company or a service provider may be:
- Heating is not included although the heating season has started;
- The heating system has been disconnected for a long time;
- Heat is supplied, but it is too weak;
- The heating system works intermittently.
Common reasons for the lack of heating:
- Pipes are clogged with debris;
- The neighbors made a redevelopment of the heating system, which led to the overlap or restriction of the flow of water;
- There was an accident at the boiler room.
Only a specialist from the emergency service can determine the exact reason for the interruption of the heating supply. The service will accept a request to call a plumber. The technician must determine why the batteries are cold. He draws up an act and takes measures to eliminate the problem.
Temperature norms
Heat is supplied to residential buildings and social facilities when the average daily air temperature for five days is no higher than plus 8 degrees. According to sanitary standards, from this time on, 28 days are given to start heating.
GOST states that the air temperature in the corner room should not be less than +20 degrees, in the room and kitchen area should be at least +18, and in the bathroom at least +25. In common corridors and stairs, the temperature norm is at least +16 degrees.
- The Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates relations in the field of property, non-property and intellectual rights, property, contractual obligations.
- The Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes criteria for the quality of the provision of services in housing and communal services.
- The Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" dated 07.02.1993, No. 2300-1, regulates the rules of interaction between sellers (suppliers) and buyers, defines the concept of quality of services and products, and prescribes the ZPP mechanism.
- The Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation" dated 02.05.2006, No. 59-FZ, is applied in case of complaints about the work of state, municipal or private enterprises.
- Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354 "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of residential premises in apartment buildings" defines the criteria for the quality of utilities, the procedure for their payment, provision, responsibility of the parties, recalculation practice.
How to reduce heating bills?
In some new buildings in the capital, heating radiators are already equipped with individual meters. By adjusting the temperature, residents can reduce their heating bills.
This technique can be used everywhere. But it is necessary to switch to heating using individual metering devices at the same time throughout the house. The decision must be made at the general meeting of the owners. If you installed meters without the consent of your neighbors, then you will not be able to transfer the readings to the management company. Even with the radiator turned off, the heat in the apartment will remain thanks to the heating risers. But the whole house will have to pay for it.
It is beneficial for owners to install individual meters only with a modern horizontal heating system, when the risers are located at the entrance, and two pipes are supplied to the apartments - direct and reverse. With vertical wiring, several heating pipes are installed in the apartment at once. In this case, meters will have to be installed on each pipe, which will nullify all the savings.
Automatic heat: how you can save on heating Heat cycle in the city: how Moscow apartments are heated
Where to complain about the lack of heating
There are many options for not supplying coolant to consumers, but a sharp drop in temperature forces home owners to act energetically. Let us analyze separately, according to the areas of responsibility, determined by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, non-delivery of energy resources, their possible reasons.
Before writing a complaint about the lack of heating in the apartment, decide on the reason to whom to make a claim.
When drawing up an agreement between the management company and the heat supplying organization, the boundary of responsibility for the regime, the quality of the provision of utilities is indicated (paragraph 21 of Resolution No. 354). The heat supplying organization is responsible for the state of the heating main to the first shut-off valve of the heating unit of the general house heat supply system.
The lack of coolant flow has the following reasons:
- There was no period when the air temperature for 5 consecutive days fell below 8 C (Government Decree No. 354). Here the question is that there is no heating in the apartment, which is not worth complaining about, the heating period has not yet begun. There will be no heat in all apartment buildings powered by this boiler house.
- The boiler room equipment is faulty or there was a rush on the heating main during pressure testing. Here the organization itself will try to remove the malfunction as soon as possible. Complaints about violation of consumer rights can be sent to the management company if the air temperature of the residential premises is below the standard.
- Insufficient coolant temperature or low pressure.
The area of responsibility of the Criminal Code includes the entire heat supply system of an apartment building from a heating input unit. This includes shut-off and distribution valves, inlet and outlet pipes, a general house meter, and risers.
Areas of responsibility for the state of the district heating system
When the house has a zoned floor distribution of the coolant, the area of responsibility ends at the first shut-off valve of the apartment heating system of the floor heating unit.
The management company must ensure favorable and safe living conditions for citizens, proper maintenance of common household property, and provide high-quality utilities (paragraph 31 of Resolution No. 354).
Malfunctions that often occur in the inside of the home heating system:
- A rupture of a pressure pipe in a heating point or distribution system, including risers, during pressure testing, after it.
- Malfunction of shut-off, control valves.
- The imbalance of the system, everything works, but the heating battery in the apartment does not heat well.
- Residual air in the system.
In these cases, the problems are solved by the technical means of the management company in the shortest possible time. The batteries will stay cold throughout the apartment building or individual floors along a particular riser.
Ask your neighbors how they have heating, whether all the batteries are hot, which riser does not work, perhaps they have already filed a complaint about poor heating in the apartment, where to complain to you. Imbalance occurs when there is a lack of pressure, malfunction of the balancing pair of valves of a particular riser.
Consumer zone
Checking the radiator
With a riser system, wiring, starting with a tie-in into a riser, pressure pipes, return lines, heating elements of an apartment - all this is included in the consumer's area of responsibility. With zoned floor wiring, this zone starts from the first shut-off valve towards the apartment or control cabinet.
The consumer bears full responsibility for the condition of the heat supply system of the apartment. Hence, it makes no sense to complain if there is no heating in your apartment, you can make an emergency call through the dispatch service to shut off the coolant supply at the scene of the accident.
In addition, the consumer is financially liable to other residents affected by the accident. With zoned floor wiring, the consumer can freely install any heating elements, even mount heated floors with a connection to a central pipeline.
For any of the above options for malfunctions, contact the management company to resolve the issue.She is the first place to go if there are problems with heating in the apartment.
What is the act for
The document confirms the low-quality provision of services, and is the basis for the appeal of the heat energy consumer to the court, supervisory authorities, as well as obtaining a recalculation. In order for the act to have legal force, it is necessary to comply with the requirements:
- Avoid artificially increasing the temperature in the investigated apartment.
- Convene the composition of the commission.
- Warn the housing service representative and service provider.
Directly on the day of drawing up the act, all heating devices must be turned off. When drawing up the document, the absence of heating services is recorded, therefore, factors affecting the measurements should be excluded.
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If the heating devices do not transmit enough energy into the room, which is required to form the standard temperature background, it is necessary to call the representative of the supplier company.
The temperature should be measured in all rooms, and based on the measurements, an act is drawn up
To obtain real data on the temperature in the premises, it is necessary to turn off the electric heaters in advance, at least an hour in advance.
If the communal service did not respond to the complaint of the owner of the premises, the complaint, along with a copy of the act, is submitted to the prosecutor's office.
Calling the commission for temperature measurement
Temperature measurement and drawing up an act
Disconnecting electrical appliances before measuring
If the utilities do not respond to the client's request
The commission must measure the temperature of the room and compare it with the standards, taking into account the temperature fluctuations in the environment. The air in the room must be warmed up to 18 degrees Celsius. Minor deviations in the range of 2 degrees up or down are allowed.
Poor heating in the apartment: what to do
Residents absolutely justifiably want to receive high-quality utilities during the heating season, without spending additional electricity for heating. If the batteries in the apartment are slightly warm, and the payment is charged monthly in full, you need to fight for your rights.
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- Technical reasons, boiler room failure. If equipment breakdown is detected, there is no coal or electricity, the boiler room is not able to fully heat. In this case, there will be no heat in the entire area serving this organization. The situation is an emergency and threatens to defrost the entire system, which will be very difficult to liquidate.
- The pipes in the apartment are clogged. When hot water flows through the system, deposits accumulate in them, blockages are formed. The management company should periodically clean it.
- Renovation from neighbors. Perhaps the residents nearby are changing pipes and radiators, so they temporarily blocked the riser. Then they will turn on the heat on their own.
- The resource supplying organization violates the standards during the heating season.
Where to complain
If it is cold at home, you need to immediately report it to the appropriate authorities.
List of organizations to complain about poor heating or lack of it:
- Emergency dispatch service. You should call there first of all so that the housing and communal services staff learn about the problem and can fix it. The arrived specialist will measure the water temperature at the point of balance demarcation or take readings from the heat energy meter. It will be concluded who is to blame: at the permissible supply temperature - the consumer or the UK, at a low temperature - the service provider will draw up an act, one copy of which remains with the tenant.
- Management company or homeowners association. If the problem is in clogged pipes, the plumber will do the necessary manipulations.
- The resource supplying organization is responsible for the timely supply of heating and maintaining the temperature in the main system at the proper level. If there are no problems with the pipes, it is possible that water is entering the batteries that does not meet the standard.
- The State Housing Inspection is an executive body whose main task is to control the activities of housing and communal services.
- Rospotrebnadzor has a wide range of powers to check the fulfillment of contractual obligations by any organization, including utilities. The structure has the right to impose an administrative penalty in the form of a fine.
You can complain in person, send the document by registered mail by mail, or fill out a form on the official website of the authority.
You can also use the State Services portal, where there is an application form to any government authority.
Reasons why radiators in the house may not heat well or be very cold
- Heat supply valve closed... This also happens if there are shut-off valves, so the first thing to do after starting the heat is to check the valve.
- An air lock has formed... Sometimes there are plugs in the system that shut off the heat supply. In such a situation, the battery may not heat only in one room. The problem of a cold battery in one room is solved with the help of a Mayevsky crane, which will help to release air from the system, but if this is a difficult procedure for you, then the best thing to do is contact the staff of the management company.
- Clogged radiator... Like any equipment, radiators need periodic cleaning, otherwise, due to blockages, the batteries will be barely warm and not heated to the desired temperature. It is necessary to carry out the procedure before the start of the heating season and it is better to turn to professionals.
- Utilities do not comply with the regulations when supplying heat to the apartment... In this case, it is necessary to contact the house management with a claim about non-compliance with the temperature regime for heat supply.
Solving problems with heat supply
Legislation establishes, and legal practice shows that issues are resolved at the intradepartmental level. File a complaint with a higher authority in the event of a conflict when there is no other way out but to resort to harsh measures.
The procedure for resolving the issue of a complaint about the lack of a comfortable temperature or non-compliance with established standards is divided into several stages.
The first thing to do if the system pipes burst or the air temperature of the residential premises drops below the standard indicators - call the emergency dispatch service of the management company, make a request for urgent elimination of the cause of the accident.
Throw away emotions, speak calmly and specifically about what happened - the dispatcher is also a person on duty.
By phone, inform:
- Full name of the caller.
- Full address.
- The problem that has arisen.
Before the end of the conversation, find out who received the telephone message (position, full name), the number under which the call was registered, when to expect a representative, fix the time. The emergency call of the Criminal Code is obliged to serve for 2 - 3 hours.
A call to the MC is important when an emergency call is made to a technician to immediately correct an accident that has arisen. What to do, where to complain about the heating in the apartment when the system is on, and the batteries heat up weakly, the air temperature does not rise to the standard. Visit the Criminal Code in person, write a statement or complaint to correct the current situation.
A sample application to the management company with the requirement to measure the temperature in the apartment
В ________________ (name
Management company)
From: _____________________,
Address: ___________________.
I, ______________________ (full name), am the owner of an apartment at the above address in a building that is managed by your organization.
In my apartment, during the period from ______ to ________, there are cold batteries, and the temperature in the apartment is lower than the standard set by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and SanPiN, p. 4.3, 4.4, 4.8, 4.9, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 p. 49-n),
Based on the foregoing
I demand to measure the temperature in the apartment in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises.
"____" ____________ 2018 _____________ (________________)
Take with you:
- passport,
- house book,
- agreement with the Criminal Code.
Contact the dispatcher with a complaint, correctly state the problem. Take a standard form or a sample statement about the lack of heating in the apartment, state your claims in writing. Be sure to indicate:
- In the header - who you are contacting (head of the organization), your data (full name, full address).
- The body of the application - what is the problem, the time of the beginning of the situation, the state of the air temperature of the living quarters, please send a commission for consideration of the complaint, examination, drawing up an act.
- At the end - full name, date, signature.
It is advisable to write a statement in 2 copies. The dispatcher will put a stamp of the organization, indicate the incoming number and date on both copies, take one for yourself. The Criminal Code has no right not to accept the application.
On the basis of Law No. 354 (clauses 31 a, i, k): the contractor is obliged to provide the consumer with services of the required volumes, accept and respond within the established time limits for consumer messages about poor quality or intermittent provision of services, keep records of complaints, statements, claims.
Within 3 days, the Criminal Code is obliged to give an answer to the application (complaint), draw up a commission, conduct a survey of the premises, draw up an act on the lack of heating in the apartment or the discrepancy between the standard temperature of the premises. The act is drawn up in 2 copies. If a refusal is received, the reasons for the refusal are indicated.
In the application, you can specify the requirements for changing the payment for utilities of inadequate quality, breaks (paragraph 33 d No. 354) or for compensation for losses and harm to health (paragraph 33 e).
Important! Before the arrival of the commission, be sure to eliminate the places of possible heat leakage from the apartment and drafts - the appearance in the act of a clause on the misuse of premises will have an extremely negative effect on the subsequent steps to resolve the issue.
What's next?
The issue is not resolved - write a claim (complaint) to the Criminal Code for violation of direct obligations for the provision of utilities. This is a step towards conflict, but without it there is no point in writing complaints against the Criminal Code at the next level. The claim is made in 2 copies.
Sample claim for lack of heating in the apartment
Try to call the hotlines of the housing inspection, Rospotrebnadzor, prosecutor's office - organizations that monitor the activities of the Criminal Code, ZhEK and other utilities. This will help to get free consultations on issues of interest, to outline further steps.
Rospotrebnadzor hotline: 8 (800) 100-00-04.
The purpose of creating an act on disconnecting heat supply
The paper is written in duplicate. One remains with the landlord, and the second goes to the archive of the emergency dispatch service.
The act is an important legal document, on the basis of it you can file a complaint about the poor quality of the service. Without such paper, the amounts for heating will not be recalculated.
- Before drawing up the act, it is impossible to increase the room temperature by turning on the heating elements.
- It is imperative to create a commission when signing the act.
- Inform the service provider about the fact of drawing up a paper about the lack of heat in the house.
Responsible persons will carry out temperature measurements at different periods. This is necessary to compare them with the average permissible heating mode for a given region.Plus, the average daily temperature outside is taken into account.
The owner of the apartment must understand that only he will receive the benefit from the recalculation for heating, therefore, the owner of the property must initiate the procedure. Employees of the management company are authorized to independently recalculate only once a year based on the results of accounting analysis.
Statement to the Criminal Code
Sample complaint to the heating management company
In order for a complaint about cold batteries to be accepted for consideration, and the causes of the incident to be eliminated, it is necessary to follow the rules of writing:
- The complaint must be structured, written in legally correct language, without emotional connotation.
- Only facts that can be supported by evidence should appear.
- If a collective complaint is planned, then it should have as many signatures as possible. For this, a meeting of those living in the entrance or in the house is held and together they discuss the initiative for creating a claim.
- For further movement through the authorities, you will need proof of appeal. Therefore, the complaint must be sent by registered mail with notification by mail or brought to the reception office of the Criminal Code, register two copies and keep one for yourself.
A claim to the Criminal Code is drawn up similarly to any other government authorities. The document contains:
- The so-called "cap", which lists the full name of the head, the name of the Criminal Code, the data of the initiators of the complaint: their full name, addresses.
- Below is the title of the document - Complaint or Claim.
- In the main part, you need to state the circumstances: from what period did the problems with heating begin, what temperature was recorded in the apartment, the entrance, what actions were taken by the residents to turn it on.
- It is necessary to inform about the intention to apply for the protection of rights to state authorities, if the issue is not resolved at this level.
- At the end of the claim, the participants are listed, their signatures are put.
- The appendix to the complaint will be documents on the ownership of the apartment, acts of temperature measurements, paid receipts for heating, heat supply contracts.
These rules can be used as a template or template for writing a complaint against the Criminal Code. The application form can be found on the official websites of government agencies.
Remote heating control system
Many residents of country houses or vacant apartments install a remote heating system. This makes it easy enough to monitor the temperature regime in the house and effectively manage it. Heating is controlled by telephone via GSM network standards. Disabling or enabling heating via SMS is a very convenient option for controlling the heating system from a distance.
GSM controllers can be connected to an electric, gas or convective heating system. The only thing is that you need an automation system and a good mobile signal. All data on changes in temperature will be sent via SMS.
Rules for the beginning of the heating season, standard temperatures
Before filing a complaint about heating in your apartment, you need to pay attention to the standards approved by the government and measure the temperature in your home for verification.
Types of premises | ° C |
Bedroom, living room | 20-22 |
Living rooms of the northern regions | 21-23 |
Children's room | 23-24 |
Kitchen | 19-21 |
Bathroom, combined sanitary facilities | 24-26 |
Restroom | 19-21 |
Corridor in the apartment | 18-20 |
In addition to these norms, it is also worth referring to common sense. It is not always necessary to rush to search for where to complain if they do not heat well, that is, below the numbers in the table above. Each person perceives this or that temperature in his own way, not everyone is equally comfortable at 22 ° C in the bedroom. In the same bathroom, humidity is of great importance, due to high humidity there is a feeling of dampness.
When the house is too cold, all temperatures in the apartment must be documented wherever you choose to complain.Without official measurements, you will not have evidence of a violation, which means that no one will be held accountable and it will be impossible to achieve anything.
Whether it is an apartment in a multi-storey building or other housing, everyone should know what to do if your rights are violated. When there is no heating in a residential building, this is fraught with negative consequences affecting the health of citizens, especially young children.
If you have heating problems, it is important to be clear about who is responsible for the heat in your home.
Heat standards
In houses with central heating, standards have been established that provide for certain indicators of the temperature in the living quarters. According to GOST “Housing and communal services. General technical conditions "in the Russian Federation there are standards with temperature indicators:
- Living rooms, kitchen and separate bathroom - 18C.
- The heat index in a corner apartment can be at least 20C.
- Combined bathroom and bathroom - 25C.
- Staircase - 16C.
In the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, it is indicated that in the autumn-winter period, heat should be supplied to houses regularly and without interruption. However, during the cold period, emergency situations sometimes arise, as a result of which the supply of the coolant stops.
The document specifies the standards for the permissible period of heat shutdown:
- During a month, the coolant can be turned off for a maximum of 24 hours.
- If the temperature in living quarters is higher than 12C, then heating can be absent for no more than 16 hours.
- In rooms with a temperature of 10-12C, the maximum allowable heat cut-off time is 8 hours.
- If the air temperature in the apartment is 8-10C, then the batteries may not heat for a maximum of 4 hours.
If the heating system in the dwelling has not worked longer than the above norms, then the owner of the property has the right to consider that the heating of the house has been turned off. In this case, he can complain about the lack of heat by calling the HOA or other service demanding immediate elimination of the problem.
Where to go if it is still not drowned and cold
If the actions considered are unsuccessful, the heating is still not turned on, this is a reason to contact the most serious authorities.
The Prosecutor's Office is a supervisory body that must be notified of violations of the rights of residents and inaction of officials. After verification, all those responsible will be punished. To do this, you need to prepare a standard package of documents, to which you attach correspondence with the Criminal Code, RNO.
The next step is the reception of the President of the Russian Federation. The complaint must be left on the website by filling out an electronic form.
The last instance is the court. He will consider the case on the merits, identify the perpetrators and make a decision, including on the recalculation of the overpaid amounts.
If the specialist did not come
The fact that the representative of the heating supplier does not appear on call should not go unnoticed. It is necessary to repeat the call to the dispatching service and say about the violation of the procedure for the provision of services. Request clarification and say about your intention to write complaints to the authorities and higher authorities that control their activities.
Clarification should be requested on the basis of the delay. It is necessary to insist on the immediate dispatch of a specialist to inspect communications and remind him of his duty to draw up an act.
It will not be superfluous to record the conversation with the dispatcher, he may not be warned that the recording is in progress. These records will serve as evidence in court
After talking with the dispatcher, you need to dial the number of the chief engineer or director and briefly outline the essence of the situation, clearly giving the address and the reason for the accumulated claims. Report the lack of response to the application addressed to the dispatch service, mention your intentions to file complaints against the organization with the supervisory authorities.
It is necessary to demand that the problem be eliminated as soon as possible and to ensure the departure of a specialist to inspect the heating system.It is necessary to mention the preparation of a collective complaint if the problem with the heating supply is present in all residents of the house. In most cases, this will be enough to get the attention of utilities.
Where to contact regarding heating in Moscow
Of course, you should not endure the cold in apartments and entrances. First of all, you should signal to the local dispatch service. A call to the reception of the managing organization is required.
Citizens of MKD have every right to demand from employees of the Criminal Code, housing and communal services quick and adequate actions. The rent paid monthly includes the service of heating and water supply systems.
UK employees are required to conduct a comprehensive check of radiators and pipes. If violations are detected, eliminate immediately. If none are found, then an act is drawn up and handed over to the applicant.
- To the Housing and Utilities Department in the capital. This can be done in two ways - by calling 74955395353 or through the official website.
- Alternatively, contact the Moscow United Energy Company directly.
- If there are facts indicating the guilt of the managing organization for a malfunction in heating, then you can file an official complaint about the quality of the services provided to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.
- Modern means of communication between the administration and citizens make it possible to file complaints about heating in Moscow and Moscow Oblast on the website of the State Mobile Application.
The Housing and Utilities Hotline allows citizens to complain about poor service.
Optimal and permissible temperature in the rooms of the apartment
Actions in the absence of a reaction from the Criminal Code or the RSO
It is worth trying to resolve the issue of resuming heating with the supplier or the company that manages the MKD. It is always faster and does not require additional costs. Therefore, if the representative of the Criminal Code did not appear on the first call, you need to repeat the appeal. During a conversation with the operator, you must ask to explain the current situation, demand to immediately send the employee and inform about your intention to complain to the regulatory authorities if the procedure for servicing subscribers will continue to be violated. Hot line numbers and sites for complaints about the lack of heat are often posted in a place publicly accessible to all residents, for example, at the stand at the entrance to the entrance.
If after several calls the problem has not been resolved in any way, you need to start the appeal procedure, which, as a rule, includes several steps. In order for the case to receive maximum resonance, all affected neighbors should be involved. Collective complaints are usually more effective because they demonstrate the real quality of customer service.
Download: Sample Treatment for Weak or Completely Absent Heating
Drawing up a complaint about heating in an apartment in Moscow
If the heat supply is cut off in the apartment, this is an emergency. A commission is convened, which includes: the owner of the home, the director of the managing organization and, necessarily, a representative of the local administration.
If the invited officials do not come to the address (notification is sent in advance), then the act of violations is signed by the rest of the residents of the MKD or the owners of apartments in the nearest houses. The documents are transferred primarily to the UO or housing and communal services.
Statement to the Criminal Code
In addition to the statement, you need to attach an act of violation, drawn up in the presence of neighbors, the director of housing and communal services and an employee of the local municipality.
Appeal procedure
The tenant must first file a claim directly with the supplier or with the home management company. It is a written appeal that remains the most effective mechanism for protecting one's own interests. The claim consists of an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. The text must:
- the events that caused the conversion are described;
- the identified violations are listed;
- specifies the requirements for the resumption of normal heat supply to the house, as well as the recalculation;
- is notified of the intention to complain to the housing inspectorate, as well as to sue for the recovery of material damage, forfeit and other expenses.
The complaint must be accompanied by documents with which you can confirm the stated arguments. The list of applications usually includes copies of a heat supply agreement, an act on the lack of heating, receipts for timely payment.
The letter is sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. This will leave the sender with proof that the company received the appeal.
How long is the submitted appeal considered?
According to Art. 12 Federal Law No. 59, the addressee is obliged to prepare a response within 30 days, which is counted from the moment of receipt of the correspondence. In exceptional cases, the consideration may be delayed, but only if there are compelling reasons for this and for no more than 30 days.
Signal in GZI
The State Housing Inspectorate is a government agency whose competence includes control over the housing stock of the Russian Federation. If the management company does not fulfill its obligations, then it is necessary to complain to the territorial department of the GZI.
Regional or republican housing inspectorates have the right to appoint unscheduled inspections, for the results of which they bring officials to justice. As a rule, all contacts, hotline telephone, e-mail are posted by the state body on the official website.
Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor
Rospotrebnadzor is endowed with supervisory functions in the field of consumer rights protection. If the consumer receives services of inadequate quality, he has the right to complain to this service. You can use a hotline, an electronic receptionist, or a regular postal connection to send an appeal. All necessary contacts are posted on the official websites of the territorial offices.
Important! Filing a complaint with GZI or Rospotrebnadzor is also available on the online portal of the State Service. However, this requires registering and confirming a personal account.
Court and prosecutor's office
It is necessary to call or write to the local prosecutor's office when utilities grossly violate the rights of residents, ignore subscribers' applications and are negligent in their direct functions. If, as a result of the lack of heating, the residents incurred additional expenses, property was damaged or the health of citizens was harmed, then the violator risks incurring not only administrative but also criminal liability for such actions.
Litigation is initiated if the injured tenants plan to reimburse the damage caused by utilities. However, the trial takes several months on average. In addition, you will need to prepare a statement of claim in accordance with Art. 131 Code of Civil Procedure, pay the state fee, and sometimes the services of lawyers.