Do-it-yourself floor insulation with penoplex under the screed. Learning to do everything ourselves

How to insulate the floor under the screed with penoplex with your own hands - instructions with video

The figure is huge, especially in terms of annual heating costs in the northern latitudes, in which Russia is mainly located. Insulation of the floor with Penoplex is not so much a reasonable waste of money as a good investment that saves a considerable amount of the annual budget.

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Product overview

1. Penoplex Foundation.

When using any material, the manufacturer's recommendations must be followed. Penoplex Foundation for floor insulation will be the best solution from the line of this company. He will also help with the thermal insulation of basements, basements and any supporting concrete structures in contact with the ground and dampness.

Penoplex has all the advantages of extruded polystyrene foam. The prices for warming them, given the characteristics, do not exceed similar works from other types, since it compares favorably with them with an ultra-low thermal conductivity of 0.030 W / (m × ° C), an almost complete absence of moisture absorption - no more than 0.5% by volume, enormous strength - about 27 tons / m sq and unsurpassed durability - 60-80 years. The cost of Penoplex insulation is approximately 4,200 rubles / m3. Sheet dimensions - 600 x 1200, thickness - from 20 to 100 mm.

2. Penoplex Comfort.

Material with a wide range of applications. With its help, you can do the insulation of the floor on the balcony with your own hands, foundations, walls, roofs, loggias, garages and other utility rooms. It is also used for garden paths to prevent frost heaving.

If you doubt what to choose - polystyrene or Penoplex, pay attention to its differences: with a low density of 25-35 kg / m3, the strength is 20 tons / m2, the operating temperature range is from -50 to +75 degrees. Penoplex has L-shaped edges that allow joining its plates without the formation of cold bridges.

You can buy Penoplex Comfort at an average price of 4 350 rubles / m3. One sheet of this insulation has dimensions of 600 x 1200, thickness is 20-100 mm. Depending on this indicator, the cost of one piece will vary in the range from 62 to 313 rubles.

Floor insulation technology

Insulating the floor with Penoplex is a task that even an unprepared person can handle. The complex of works depends on whether they are performed in an apartment on a concrete base or in a private house on the ground. To begin with, consider the first option, in which the most popular place is the balcony. Note that the technology of floor insulation with foam and Penoplex with your own hands is very similar. The materials are similar in nature, so the installation is almost identical.

  • To insulate the concrete floor on the loggia with Penoplex slabs, you must first remove the old coating and apply a thin cement screed to level it. This will protect Penoplex sheets from damage on an uneven surface under pressure.
  • In order for the floor insulation on the balcony to be durable, a vapor barrier layer should be laid, which is also suitable for ordinary polyethylene. The joints of the film are glued with tape.
  • After that, Penoplex is laid. Due to the presence of an L-shaped notch on the edges, the joints are much more airtight than when using the same foam. Even so, it is best to thinly apply the sealant to them with a spatula.
  • Another layer of vapor barrier is placed on top, then cement. The floor screed with Penoplex in the base must be at least 40 mm thick, and when laying the heating system - at least 70 mm.
  • After all the work, the structure is allowed to settle for 7 days or more, then the floor covering can be mounted. Thermal insulation of the floor under the screed, made in this way, even without additional heating of the surface, gives good results.

Installation of slabs on the ground of the first tier of a private house is carried out according to the same scheme. It differs in that you need to independently organize a concrete coating on which the vapor barrier is laid, after which all of the above work is repeated. According to reviews, Penoplex insulation of the ground floor is perfectly compatible with a concrete screed made on a well-rammed 35-cm layer of gravel or fine gravel.

Tips & Tricks

  • The thickness of Penoplex for the floor of the loggia or the first floor should be 40-60, for an apartment 20-30 mm is enough.
  • Plates made of extruded polystyrene foam are much less afraid of water in comparison with any analogs made of polystyrene, therefore, the floor in an apartment is much more reliable and durable to insulate with Penoplex than using its counterpart. Indeed, with the penetration of water, even in small quantities, not only the performance decreases, but also the service life of the coating is significantly reduced.

Thermal insulation cost

A floor without insulation is like a hole in your pocket through which money falls out. Calculations show that the use of this material pays off after 3 wintering periods. The approximate cost of work in rubles is 300 per m2. Given the low complexity of installation, you can save a decent amount by performing thermal insulation yourself. After all, the price for installation of the total cost is about 50%.

Work technology

If the installation of such a floor is carried out on the ground, then first you need to make a sand cushion, it is leveled and tamped. It is necessary to decide on the loads that will be created on the floor, since the thickness and density of the plates, as well as their price, depend on this.

Styling foam

Fig. 3 Styling foam

Usually 2-3 cm thick slabs are enough, but if this is the first floor, then it is better to take slabs 4 cm thick, and if the work is carried out on the ground, then 5-10 cm.

For a house, there is enough material with a density of 30-35 kg / m3; for a garage, you need to take insulation with a density of 45 kg / m3.

Installation of plates is carried out end-to-end, experts recommend that all seams be additionally glued with foil or at least ordinary tape. This will prevent moisture from the screed to seep between the slabs.

For additional protection of the insulation, a layer of waterproofing is also laid (glassine, polyethylene or roofing material), the price of this material is low.

If you do everything with your own hands, then be sure to remember that the waterproofing is placed on top of the penoplex, and not under it. To provide a deformation gap, a 1 cm thick tape is attached to the wall around the perimeter, it can be made of foamed polyethylene.

After its installation, you can start pouring the screed.

Floor leveling cement screed thickness

Repair in an apartment or private house, as a rule, begins with leveling the floors. Concrete pouring helps to create the most even surface and ensures its durability throughout its entire service life. The thickness of the floor screed depends on two parameters: the type of room and the type of insulation used. The role of thermal insulation can be played by a foam layer or a complex of water heating elements.

Screed types

There is a wide range of self-leveling mixtures on the construction market, but many consumers prefer the "classic" cement mortar. Its main advantages are resistance to deformation and low cost.

How to insulate the floor with Penoplex

In order for the concrete base to meet the operating conditions, the possible thickness of the leveling cement screed must be calculated.If it is laid on a prepared surface, then the layer should not be less than 2 cm. Reinforcement allows you to reduce the amount of concrete required for leveling, if it cannot be done, then the solution is poured into 7-8 cm.

Under serious loads, the permissible thickness of the cement-sand screed layer is 7 cm, and the installation of reinforcement becomes mandatory.

Penoplex is often used as a floor insulation, which is characterized by high thermal protection, durability and safety. After its laying, they proceed to concreting. As a rule, the minimum thickness of the penoplex screed is 4 cm.If you are not satisfied with the layer height, then it is better to reduce the amount of thermal insulation, and not concrete.

Currently, warm water floor systems are gaining popularity, which are a complex of water heating elements passing under the base of the room. Such systems, as a rule, are protected from mechanical stress by cement-sand filling. The maximum thickness of the screed for a warm floor of a dwelling is 10 cm. Experts advise to pour concrete 2–5 cm above the pipeline. If there is sound insulation between the “warm floor” system and the base, then the layer should not be less than 3.5 cm.

The garage is a place for repairing a car and other equipment, therefore, to ensure its normal functioning, a reliable and durable floor is arranged. For this purpose, cement-sand filling is excellent. The thickness of the minimum screed in the garage should be 4 cm. If the slabs are laid unevenly and there are strong level differences, then it is necessary to cover the floor with a concrete solution of 10-15 cm. It makes sense to install thermal insulation only if it is heated.

Thermal insulation of concrete screed for laying tiled or parquet flooring.

The technology provides for the arrangement of a film or mastic waterproofing substrate, which will serve as the basis for the installation of foam thermal insulation. For uniform distribution of internal shrinkage stresses and local loads, fiberglass mesh reinforcement is used. The strength of the foam to compressive loads allows the thickness of the concrete screed to be reduced to a minimum of 40 mm.

Standard concrete mortar has low elasticity, so the surface of the screed for floor insulation must be planned. Mortars based on dry building mixtures are more advanced, since they are included in the group of self-leveling concrete coatings. In an economical version, the main filling is made using a simple solution, a more advanced material is used for the final filling.

The insulated screed can serve as the basis for laying any floor covering of laminate or linoleum parquet tiles. The heat preservation of polystyrene foam insulation can be significantly improved by external insulation of the foundation base of the house, which can be combined with the renewal of the foundation waterproofing that has worked out the assigned resource.
Order the installation of thermal insulation in our company and your home will be comfortable and warm all year round!

Floor insulation with Penoplex slabs

Experts' calculations show that about 10% of thermal energy is lost through the floor of a traditional private house. The figure is huge, especially in terms of annual heating costs in the northern latitudes, in which Russia is mainly located. Insulation of the floor with Penoplex is not so much a reasonable waste of money as a good investment that saves a considerable amount of the annual budget.

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Product overview

1. Penoplex Foundation.

When using any material, the manufacturer's recommendations must be followed. Penoplex Foundation for floor insulation will be the best solution from the line of this company.He will also help with the thermal insulation of basements, basements and any supporting concrete structures in contact with the ground and dampness.

Penoplex has all the advantages of extruded polystyrene foam. The prices for warming them, given the characteristics, do not exceed similar works from other types, since it compares favorably with them with an ultra-low thermal conductivity of 0.030 W / (m × ° C), an almost complete absence of moisture absorption - no more than 0.5% by volume, enormous strength - about 27 tons / m sq and unsurpassed durability - 60-80 years. The cost of Penoplex insulation is approximately 4,200 rubles / m3. Sheet dimensions - 600 x 1200, thickness - from 20 to 100 mm.

2. Penoplex Comfort.

Material with a wide range of applications. With its help, you can do the insulation of the floor on the balcony with your own hands, foundations, walls, roofs, loggias, garages and other utility rooms. It is also used for garden paths to prevent frost heaving.

If you doubt what to choose - polystyrene or Penoplex, pay attention to its differences: with a low density of 25-35 kg / m3, the strength is 20 tons / m2, the operating temperature range is from -50 to +75 degrees. Penoplex has L-shaped edges that allow joining its plates without the formation of cold bridges.

You can buy Penoplex Comfort at an average price of 4 350 rubles / m3. One sheet of this insulation has dimensions of 600 x 1200, thickness is 20-100 mm.

Benefits of foam flooring

Why is floor insulation so important? Serious heat losses go through it, the room has to be heated more intensively, this takes additional energy costs and financial injections. Therefore, it is easier to perform floor insulation, the technology of which will make the surface warm, minimize losses and ensure a long service life.
Leveling the floor with a screed is often supplemented by installing foam under the screed. This material has serious advantages and important characteristics:

  • The material does not absorb moisture. It is because of moisture that mold and mildew form on the floor. This is an urgent problem for private houses and those who live on the ground floors of apartment buildings;
  • Penoplex helps to reduce heat loss by about 20 percent, which makes the material energy efficient;
  • It is strong in compression, has a slight degree of deformation, and can withstand severe loads;
  • The modern technology of the device with foam crumbs allows you to achieve an impressive service life of the foam;
  • Environmental friendliness of penoplex. The production technology does not provide for the use of hazardous, harmful substances. Therefore, penoplex is safe, environmentally friendly, does not cause allergic reactions;
  • A simple installation technology will allow you to do the screed on the penoplex with your own hands without the help of specialists. It doesn't even need a specialized tool.


