Sauna stoves "Vesuvius" - if you need high-quality steam

Vesuvius furnace range

Actually, there are two model lines: steel and cast iron stoves. The first includes 7 items:

  • "Optimum";
  • "Scythian";
  • "Typhoon";
  • "Rusich";
  • "Lava";
  • "Russian steam";
  • "Premium".

Vesuvius-Lava heater

The entire range covers a wide range of steam room sizes - from 6 m3 to 40 m3. More details about the characteristics of each series will be discussed below, and now we will present a list of names of cast-iron bath stoves:

  • "Legend";
  • "Hurricane".

cast iron sauna stove

Here the range of steam rooms is slightly narrower: from 8 to 30 m3, as well as the number of modifications. The fact is that cast iron products are much more expensive than steel ones, and therefore the demand for them is less. Which does not mean the poor quality of the products, at the moment the reviews of the Vesuvius trademark are overwhelmingly good.

Overview of steel furnaces

The model range opens with the Optimum series, which is designed for heating a small steam room with a volume of 6 to 14 m3 and includes 2 modifications. The difference between them is that one stove is fired directly from the steam room, and the second from the adjacent room. The length of the remote firebox is 25 cm.The design of the heaters can be seen in the figure:

Despite its small size (650 x 560 x 490), the Vesuvius "Optimum" oven is quite massive - 53 kg. The reason is the thickness of the metal from which the combustion chamber is welded; the diagram shows that it is 5 mm. In addition, a metal partition is installed inside the firebox, which prevents the direct passage of combustion products into the chimney. This increases the heat dissipation of the chamber, which is surrounded on all sides by a ventilated open stove.

sauna stove Vesuvius-Optimum

The rest of the design is classic, a grate is built into the bottom of the firebox, and under it there is an ash pan drawer. With its help, the combustion air supply is controlled. These furnaces for Vesuvius baths are supplied only with a blind loading door and are considered a budget option.

About products

Vesuvius heating stoves have their own advantages. In addition to an interesting external design, they are characterized by high performance, a special built-in self-cleaning system. The manufacturer took care of the design of the stove and made the door from heat-resistant glass. Another plus lies in its fire safety.

The stove of this manufacturer is popular among bathhouse attendants. It is developed by Russian engineering specialists and purchased by users for Finnish saunas and classic Russian baths.

The Vesuvius sauna stove is an all-welded structure that works on the principle of convection. It is durable and practical. The combustion chamber is made of very strong 8 mm steel. At the bottom of the structure there is a high-quality cast iron grate. The stove is installed in such a way as to heat it from the room adjacent to the steam room.

You can read about the features of the convection oven for heating here.

Also, from the advantages of the Vesuvius sauna stove, one can single out a rather large-capacity heater, the minimum load of stones on the collector and the complete absence of sharp corners.

Reviews of the owners about the Vesuvius oven indicate that it is quite convenient to use the convection control dampers, the oven casing does not "fond" at all, and the heat in the steam room reaches 80 ˚C after about 1.5 hours and lasts for a long time.

Also, real owners note that, despite the attractiveness of a stove with stones, this is not always the best solution.Bath attendants often argue that the steam from these stones, if used incorrectly, can be damp and heavy, because the open stones in the grid near the firebox never get warm enough, as in the Vesuvius stove with a closed stove.

Series "Skif"

The difference from "Optimum" here is expressed in the configuration of the partition, which makes the flue gases more efficiently give off heat, bending around it. In addition, the upper and rear walls of the combustion chamber have been reinforced, where the metal thickness reaches 8 mm. At the same time, as conceived by the designers, the side walls "lost weight" to 4 mm. By the way, in the manufacture of Vesuvius furnaces, stainless steel is not used, hence the reasonable price of the products. The device of the Skif furnace is shown in the diagram:

From the diagram, it is noticeable that the arrangement of the ash pan and the stove remained the same: respectively, a drawer and a cylindrical grid for holding stones. The series includes 5 lines of furnaces, each of which is designed for certain dimensions of the steam room, ranging from 6 m3 and ending with a volume of 40 m3.

Bath heaters Vesuvius "Skif" cover the widest range of heating capacities, the series includes the largest number of stoves - 36.

wood-burning stove Skif with a hinged tank for heating water

Wood-burning stoves "Skif" are supplied with an extended package of options. This includes a hinged tank for heating water with a capacity of 30 liters or more, heat-resistant and panoramic glass instead of a blank loading door. Thanks to the forward-facing combustion chamber, it is possible to heat both directly from the steam room and from an adjacent room.

Why are buyers choosing Vesuvius?

Vesuvius wood-burning stoves have many advantages over their counterparts. In addition to the stylish design, the stoves are distinguished by their rich functionality.

The design of the furnace is made in a round shape. Thanks to this solution, the heat is evenly distributed. The stones are heated to the same degree, which contributes to a longer retention of heat in the room. Also, this option of heating stones maximally extinguishes the infrared radiation of the metal.

Vesuvius oven
The design of Vesuvius stoves fits perfectly into the interior of the bath

Only high-strength steel is used for the manufacture of furnaces. Plates are used with a minimum thickness of 8 mm. Thanks to this, Vesuvius furnaces are considered one of the most durable. Also in the Vesuvius line there are cast iron models, which are distinguished by their high structural strength.

The stone net can hold up to 130 kg, depending on the oven model. The stones can be heated up to 400 degrees, which makes Vesuvius stoves an excellent option even for a hot sauna.

The oven door is protected with heat-resistant glass that does not crack at extreme temperatures. The glass is equipped with a self-cooling and self-cleaning system. The door itself is made of steel or cast iron, it is tightly closed from fire. The oven door handle does not get hot from the heat, which is also an advantage.

Typhoon Series

Under this name, 9 units are produced, adapted for heating rooms from 6 to 30 m3. The design of the fuel chamber and the system of gas ducts "Typhoon" does not shine with originality and almost completely repeats the model "Skif". The difference lies in the shape of the stove, which has turned from cylindrical to rectangular. The heater is ventilated and also open from all sides.

sauna stove with ventilated stove

The manufacturer declares that some of the furnace elements that are most exposed to fire are made of 12 mm carbon structural steel. True, he does not indicate what these elements are. The rest of the metal remains the same - 4 mm on the side walls, 8 mm on the back and top. All stoves have a firebox with a remote channel. The amount of clearance is standard, 25 cm.

If we talk about options, the Vesuvius Typhoon oven boasts 2 types of observation glasses:

  • heat-resistant, built into a standard door for storing fuel.
  • panoramic, with dimensions 41 x 41 cm.

In versions with sight glasses, it is possible to regulate the air supply to the furnace using a special damper. There is also an option with the installation of a hinged tank for heating water.

The best fireplace stoves Vesuvius

The Vesuvius brand line includes dozens of different fireplace stoves. They differ in size, design, shape and functionality. The review presents the 7 best models according to users' opinion. This will allow you to choose the best option.

Vesuvius PK-01 (220) ANGULAR BEIGE

The stove is made of high-strength steel and is equipped with a cast-iron furnace door with heat-resistant glass... The design has a system for adjusting combustion modes.

Designed for rooms up to 150 square meters.

Creates soft steam in a short time and distributes it evenly throughout the room.

The power is 9 kW, due to which the heat is maintained for 5 hours.


  • heated area - 150 m³;
  • power - 9 kW;
  • burning time - 5 hours;
  • chimney diameter - 11.5 cm;
  • dimensions - 73.4x84.3x52.8 cm;
  • weight - 115 kg.


  • optimal price;
  • long keeping warm;
  • spacious firebox;
  • modern design.


  • high consumption of firewood;
  • strong soot on the glass.

Vesuvius PK-01 (220) ANGULAR RED

The body is made of high-strength steel and lined with natural stone... It quickly warms up the air in the room and distributes heat within 15 minutes after laying the firewood.

It takes more time to heat the stones. The oven heats the room by convection and radiant heat.

The furnace is equipped with fireclay that can withstand temperatures up to 1300 degrees.

The firebox is separated from the body, due to which the body does not overheat and provides a high degree of fire safety.


  • heated area - 150 m³;
  • power - 9 kW;
  • burning time - 5 hours;
  • chimney diameter - 11.5 cm;
  • dimensions 43.4x81.3x50 cm;
  • weight - 107 kg.


  • budget price;
  • large firebox;
  • quality materials;
  • easy installation;
  • quick warm-up.


  • smoke enters the room;
  • glass quickly gets dirty.

Vesuvius PK-01 (270) BEIGE

The unit is made in a modern design and is equipped with a glass door that can withstand temperatures up to 750 degrees and is resistant to mechanical stress.

The power of the stove is enough for heating a steam room up to 150 squares.

Due to its low weight, the structure is easy to install for 1-2 adult men.

This does not require a separate foundation.


  • heated area - 150 m³;
  • power - 9 kW;
  • burning time - 5 hours;
  • chimney diameter - 11.5 cm;
  • dimensions 75.2x84.3x58.6 cm;
  • weight - 132 kg.


  • compact size;
  • fast warming up of the room;
  • long keeping warm;
  • stylish design.


  • the door must be often cleaned of soot;
  • high fuel consumption.


Corner stove with a cast-iron fire door, complete with heat-resistant glass... The blower door has a combustion mode control system.

The furnace is equipped with high quality fireclay that can withstand temperatures up to 1300 degrees Celsius.

Power is enough to heat a room with a volume of up to 150 square meters.

The stove is lined with talcum powder, due to which the body does not overheat. The service life of the unit is at least 10 years with active operation


  • heated area - 150 m³;
  • power - 9 kW;
  • burning time - 5 hours;
  • chimney diameter - 11.5 cm;
  • dimensions 43.4x81.3x50 cm;
  • weight - 107 kg.


  • acceptable price;
  • fast heating of a large area;
  • spacious firebox;
  • the heat lasts 1.5-2 hours.


  • high consumption of firewood;
  • at the first fireboxes the paint burns.

Vesuvius PK-01 (270) RED

Reliable and safe in operation furnace made of structural steel... Equipped with a cast-iron door with heat-resistant glass and a combustion control system.

The furnace is equipped with fireclay that can withstand heating up to 1300 degrees Celsius.

The bottom of the combustion chamber is made of triple cast iron grates.

Ceramic side panels give the structure a unique look. The capacity is enough for heating a steam room up to 150 square meters. Firewood burns up to 5 hours.


  • heated area - 150 m³;
  • power - 9 kW;
  • burning time - 5 hours;
  • chimney diameter - 11.5 cm;
  • dimensions 75.2x84.3x58.6 cm;
  • weight - 132 kg.


  • budgetary cost;
  • high quality materials;
  • spacious firebox;
  • durable door.


  • glass quickly gets dirty;
  • complex installation.

Vesuvius PK-01 (220) ANGULAR Sandstone

The stove is made of structural steel... Designed for heating rooms up to 150 square meters. The cladding is made of natural, environmentally friendly stones, which have excellent heat capacity and contribute to long-term heat retention with a uniform return.

The model is equipped with a cast-iron door with heat-resistant glass and regulation of combustion modes.

The combustion chamber is equipped with fireclay, which provides high-quality heat transfer.


  • heated area - 150 m³;
  • power - 9 kW;
  • burning time - 5 hours;
  • chimney diameter - 11.5 cm;
  • dimensions 75.2x84.3x58.6 cm;
  • weight - 132 kg.


  • low price;
  • fast warming up of the room;
  • long-term maintenance of heat;
  • spacious combustion chamber.


  • high consumption of firewood;
  • the glass gets dirty.

Series "Rusich", "Lava"

These 2 series include 24 and 27 modifications, respectively, installed in steam rooms from 6 to 30 m3. The inner working part remains unchanged again, as well as the thickness of the metal walls. But a rectangular or cylindrical stove here is open only from above, on the sides it is fenced with a convection casing with grooves made for the passage of air.

"Rusich" or "Lava" is well suited for those people who do not tolerate direct heat emanating from the oven in the form of infrared radiation. The barrier on its way is the convection casing, and the heater is also ventilated through it.

stove with panoramic glass of the firebox

In fact, all ovens have the same body ("Rusich" - rectangular, "Lava" - round). A variety of modifications is achieved through various configuration options, which include:

  • remote channel for the firebox from an adjacent room;
  • fireproof and panoramic glass.

According to the company's representatives, the purchase and installation of a stove of one of these series will provide the fastest heating of the steam room, while the temperature of the stove can reach 350 ° C. So the presence of an outer casing in the design is very useful here.

Features of the Vesuvius stoves of the Litcom company

The first thing that catches your eye when considering the Vesuvius Legend standard 16 stove is a large stove and the absence of corners. This is an all-welded convection-type construction. The stove is characterized by a long service life and practicality. Thanks to its shape and the absence of corners, the heat is evenly distributed in the steam room of a bath or any other room. The cast iron grate is located at the bottom. Impressive is the imposing stone grid, which can hold up to 68 kg and heat up to 400˚C, so the steam from the stove is excellent.

Stoves for Vesuvius baths can be with a remote firebox, natural stone cladding and a forged casing. They are designed to be very hot, but they do not emit infrared rays and do not burn the air in the room. That is why lovers of the Russian baths express positive reviews about the stoves for the Vesuvius bath Legend 16. There are models that are made of high-alloy steel with a wall thickness of 8–12 mm. As for the Legend standard 16 model, they consist entirely of cast iron. Due to this, their weight is greater.To protect the steel body from IR rays, it is treated with silicon with an organic refractory mixture.

In total, Litkom produces 11 different types of sauna stoves:

  1. Legend.
  2. Elite.
  3. Premium.
  4. Lava.
  5. Rusich.
  6. Scythian.
  7. The president.
  8. Russian couple.
  9. Optimum.
  10. Classic.
  11. Vertical.

These types have various modifications. There are really a lot of them, so you will have a lot to choose from. And so that you don't get confused, we want to shed some light on the markings and their meaning. You can see that, for example, the Vesuvius Legend Standard 16 model has a MF, HF, or HF value. What does it mean? These letters were added for a reason. They show what features this or that stove model has. This may concern appearance, equipment and technical characteristics. Let's reveal the meaning of these letters.

  1. B - means that the steam room stove is equipped with a remote fuel channel. And this makes it possible to heat the unit not from the steam room itself, but from another adjacent room.
  2. T - the presence of a heat exchanger in the design of the stove.
  3. H - the firebox has a solid cast-iron door.
  4. C - the door of the firebox has a fireproof glass through which the combustion process itself is visible.
  5. K - the Vesuvius sauna stove is equipped with a forged mesh heater.
  6. B - the oven comes with a special samovar-type water tank.
  7. KV - oven-convection-ventilated construction.
  8. H - to make the furnace, stainless steel was used, to which chromium was added, at least 18%.

Series "Russian couples" and "Premium"

The round shape of the heaters "Russian steam", somewhat elongated in height, is due to changes in the internal structure. Here, directly above the combustion chamber and the secondary flue gas duct, an additional completely closed heater is arranged, which removes heat from the hot flue gases.

Due to this, its maximum temperature can reach 400 ° C. Outside, there is a second heater, bounded by a strong cylindrical mesh, that surrounds the firebox body on all sides. To fill the inner cavity with stones, a separate opening is provided in the upper part of the furnace.

The line includes only 5 modifications, providing heat for rooms with a volume of 14 to 30 m3. The package includes the same accessories as in previous series. They also became the basis for the development of Elite premium-class ovens.

This means that the Vesuvius "Skif" sauna stove was taken and trimmed from the outside with decorative stone (talcomagnesite or green serpentine). For another modification, the unit "Russian steam" served as the basis; all in all, under the name "Elite" there are 5 heaters for the volume of a steam room of 12-30 m3.

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

The production of Vesuvius ovens was organized by one of the dealers. They are produced by the Litkom enterprise. The specialists of this company studied the most popular and productive stoves from Finland and the best-selling products of domestic stove-makers. As a result, Vesuvius ovens appeared. The company does not stand still, is constantly developing, modernizing production and trying to satisfy a variety of requests. Today, not only Vesuvius wood-burning stoves are manufactured, but also heating ones, as well as chimneys and accessories for them, tanks and heat exchangers, as well as stove accessories. So there is always an opportunity to replace a failed unit with a "native" analogue or to replenish your oven.

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

Wood-burning stoves for a bath "Vesuvius"

Features of the stoves for the bath "Vesuvius"

The main and main feature of Vesuvius is the absence of corners. the stove has a rounded shape, which contributes to an even distribution of heat radiation. The outer casing "Vesuvius" is an all-welded structure made of 8mm thick high-strength steel plates. This form looks unusual and recognizable.

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

Wood-burning stoves for the Vesuvius bathhouse with an open stove have a rounded shape

Stones laid in a rounded mesh structure are heated more evenly, at the same time well extinguishing hard infrared radiation from the metal surfaces of the furnace.

It must be said that even the best design of the outer mesh with stones does not provide the degree of steam moisture that is necessary for a Russian bath. If you decide to make a Russian steam room with its not the highest temperature, but high humidity, then it is better to choose models with a closed heater for this. All connoisseurs of the Russian bath are absolutely sure of this. If it is the open heater with visible stones that appeals to you, you will need additional devices.

Everyone agrees that when the heater is open, the stones simply cannot warm up to the temperature at which the steam is “light”. They heat up well with sufficient firebox power, but they also give off heat well, quickly warming up the steam room. This is indeed the case. But the result is a dry-air Finnish sauna, not a Russian bath.

Water can be poured onto the stones of the open heater. But this produces a "heavy" steam, which is not good. To obtain an atmosphere that is more appropriate for the desired conditions in the steam room, pipes are inserted into the stones. And water or decoctions of herbs lend themselves to them. Since the temperature of the stones located closer to the firebox is much higher than the outside temperature, the steam is lighter and more dry. Passing also through the stones located above, it becomes finely dispersed and still dries up. Such steam is already much closer to the Russian steam room. But such an addition is not ideal - near a well-heated stove it is rather difficult to accurately and slowly pour water into the pipes, without getting burned by the escaping steam. In addition, the installation location of the tubes must be determined intuitively at first. If the steam does not suit you, you have to move the stones again, rearranging the pipes. In general - a hassle.

If we talk about models with a closed stove, they are more suitable for Russian steam rooms, but only if it is possible to open / close the upper, open part of the stove, regulating both the heat transfer and the temperature of the stones themselves.

The bodies of the Vesuvius bath stoves are coated with a special organosilicon compound. It protects the housing from the effects of aggressive water at high temperatures. Such models look no less impressive than open heaters, since some of them are decorated with forged elements. But if you decide to make a Russian steam room out of your bath, then most likely the appearance of the iron stove will not be important for you: to create conditions as close as possible to the "Russian bath" you will need to overlay it with a brick screen.

All existing models of Vesuvius sauna stoves have a chimney diameter of 115mm. All components and accessories for them can be purchased "native" - ​​this is one of the activities of the enterprise. If you choose a stove model that needs to be heated from an adjacent room, then the depth of the combustion tunnel will also be standard - 290mm.

Lines of stoves for the Vesuvius bathhouse

In the Vesuvius family of ovens with an open stove, the Vesuvius Vertical series looks rather unusual. All modifications have the same dimensions (width 540mm, depth 790mm and height 1010mm), but differ in the type of furnace tunnel door. There are doors with panoramic or ordinary glass, there are doors without glass. This line is designed for heating steam rooms with a volume of 8-18m3.

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

Wood-burning stoves for a bath "Vesuvius-Vertical"

Wood-burning stoves for the Vesuvius bathhouse with an open stove are both the Russian Steam and Vesuvius Scythian line. There is where to roam - a wide variety of sizes (different width / height / depth) and types of doors allows you to choose the best option for each specific case.

In the "Russian couple", however, there are only six modifications, one of which has an outer lining of a coil.These models are designed for heating steam rooms with an area of ​​18-28m3.

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

Stoves for a bath "Vesuvius Scythian" modification SCh12

But "Scythians" 26 options. Here you can choose for any volume of the room. There is also a great variety of door designs - regular size glass, panoramic door with glass or iron.

Vesuvius Elite stoves are lined with a coil, equipped with a furnace tunnel and a door with glass. There are not so many models, but they look quite interesting.

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

Wood-burning stoves for the Vesuvius Elite bathhouse are lined with a coil

A popular range with a closed heater is Vesuvius Lava. Their distinctive feature is decorative forged elements located at the top / bottom and in the middle of the case. These furnaces have many modifications and a wide range of sizes - 24 modifications, which differ in size and power. You can choose models for steam rooms from 6 to 28m3. You also choose whether or not a furnace tunnel, glass / metal door and its dimensions (panoramic or not).

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

Sauna stove "Vesuvius Lava" 22

Bath stoves "Vesuvius Rusich" do not have forged elements on the body. But for those who decided to put a brick screen around the stove in order to bring the steam conditions as close as possible to the Russian steam room, this does not matter.

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

Sauna stove "Vesuvius Rusich"

Each of the lines has so-called fireplace stoves. They differ from the rest by a wide panoramic glass in the door.

There is also a line of Legend cast iron stoves (not to be confused with the Finnish Harvia Legend stoves). Since the stoves are made of cast iron, they are all larger (160kg versus the usual 60-100kg). All Legends models with open stove are equipped with combustion tunnels. Designed for heating steam rooms with an area of ​​10 to 28 cubic meters.

As you can see, there are plenty to choose from.

Vesuvius water tanks

In the basic configuration, Vesuvius ovens are not equipped with water tanks. But you can choose any of those that are in production. Vesuvius produces various tanks:

  • Rectangular tanks on a pipe (with a capacity of 55 and 80 liters) and rectangular hinged tanks (60, 80, 110 and 125 liters).

    Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

    Vesuvius rectangular tanks

    All of them are welded from 1 mm thick matt stainless steel sheet. G3 / 4 connections are located on the bottom or on the sides.

  • Oval tanks on a pipe (55 and 80 liters), contoured oval tanks vertical and horizontal (60 and 90 liters) from mirror stainless steel 1 or 0.5 mm.

    Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

    Oval tanks on the Vesuvius pipe

    Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

    Hinged oval tanks "Vesuvius" from mirror stainless steel

    There is a filler hole and G3 / 4 nipples located on the side.

  • Heat exchangers are round (6 and 12 liters) and flat. They are made of stainless steel with a thickness of 1 or 0.5 mm, two G3 / 4 fittings for connection to a heating system or water supply.

Furnace installation
Consider an installation scheme in which the stove will be in the steam room, and the remote tank in the washing room.

Stoves for the bath Vesuvius: a review and reviews of the owners

Standard installation diagram of the Vesuvius furnace with a remote water tank

As can be seen from the figure, a "samovar" type heat exchanger is used, which does not allow heat to escape through the chimney, but uses it to heat water. This increases the efficiency (efficiency) of the furnace.

As an example, we suggest watching a video showing how the Vesuvius Skif Russian Steam oven is installed.

Owner reviews

As often happens, some of the owners speak positively about the products, and some negatively. The video below shows a disgruntled customer sawing a new Vesuvius-16 Skif oven to prove that the thickness is less than stated in the instruction manual.

Apparently, adjustments have been made to the description of the stoves, here are fresh extracts from the site, the designers of our plant have found a unique and at the same time simple solution to create a high-efficiency sauna stove. The sauna stoves of the Skif model range are made of special structural steel. The thickness of the main elements of the firebox reaches 12 mm. "

It is indicated in black and white that the thickness of the main elements of the firebox reaches 12 mm, but it is not entirely clear what is meant by "main elements". It can be assumed that we are talking about the arch of the firebox.

Personally, after watching the video, it was not the fact that the thickness became less than the declared one, but the fact that some of the seams were not welded. This suggests that there are problems with quality control in the production of Vesuvius ovens (alas, this is typical of many domestic manufacturers).


Despite the negative reviews, it cannot be said that all ovens are of poor quality. When choosing a sauna stove, it makes sense to look into the store with an "understanding person" so that you don't bite your elbows after buying.

If you are on a limited budget, but want to buy a stove with a large wall thickness (8-10 mm), then you can take a closer look at the stoves. Despite the fact that the "Heat" ovens are made of a pipe and outwardly resemble a steam locomotive, they are quite reliable. After lining the oven with bricks, everything looks quite aesthetically pleasing.

If you have a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter and a welding machine, you can make a sauna oven yourself.

In case you are willing to pay for quality, check out Finnish-made ovens.

Cast iron stoves

Structurally, these units are almost identical to their steel "brothers". A similar combustion chamber with an ash box, a two-way smoke circulation and an open-type heater, fenced with a net. The difference is that the firebox is a 12 mm thick cast iron with external ribs. They perform 2 functions: they give the body rigidity and provide intensive heat transfer.

sauna heater with two-way smoke circulation and open heater

The Vesuvius cast iron stove is produced in two names - "Legend" and "Hurricane". Accordingly, modifications 11 and 3 are intended for servicing a steam room of 8-30 m3 volume. The design is as diverse as that of steel heaters - different types of glass, a remote tunnel and a tank for heating water for washing.


