Standards and requirements for installation
All types of work with the gas supply, which include the installation of tees, the supply of the gas pipe and the installation of stopcocks on the gas pipe, should be entrusted to the specialists of an organization that has the appropriate license. If this provision is ignored, then you may be faced with the need to pay a fine.
The work on installing the column must be divided into two categories. The first provides for the installation of the device from scratch. The second is replacing the old device with a new one. In the first case, you will need to supply a gas pipe to the location of the water heater. You should also take care of the availability of the project. These works are carried out by gas facilities of each region or by a company licensed for a certain type of activity. In this case, you cannot do anything on your own.
If the project is ready and everything is agreed, then you can do some of the work yourself, saving money. It is necessary to start manipulating after drawing up a project and obtaining approvals, as well as permits. The standards for the installation of the described equipment are regulated by SP 42-101-2003, which contains provisions for the construction and design of gas distribution systems. One should also take into account the SNiP 42-01-2002 act, which refers to gas distribution systems.
When replacing a gas water heater, you must make sure that the ceiling height is at least 2 m. The room must have a chimney. Its diameter is 120 mm. These do not include "stranglers" in apartments. The water supply must maintain a pressure of 0.1 atmosphere. Geysers should not be installed in bathrooms.
Installation should be carried out on walls made of non-combustible materials. The appliance should not be placed over a gas stove. If this cannot be avoided, then the distance should be more than 10 cm. If the column that was used in the bathroom must be replaced and meets the technical standards, then installation is allowed in the same room.
The nuances of the operation
The transfer of gas equipment must be coordinated with the gas services in order to obtain the appropriate permits.
Failure to comply with this order will result in a fine and this will fundamentally affect your safety.
Only specialists can install a gas water heater in the bathroom, in accordance with all regulatory rules.
Moving instruments yourself can cause the following problems:
- inconsistency of the work done with the established regulatory requirements;
- lack of special tools, which will significantly reduce the quality of work.
Experts will not only move the column, but will also do it in accordance with safety requirements, which will give you confidence that having paid the money you will not have to worry about your safety.
Dismantling the column
Replacing the gas column should begin with dismantling the old appliance. If you carry out these works yourself, then you can save up to 800 rubles. The manipulations should be started by blocking gas access to the equipment. For this, the valve at the end of the pipe is closed. Using an open-end wrench or an adjustable wrench of the appropriate size, unscrew the hose fixing nut.
Sometimes there is a way to supply gas with a metal pipe. The gas pipe is rarely damaged when the hose is unscrewed. If a piece of metal pipe was used for the connection, then the unpleasant outcome is quite real.This is especially true for the case when the junction was painted with paint from year to year.
Excessive efforts to remove the layer should not be applied. For this, a solvent is used. The gas pipe must be held in place by unscrewing the nut. This reduces the chances of damaging communications. After disconnecting from the gas pipe, the hose is removed from the point of entry into the device. If it was recently changed and its condition is satisfactory, you can reuse that part of the system when you connect a new speaker. When in doubt about the reliability of the hose, a new one should be purchased. When buying, you must choose a certified tested product, which will ensure safety.
Features of dismantling: shutting off the water supply and purchasing additional consumable items
When replacing the gas column at the next stage, it is necessary to turn off the water supply system. If taps are provided to turn off the column, turn them off. In the absence of such an opportunity, you need to cut off the supply to the apartment. In the latter case, before installing a new device, it is necessary to purchase two taps for the outlet and inlet of the water. These elements are installed on the part of the pipe where the connection will be made. In the future, this should facilitate the maintenance of the device.
After disconnecting the column from the water supply system, it is necessary to remove the connecting pipe from the outlet of the device and remove it from the chimney. The column is disabled. It can be removed from the mount. The space for the installation of the new unit has been freed up. You can proceed to the next stage of work.
Installation of a new water heater: preparation of materials
Before starting installation, you should take care of the availability of the following materials:
- galvanized pipe;
- rings for entering the chimney;
- asbestos or metal chimney.
The galvanized pipe can be replaced with a corrugation. If this item comes in the kit, you will not have to spend money. Otherwise, it is necessary to determine the diameter of the outlet or see this parameter in the instructions.
When replacing a gas water heater in a house, you will need a pipe made of metal or asbestos. Its diameter should be 120 mm. This value can be increased. The length should be equal to 2 m. By increasing this parameter, you can improve traction.
You will also need a typical gas hose. Its size will depend on specific conditions. For example, the step from the end of the gas pipe to the entry into the device. It is important to take into account the type of thread at the inlet to the unit. The hose end must match and match the type of thread. The water supply connection point is prepared in advance.
You will need two connecting hoses. This work can be carried out using a metal-plastic pipe. In the latter case, you should decide whether a coupling is needed in order for the dimensions of the pipe and the connection point to fit together. When replacing a gas water heater in an apartment, you will also need dowels, which will allow you to fix the device on the wall. If there is no coarse filter in the house, you must install it. The life of the unit will depend on the quality of the water.
Additional safety rules
When servicing gas equipment, in order to avoid accidents, adhere to the basic safety rules:
- According to regulatory requirements, gas equipment must have free access to air, therefore, the cabinet in which the gas water heater is placed must not be tightly closed.
- Maintenance is carried out once a year, regardless of the type of gas appliances and gas pipes, so you should think about how to provide them with access in the kitchen.
- It is forbidden to brick the walls of gas pipes or cover them with non-removable boxes.
Read more Verification of water meters by the management company
By observing these conditions, you will not only insure yourself against significant penalties, but also keep your life and health safe.
Instrument preparation
Depending on how complex you are going to work, some tools will be needed. Among them should be highlighted:
- adjustable wrench;
- puncher;
- tow;
- sealant;
- open-end keys.
A set of chisels and drills should go to the hammer drill. You will need a drill with a drill that is designed to work with ceramic tiles.
Column installation
When replacing a gas water heater with a new one, the points for mounting the fasteners should be marked. It is necessary to determine the height of the device so that the connecting pipe has a length of 50 cm from the outlet to the outlet. When the room height is more than 2.7 m, this value should be reduced to 25 cm.
The height of the water heater must be such that children do not have free access to the device. Measure the distance between the holes for mounting on the housing. Using a punch or drill, holes are made for installing dowels. Next, hooks are mounted. After that, the column can be hung on the wall.
Preparatory work
Before moving gas heating equipment, a number of preparatory work should be performed:
- choose a new place for the gas water heater;
- perform installation work;
- connect the gas appliance to the gas and water supply;
- connect the gas water heater to plumbing fixtures so that hot water can be used;
- connect an instantaneous water heater to the chimney;
- check the operation of the column and the quality of installation work.
The entire complex of the listed works should be performed only by highly qualified specialists of companies engaged in the installation of gas equipment.
Connecting the appliance with PVC hoses or pipes
It is necessary to connect the water supply to the inlet of the column. The hose is convenient to use, because tape or tow is not required at the joints. Consistently it is necessary to connect the cold water tap to the inlet of the column. The connection of the hot water outlet to the tap is carried out according to the same principle. After that, it is necessary to open the tap of cold and hot water, observing the tightness. If no leak is found, you can press on the retaining nuts on the hose.
Replacing the membrane in the "Neva" column
To replace the membrane in the gas column "Neva", the equipment is turned off, as well as the supply of cold water and gas. One of the water taps must be opened to relieve the pressure in the pipes. In the next step, the casing is removed. Its attachment points are fairly easy to find. The fixing screws are located under the trims.
Replacing the membrane in the gas column begins after removing the casing, which gives access to the internal structure of the device. The element is located in the water regulator as a separate part. Finding it is easy. A cold water pipe will enter it. To remove the regulator, unscrew the union nuts securing the pipes. The water regulator is then removed. It must be disassembled to replace the membrane. It is important to pay attention to correct assembly. The element must not be installed upside down, in which case you will block the bypass that connects the halves of the water assembly.
How to choose a device
When choosing a gas water heater, you should pay attention to its design and color, which should be in harmony with the rest of the interior items and household appliances, since non-observance of one of these rules can disrupt harmony.
For some interior styles, it is characteristic that the column should not be transferred, but, on the contrary, put on display (modern, high-tech).
For its decor, you can use various stickers, etc. This solution will be relevant if you move the gas water heater to the bathroom.
Typically, the transfer of equipment requires the installation of many pipes. Because from below, the unit is connected to a gas pipe, cold water and a hot outlet, and in its upper part there is a chimney. For these purposes, it is necessary to use special boxes, which often come with the equipment, or to make them yourself.
If you follow all these rules and obtain the appropriate permission, you can effortlessly move the equipment to a new place both in Khrushchev and in other houses.
Watch the video in which the specialist explains the important points regarding the installation of the gas water heater in the kitchen:
In a non-privatized (municipal) apartment, it is necessary to transfer the gas water heater from the bathroom to the kitchen. There is a chimney in the kitchen, the act has been written out by the chimney sweeps. It is also necessary to install a gas meter in the apartment. To transfer a gas column (according to modern requirements), a project is required.
Who should do it? The apartment is municipal, therefore, all work must be performed by the MO. How can you make them do this work (get a project, do the work according to the project)?
We would like to establish individual metering of heat energy consumption. Wiring diagram, vertical, one-pipe. Should MOs do this job and how to get them to do the job.
Hello! Is the transfer of the gas water heater a necessity or do you want to do it for your comfort?
In any case, the actions that you have planned are redevelopment.
If the transfer of the burner is necessary, then write an application to the district administration (in the comets for the management of city property) so that they conduct a survey and work. If this is the solution. then apply for the approval of the redevelopment.
Initially his own decision, according to Ros. requirements are also being designed in new buildings. , and we can fulfill the conditions (for our own safety (frequent news bulletins). Plus the PP for the installation of metering devices (I do not remember the number), must also be fulfilled.
The issue of transferring a gas water heater is regulated by the provisions of SNiP 2.04.08-87 * Gas supply "(approved by the Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of 03.16.1987 N 54), in accordance with clause 6.37. * Of which the installation of water heaters, heating boilers and heating devices should be provided in kitchens and non-residential premises intended for their placement and meeting the requirements of paragraphs. 6.42 *. According to clause 6.43. The installation of these appliances in bathrooms is not permitted.
The question of the need to rearrange gas water heaters from the bathrooms, in which they were placed in accordance with previously valid standards, into kitchens or other non-residential premises of a residential building during the reconstruction of a house or gas supply system should be decided in each case by the design organization in agreement with the local operating organizations gas facilities.
Since, from a technical point of view, the transfer of a gas water heater is at least a process of replacing and transferring engineering networks and equipment that require amending the technical passport, in accordance with Article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, such actions are referred to as the reorganization of a dwelling (residential building, apartment, rooms), the procedure for which is regulated by both Chapter 4 of the RF LC and the provisions of the RF Urban Planning Code on the reconstruction of the in-house gas supply system (that is, obtaining a reconstruction project, a permit for reconstruction, an act of commissioning, etc.). The reorganization of the premises is carried out in agreement with the local government body on the territory of which the residential premises are located.
The applicant must apply to the local government with an application for the redevelopment of the dwelling.The form of such an application was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2005 N 266 "On Approval of the Application Form for the Reorganization and (or) Redevelopment of the Living Room and the Form of the Document Confirming the Decision on the Approval of the Reorganization and (or) Redevelopment of the Living Room". Simultaneously with this application, the owner submits the documents specified in Part 2 of Article 26 of the LC RF.
Thus, since the need to transfer the gas column is due to the norms of the legislation, then you have the right to require the Ministry of Defense to carry out these works.
Thank you for such a detailed answer. Thank you.
In total, we need to draw up an application in the prescribed form and send it to the district administration. After that, wait until funds appear for the reconstruction of the gas supply system of our house.
Will it be possible to compensate the costs for independent work (service organization) at our expense.
Thank you for such a detailed answer. Thank you.
In total, we need to draw up an application in the prescribed form and send it to the district administration. After that, wait until funds appear for the reconstruction of the gas supply system of our house.
Will it be possible to compensate the costs for independent work (service organization) at our expense.
According to the listed normative and regulatory documents, the transfer of the geyser to another place must be carried out in compliance with the following conditions:
- the work will be performed by a specialist with the necessary admission;
- the connection will be made in accordance with the existing project.
Accordingly, independent dismantling and reconnection of gas equipment is considered a gross violation of regulations. If the work will be performed by a specialist, for example, a representative of the Gas Service, then the change in location must be agreed, as evidenced by the project indicating the new location of the column.