Do-it-yourself installation of a gas water heater in an apartment - norms, rules and step-by-step instructions

The appearance on the market of new models of devices for heating water makes you think that it is urgently necessary to replace the old-style gas water heater, which has served faithfully for more than a dozen years. If you decide to take such a step, then it will not be superfluous to know the requirements of regulatory documents, which will rigidly determine the possibility of replacement.

Installing a gas column

What to think about first

The existing norms for installing a gas column of a new sample can create a number of unexpected problems. Remember that if the first column was delivered to you in violation of the rules, then in the case of a new model, such a number may not pass. The increasing number of explosions of self-installed gas appliances forced the authorities to tighten control over this area.

1. All work on the installation of gas equipment should be carried out only by an organization licensed to perform this type of work.

Depending on the complexity of the installation, the cost of this service can be 4-5 thousand rubles.

This is not such a large amount, so it is worth using the services of such professionals. This will provide a guarantee of correct installation, which will ensure the safe operation of the equipment.

In addition, self-installed gas appliances can cause quite a significant penalty, so consider whether you need such problems.

2. Installation of any gas devices should be carried out only on the basis of a specially developed project... Even in the case of replacement of the gas column, it may be necessary to adjust the old project documentation. This is due to the fact that a change in the technical characteristics of the device (increased thermal power, the need to increase the amount of consumed gas and other factors) may entail the replacement of individual sections of the gas pipeline, the installation of additional shut-off valves.

That is why all work on the replacement or initial installation of the gas column should begin with a trip to the appropriate organization and the development or adjustment of the project.

What are the risks of self-assembly?

Even if the old gas water heater is replaced with a new one, this is not a guarantee that everything will be fine. If, during installation, a tie-in was made to the gas pipe past the meter, then this falls under the article of the Administrative Code. There is a fine for this.

In addition to the provision of an administrative penalty, there is also an article from the law "On fire safety". According to it, the owner of the property may even incur criminal liability (depending on the severity of the consequences).

Regulatory requirements for the installation of a gas column

All the basic requirements for the premises in which the installation of the gas water heater is supposed to be set out in several regulatory documents. The main ones are SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 42-101-2003.

Experts attribute the following questions to the category of the main conditions:

  • Installation of gas water heaters is allowed only in rooms whose volume exceeds 7.5 cubic meters, while the height of the ceilings in the room should not be less than 2 meters.
  • The room must be equipped with a separate chimney with a cross-sectional diameter of at least 120 mm. It is not allowed to use existing indoor ventilation ducts as a chimney.In addition, the room should have a window with a window or a sash that opens for ventilation.
  • Placing gas equipment in bathrooms and toilets is not allowed. But there is one caveat. Previously, such an installation was allowed, therefore, if the installation site complies with the rules in force at that time, then it is quite possible to replace the outdated device with a new one. In this case, the representatives of the gas service should not have any complaints.
  • You can mount the column only to a wall made of non-combustible materials. In this case, it should not be placed over gas stoves or boilers. The minimum distance between these devices must be 100 mm.

Gas column installation diagram

Considering that the gas water heater will turn on only at a certain pressure in the water supply network, it is worth observing the requirements for installing a gas water heater in this part. The minimum pressure in the supply water supply must be 0.1 atmospheres.

Important nuances

  • The installation of a gas heater should be carried out by professionals who know how to work with gas equipment.
  • If the water heater is in the bathroom, and it often happens in old houses built in the 50-60s, it is not necessary to move it, although the installation of new columns in such a room is not recommended due to insufficient volume (it should be at least 15 m3) and the absence of a window.
  • It is important to make sure that there is sufficient ventilation in the room.
  • If you want to hide the new column behind decorative panels, you should make sure that they are non-flammable and can be easily removed.

Dismantling the gas column

It is quite possible to save on this stage of work; not a single regulatory document prohibits dismantling on your own.

Therefore, there is an opportunity to keep 500-800 rubles.

Dismantling the gas column is carried out in the following order:

  • First of all, it is necessary to close the valve on the gas line.
  • After that, you can disconnect the gas hose from the column; this can be done simply with an adjustable wrench. Some difficulties may arise if the gas was supplied using a metal pipe. Disconnecting the coupling can be difficult in this case. Before that, you will have to clean the assembly of old paint, treat it with a rust remover or other special solvent.

By the way, it will be possible to use the removed hose to connect a new column. True, it is necessary to make sure of its serviceability and integrity, to change the gaskets. If there is no guarantee that the hose is intact, then it is worth buying a new one.

  • Disconnection from water mains is carried out in a similar way. Keep in mind that there will be a fairly large volume of water in the heat exchanger, so it is worthwhile to prepare a container in advance into which it can be drained.
  • After that, the chimney is disconnected, for which most often you just need to loosen the clamps at the connection points.
  • In order to remove the column from the wall, you will have to dismantle the casing of the unit, after which the fasteners are unscrewed.

Upon completion of these works, you can call the gas service specialists who will mount a new column.

Required Documentation

If a new column is installed to replace the old one, the following documents are required:

  • A copy of the project from the housing office, which shows the location of the column, the features of gas and water supply, as well as smoke removal.
  • Passport for a new column. If the device has not been purchased yet, you can simply indicate the model.
  • Chimney condition report.
  • Application to the gas service about the need to replace equipment while maintaining the previous installation site.
  • Application for permission to work on the gas main.

Installation of a gas column

Installing a gas water heater in a house or apartment is, in principle, not so difficult from the technical point of view.The requirement to carry out such work by specialists is based mainly on the need to ensure reliable tight connection of the elements of the gas system.

1 - gas pipe; 2 - gas valve; 3 - water valve; 4 - cold water pipe; 5 - hot water pipe; 6 - column controls; 7 - column case; 8 - chimney pipe

In order to mount a column, you will need:

  • A set of fasteners, these can be ordinary dowels and anchors. When choosing fasteners, take into account their bearing capacity, while it is worth taking into account the increase in the mass of the column after filling it with water.
  • Hose for connecting to the gas main. Remember that ordinary plumbing is not allowed for this purpose.
  • In some cases, you will need two hoses to connect to the water lines. When choosing all types of hoses, be sure to determine the required length in advance, you should not join such lines of 2-3 elements, give preference to whole products.
  • For connection to a chimney, it is best to purchase flexible corrugated air ducts. Such a product bends quite easily, there is a possibility of changing the length of the element. All this allows you to simplify the connection procedure.

The marking of the mounting holes must be transferred to the wall, while accuracy must be carefully observed.

Any oversight can lead to the need to re-drill holes or to an unreliable mounting of the column on the wall.

At the same time, keep in mind that the vertical part of the chimney to the junction with the duct should be 50 cm (with a ceiling height of more than 2.7 meters - 25 cm).

Indications and frequency of replacement of gas columns

The geyser is designed directly for heating water for the bathroom and kitchen. The first and most important factor that affects the life of the column is water, that is, the coolant. Water hardness can vary greatly from region to region. The stiffer it is, the less the column will last. Therefore, you should not buy a too expensive model, because it will not serve for a long time, especially if water enters the column directly from the water supply system or from a well on the site. a special filter or water softener can be fitted to extend the service life.

Another factor is the operation itself and the observance of all the recommended rules. Otherwise, you can expect constant breakdowns and lack of hot water.

The gas water heater can serve from 12 to 15 years

The final point when using a geyser will be its manufacturer. Today the market is full of Chinese, European and domestic brands. Each of them is good in its own way. When choosing, you should be guided by the advice of specialists, taking into account the budget and the possibility of further replacement of the column.

On average, a gas water heater lasts from 12 to 15 years, subject to all rules and regulations.

Requirements and rules

As in the case with any gas equipment, the installation of a gas water heater and its operation must be carried out taking into account the requirements specified in SNiP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems" and additionally SP 42-101-2003.

In short, replacing a gas instantaneous water heater, for which there is already a corresponding project, will not be difficult, no permissions or special requirements requiredunless you plan to transfer equipment to a new position.

If the installation of a gas water heater was not previously provided for in the house, then you will need to obtain permission from the local gas industry and ensure the installation of the chimney in accordance with all the rules specified in the standards.

Recommendations for choosing a new column

The main parameters when choosing a geyser are power and performance.They should be given priority attention if you do not plan to redo the project when installing the column in its original place. The power of the new device should not exceed that specified in the project.

For a family of 1 - 2 people, a column capacity of 10 liters per minute is usually enough, which corresponds to a power of 17 - 18 kW. If the replacement of the device is associated with the desire to use two points of water consumption at the same time, for example, a sink and a shower, then the capacity of the gas heater should be at least 13 l / min.

For three points, including filling the bath, you need to focus on 15 l / min. Provided there is sufficient pressure in the water supply.

Choosing a location for installation

By default, a gas water heater is installed in the kitchen. In all projects of houses, where it was initially planned to install the column in the kitchen, a chimney with a diameter of at least 120 mm or its equivalent required by the rules, as well as a ventilation system for constant air access, was provided. When replacing an old speaker with a new one, it is better to leave everything in the same place.

However, new models of gas instantaneous water heaters can not only get along with high humidity in the bathroom and do without a classic chimney.

To install them, you only need to lay a coaxial pipe on the street, through which fresh air will flow into the closed combustion chamber and the combustion products will be discharged.

Basic norms and requirements

Because the appliance uses hazardous fuels, strict rules and regulations are imposed on its installation and operation. By law, all work, from making changes to the project to connecting the column, must be performed by organizations or specialists licensed for this type of activity.

With the correct execution of the technical documentation, the fulfillment of all requirements and conditions, the dismantling of the old and the installation of a new column is not very difficult.

The technical conditions for the installation of a water heater are dictated, first of all, by the safety of using gas equipment. The norms and requirements for replacing the old gas water heater with a new one are stipulated by the manufacturer's instructions, building codes and gas supply rules SNiP 2.04.08-87 *.

No. 1 - requirements for the premises

A flow-through gas heater is installed in the kitchen or in another non-residential area with a volume of at least 7.5 cubic meters. m, in the presence of air flow through the ventilation grill with an area of ​​0.03 sq.m.

The lightness of the structure also depends on the size of the windows. This means that in the event of an emergency explosion of a gas mixture with air, the excess pressure is neutralized through windows, doors or other provided elements without destroying the building.

The required window area depends on the thickness of the glass and is determined as follows:

  • with a thickness of 3 mm, the area must be at least 0.8 m 2;
  • for 4 mm - not less than 1 m 2;
  • at 5 mm - from 1.5 m 2.

Only the area of ​​the glazing itself should be taken into account, excluding the frames. The ceiling height must be at least 2 m (with a sloped ceiling from 2.2 m) for appliances up to 60 kW, and from 2.5 m for higher power equipment.

When replacing an old column in a bathroom, it is permissible to install it in its original place, although in cases of initial design, according to modern standards, this is prohibited.

It should also be borne in mind that high humidity leads to corrosion of components and reduces the service life of the device. In this case, it is better to replace it with the transfer of the water heater to a new, more suitable place.

No. 2 - norms for the location of the column

In the passport for the gas water heater or installation instructions, as a rule, the manufacturer indicates the required distances from the device to the building structures of the room. If there are no such instructions, the gas heater is installed based on ease of use, installation, maintenance and repair.

Installation must be carried out with respect to the distance from the wall of the attachment, depending on its fire-fighting properties:

  • from non-combustible materials - not less than 2 cm;
  • from non-combustible, combustible, protected by sheet steel, asbestos from 3 mm, plaster, etc. - not less than 3 cm.

The dimensions of the thermal insulation must exceed the dimensions of the column by at least 10 cm around the perimeter and 70 cm from the top. The distance to the nearest structures, walls, objects should not be less than 15 cm on either side of the device. If installation with a reduced clearance is permitted in the instrument's data sheet, then it is necessary to provide for the protection of the adjacent surfaces with non-combustible materials. But in any case, the gap should not be less than 3 cm.

The location of the burner window should be approximately at eye level. If the gas heater is installed in a passageway, a free space of at least 1 m must be provided around it.

No. 3 - requirements for ventilation and chimney

The chimney must ensure the complete removal of combustion products in a natural way with the following volume distribution:

  • hoods - at the level of 3 times air exchange in one hour;
  • air inflow from the room - not less than the total volume of the exhaust and air consumed for gas combustion.

For equipment over 60 kW, an additional calculation of the sizes of ventilation devices is made

We recommend galvanized or stainless steel as the material for the flue gas vent. According to the type of execution, it can be a sandwich pipe, corrugation or a coaxial chimney in the case of a turbocharged water heater. Do not use aluminum corrugation due to its susceptibility to rapid burnout.

The total length of the pipe, from the top of the column to the opening of the chimney in the wall, should not exceed 3 m. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the maximum number of turns at right angles - no more than two. If there are more of them, then you should subtract 1 m from the total length for each 90-degree turn and 0.5 m at an angle of 45 degrees.


Before replacing or installing a new gas water heater, a place is prepared.

If replacement is planned, then the old column is dismantled. It is imperative to check the quality of the shut-off of the valve on the gas pipe in order to avoid gas leakage. All valves on the water pipes are closed.

The pipes are disconnected from the column and the flexible gas hose, the chimney is dismantled. The column is carefully removed. Often this requires removing the front panel and then unscrewing the fasteners.

The wall under the speaker is most likely in need of cosmetic repairs. The old fasteners are removed, and the holes left after them are sealed with mortar.

For a fine installation, the wall is leveled. A special adapter is connected to the chimney opening for connecting a flexible corrugated pipe 110-120 mm.


  • Impact drill or hammer drill and a set of 8-10 mm drills;
  • A set of fasteners (self-tapping screws with a hook, anchors). The size and type of mounts is determined in accordance with the requirement of the speaker manufacturer;
  • Bubble or laser level.

Remove the bezel to access the speaker mounts. According to the marking of the gas water heater mounts, mark the places on the wall for installing hooks or anchors. The position of the marks on the level must be verified. Using a drill or punch, two (four) holes are drilled into which dowels or anchors are inserted.

Most modern gas instantaneous water heaters have a mounting plate. It is she who is attached to the wall, and after that the column is attached to it with the help of latches. The task in this case is simplified, it is enough to attach the plate to the wall, level it and mark the places of fastenings along it.

Drill one hole at the required height and fix the plate, then, leveling it, drill the remaining holes right through the holes for the rest of the fasteners and complete the installation.

It remains to secure the column in place. The bezel is too early to reattach, so carefully set it aside so as not to scratch or damage it.

The chimney for a column with an atmospheric burner can be a corrugated steel pipe 110-120 mm, laid from the outlet of the column to the inlet of the common chimney. The pipe should fit snugly against the sockets, if this is not the case, then additionally squeeze it with a metal clamp.

The wall is traversed with a perforator, after which the chimney is inserted. The gap between the pipe and the wall is foamed or filled with non-combustible insulation, such as basalt wool.

Removing the old heater

The first step is to turn off the gas supply valve to the column. Next, use a wrench to unscrew the nut that holds the gas hose on the column pipe. The hose should be examined carefully. If it is worn out or damaged, it is best to replace it.

Before disconnecting the device from the plumbing system, it is recommended that you turn on the rack faucet. In the absence of the latter, close the valve at the entrance to the apartment. Pipes and flexible wiring are disconnected using wrenches. It remains only to disconnect the pipe connected to the chimney. After that, the device can be safely removed from the wall.

self-replacement of the gas column
On some dispensers, the gas supply may be in the form of a steel pipe. The coupling that connects the pipe and the pipe is difficult to unscrew. If you apply great effort, you can ruin the pipe. The clutch does not spin well due to paint. First, the paint and varnish layer is removed, and then the coupling is unscrewed.

Gas connection

If the gas column is installed for the first time or in a new place, then a gas pipe is supplied to it. These works are performed only by specialists of the gas service who have permission to do so.

An application for the execution of the tie-in is left, and the wizards are invited. They will embed a tee in the gas pipe from the inlet to the stove. A pipe is mounted to the tee and led to the installation site.

There are two options. Knowing the exact model of the gas column and its position, the pipe is brought exactly to the connection point in order to avoid the use of a flexible hose. Please note that there is a gas shut-off valve in front of the connection to the column. First, the column is mounted on the wall, and after that the gas pipe is supplied.

However, it is easier to bring the pipe edge to a maximum distance of half a meter to the installation site and finish the route by installing a gas valve. The use of a flexible hose subsequently gives more freedom when installing the column, which is especially important for self-installation.

This option will eliminate the need to rely on the schedule of the gas service masters, and perform most of the work at a convenient time for you.

Water connection

Now a pipe with cold water is supplied to the column, and hot water is distributed around the house. It is better to connect to a water heater with an American, a connection with a movable union nut.

For cold and hot water on the lines, be sure to install shut-off valves - ball valves.

The cleaner the water, the longer the heat exchanger will work without blockages and scale.

Pipes are supplied with one of the following options:

  • Lead pipes less than 30 cm to the column and connect using a flexible hose or copper / brass tubing;
  • Direct connection of metal-plastic pipes, polypropylene or steel, depending on the material with which the main wiring is made.

How much does the replacement cost and what does the cost depend on?

On average, you need to pay about 3000-5000 rubles for installing a column. Depending on the model and manufacturer, the price can be either lower or higher. They pay extra separately for dismantling the old apparatus (it costs about 300-800 rubles).

The cost of replacing a column includes calling a specialist home to disconnect the equipment from communications, dismantle the column, and install and connect a new device. Also, the master takes a fee for the work on setting up the column.

The cost of work will be higher if:

  • You need to additionally buy any materials for installation.
  • Additional plumbing work needs to be done.
  • The chimney needs to be replaced.
  • The gas valve needs to be replaced.

Start-up and commissioning

Before starting the column, all connections are checked for leaks, make sure that water does not leak anywhere and the gas does not poison. You can check the connections on the gas pipe with soapy water. When all the connections have already been completed, the joints and fittings are moistened with soapy water, and then the gas supply valve is opened. If there are no bubbles, then the line is sealed.

The necessary work to start the column is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions and strictly in the specified sequence for the first start. It is better to entrust the adjustment of the burner to a specialist.

The main task is to determine the optimal gas pressure by twisting the adjusting bolt, and by adjusting the gate - the air supply. Adjustment is almost impossible without a pressure gauge. It is important to know exactly the pressure in the gas pipe during idle time and with the column turned on at maximum. In the dynamics, the pressure should not exceed the permissible threshold set by the manufacturer for this water heater.

Setting up a hydrothermal control unit comes down to setting the optimal values ​​for the maximum and minimum water temperature at real pressure values, which is very different for different houses and apartments.

Materials and tools

To replace the gas column, you will need a perforator with a concrete drill. You should also prepare a set of open-end wrenches for 27/30 and 32/36, a gas pipe wrench, sealant, FUM tape.

replacement of an old gas water heater with a new one
In addition to the speaker, you should purchase an outlet. This is a decorative element with which the entrance to the chimney is made on the wall. Need an oblique water filter. Alternatively, you can buy a water softener system. To connect the water heater to the water supply system, various bends, tees, hoses, and taps are purchased. Experts advise purchasing flexible wiring. It is easier to work with because there is no need to seal the connections.

You will need a gas hose to connect to the gas main. It must be of sufficient length and be threaded for connection to the gas unit. It is worth making sure that the thread on the hose is similar to the one on the column. To connect the latter to the chimney, buy a galvanized pipe with a wall thickness of at least one millimeter. These requirements are due to the high temperatures of the gases. Thin-walled pipes burn out quickly.

Cost in an apartment and a private house

Even when choosing a column and the store in which it will be purchased, pay attention to the availability of an installation service. Even if it is paid, its cost may be lower than market value. In many large supermarkets and specialized stores, installation is included in the price of equipment and will be even cheaper. It is often marketed as free.

Another option is to contact the service center, where a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment will be concluded, and to order installation. In this case, the least of all you will have to worry about the quality of the work, because the service cannot spoil the relationship with the customer, with whom it has yet to cooperate throughout the entire life of the column.

The table presents approximate starting prices for service centers to perform a number of works on the installation and connection of a gas flowing water heater.

Type of workCost, rub
Connecting a speaker of domestic production1500-2500
Connecting an imported speaker1700-3000
Installation on a prepared base1100-2300
Replacement and dismantling of old equipment1900-4500
Installation of a gas water heater from an imported manufacturer (full range of works)1800-4500

Gas water heaters are an invariable attribute of Soviet cuisines in many cities. If there is no hot centralized water supply, they are an opportunity to quickly warm a large amount of water. Today, they have been mainly replaced by gas boilers, but the requirements for installation, the necessary documents and inspection authorities have remained the same.

Who is allowed to replace a column?

Often, when faced for the first time with the need to replace a gas water heater, its owners have a fair question: is it possible to connect a new gas water heater yourself instead of the old one?

An unambiguous answer to it is given by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 of May 14, 2013, which states that independent replacement of gas equipment is prohibited. It should be carried out only by specialized organizations with which a contract for the maintenance of gas appliances has been concluded. Lists of firms with which such an agreement can be concluded are published in the registers of notifications on the regional websites of the State Housing Inspection.

A commissioning certificate must be drawn up for the installed gas water heater. In its absence, a fine of 10-15 thousand rubles is imposed. (according to Art. 7.19 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). If an unauthorized connection has led to damage to property and people's lives, criminal liability may ensue, as stated in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, self-replacement will not allow you to put a new speaker under warranty. The organization that carried out the installation makes entries in the passport of the device, affixes them with a seal. Only after that, the column is considered accepted into operation, delivered for warranty service.

In addition to the obligations to comply with norms and requirements, the owners have the right to independently choose an organization to create a project and carry out installation work. The main condition is that they have the appropriate licenses.

All work related to the gas supply system can only be performed by specialists who have the appropriate permission to work with gas equipment and who have passed the annual re-certification.

Gas water heater in the kitchen

A column or instantaneous water heater is a device that, due to the combustion of gas, heats the flowing water. Gas can either be supplied through pipes, and there it can be liquefied from a cylinder. But in practice, only natural gas is used in city apartments. For many old houses, a column is the only way to heat water, because the power of the wiring is not designed for the use of kitchen boilers.

Instantaneous water heaters are often used when planning a small kitchen in Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. Older models are lit with matches, and heating depends on the flow of water. Now they have been replaced by options with electronic control, auto-ignition and electronic temperature control.

In private houses and large country apartments, gas boilers are used instead of columns. Their difference is that the boiler has 2 separate circuits - heating and water heating. The column heats only running water.


  • fast heating of a large amount of water;
  • compact size;
  • capacity does not exceed the capacity of gas lines;
  • direct-flow circuit: less heat loss, heats the apartment only when it is working (in summer it is relevant), hot water is available immediately as soon as the heater is turned on;
  • relative cheapness of use, depending on the price of gas.

Strict requirements for installation and further operation, due to the potential danger of the device.


  • explosion and fire hazard;
  • requires good traction, otherwise there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • you need a chimney and good ventilation, which should be taken into account in the design of a small Khrushchev.

Technical requirements for norms

A column or boiler is a device with increased danger, therefore the installation is strictly regulated.If the requirements are not met, the gas in the apartment is turned off until the installation site meets all the recommendations of the gas economy. All manipulations with gas appliances must be carried out by certified organizations. The package of documents is also important, without it the gas will not be connected. How to choose a gas water heater for an apartment can be found in this material.

  • the kitchen area must be at least 8 m;
  • walls and masking panels are made of non-combustible materials;
  • the ceiling height in the kitchen is more than 2 m;
  • ventilation opening with a diameter of at least 120 mm;
  • from the side surface to the wall at least 15 cm, from the front panel - at least 60 cm;
  • pipe length maximum 2.5 m, diameter - from 13 mm;
  • access to all gas pipes is provided (it is impossible to brick up, they are masked only with the help of an opening box or hang freely);
  • the shut-off valve is close to the heater, its handle is yellow;
  • the chimney pipe is not a corrugated air duct for the hood, but steel or galvanized, at least 1 mm thick;
  • there should be a door to the kitchen.

Common mistakes when replacing a column

Often, when installing a water heater in a new place, lateral distances of 150 mm from the wall or other surfaces and objects are not observed.

Excessive heating accelerates the wear of the heat exchanger, promotes scale formation, leaks, and reduces the service life of the gas appliance. We recommend that you read the instructions for repairing the heat exchanger.

Many errors are associated with the use of unauthorized gas supply hoses, or their incorrect connection. The desire to save on the price of such an important element can lead to unpleasant consequences.

It is known that exposure to gas greatly accelerates the drying of rubber. If it is not intended for a gas pipeline application or is of poor quality, the hose will crack rapidly, causing unacceptable gas leakage.

Sometimes, in an effort to give the most aesthetic look to the interior of the kitchen, the column is placed in wall cabinets. Such an arrangement, in addition to overheating the column itself, can lead to more serious consequences.

To improve air circulation, the baffles at the bottom and top of the column should be removed. If the mandatory gap of 3 cm is not observed and the side surfaces are protected with non-combustible materials, the heating of the cabinet walls can lead to their charring and fire.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best ideas for disguising a speaker in the kitchen that do not violate safety requirements.

Installation Algorithm

The documentation is regulated by the law on the supply of gas to the population. The list differs depending on whether you are changing only the model, device and location, or if you are installing the equipment for the first time.

Model changes

  • Buy a certified gas heater that is approved for installation.
  • Take certified copies of the gas and water supply system diagrams from the housing office with a clearly marked place for the installation of equipment.
  • Then take the application for replacement, subject to the preservation of the installation site, to the gas service, there are applications for the repair of water and gas pipelines at the site.
  • The work will be done by the gas service, it will also give the Act on putting the equipment into operation, in accordance with the requirements.

Change of device and installation location

How to install a gas water heater video master class:

  • You will need to change the scheme for supplying gas, water, air outlet.
  • Go to the fire department to get the Chimney Condition Report.
  • Order a transfer project from GORGAZ or a private certified organization, get it.
  • An apartment building will need a redevelopment permit from the city administration.
  • You must have an act, a project, a permit, a technical passport of a boiler or a column, a document confirming the ownership of an apartment.

With these documents and the application, contact the gas service again.

  • The specialists will install and connect the equipment, carry out the first start-up.Then they will seal the meter, issue a Commissioning Certificate.
  • At the end, you should have in your hands acts that confirm the safety in the kitchen from the fire inspection, technical supervision, and about entering. Information about the transfer is additionally submitted to the BTI.

Installing the boiler for the first time

If gas is not supplied to the house, it will be necessary to build a gas supply line. This is an expensive process, and many private home owners choose to get by with solid fuel boilers. For multi-apartment buildings, the gas supply is carried out by the developer, the housing office, or by the owners jointly.

  • Obtaining documentation includes consent to supply gas from distributors and conveyors, calculation of consumption, obtaining technical specifications, permission for land allocation for a gas pipeline.
  • Design consists of the conclusion of a project contract, collection and examination of documentation, approval by the authorities listed in the previous paragraph.
  • Construction consists of construction and installation work (edit walls) and commissioning.
  • At the end, an agreement is concluded on gas supply in GORGAZ or OBLGAZ.

Have you already chosen an espresso machine for your home?

Read here how to fix your current faucet.

Installing a gas water heater in an apartment requirements

Installing a gas water heater: requirements for apartments and houses

Gas water heaters are an invariable attribute of Soviet cuisines in many cities. If there is no hot centralized water supply, they are an opportunity to quickly warm a large amount of water. Today, they have been mainly replaced by gas boilers, but the requirements for installation, the necessary documents and inspection authorities have remained the same.

Gas water heater in the kitchen

The gas water heater is still a frequent guest in our apartments.

Column or instantaneous water heater - a device that, due to the combustion of gas, heats the flowing water... Gas can either be supplied through pipes, and there it can be liquefied from a cylinder. But in practice, only natural gas is used in city apartments. For many old houses, a column is the only way to heat water, because the power of the wiring is not designed for the use of boilers.

It is not always possible to see it, but a gas water heater is needed

Instantaneous water heaters are often used when planning a small kitchen in Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. Older models are lit with matches, and heating depends on the flow of water. Now they have been replaced by options with electronic control, auto-ignition and electronic temperature control.

In private houses and large country apartments, gas boilers are used instead of columns. Their difference is that the boiler has 2 separate circuits - heating and water heating. The column heats only running water.


  • fast heating a lot of water;
  • compact size ;
  • capacity does not exceed the capacity of gas lines;
  • straight-through circuit... less heat loss, heats the apartment only when it is working (in summer it is relevant), hot water is available immediately as soon as the heater is turned on;
  • relative cheapness use, depending on the gas price.


  • explosion and fire hazard ;
  • requires good traction... otherwise there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • need a chimney and good ventilation, which should be taken into account in the design of a small Khrushchev;

Strict requirements for installation and further operation, due to the potential danger of the device.

Technical requirements

A column or boiler is a device with increased danger, therefore the installation is strictly regulated. If the requirements are not met, the gas in the apartment is turned off until the installation site meets all the recommendations of the gas economy. All manipulations with gas appliances must be carried out by certified organizations. The package of documents is also important, without it the gas will not be connected.

  • kitchen area must be at least 8 m ;
  • walls and masking panels are made of non-combustible materials;
  • the ceiling height of the room is more than 2 m ;
  • ventilation opening with a diameter of at least 120 mm;
  • from the side surface to the wall at least 15 cm, from the front panel - at least 60 cm;
  • pipe length maximum 2.5 m... diameter - from 13 mm;
  • access to all gas pipes is provided (it is impossible to brick up, they are masked only with the help of an opening box or hang freely);
  • the shut-off valve is close to the heater, its handle is yellow;
  • chimney pipe non-corrugated exhaust duct. steel or galvanized, at least 1 mm thick;
  • there must be a door to the kitchen .


A gas water heater in the kitchen is convenient

The first start-up of gas and water is performed only by employees of GORGAZ... After installation, gas devices are put on the balance, they and the air exhaust system are checked once a year. Compliance of columns and boilers that can be serviced by gas workers is checked at the same time. Some models are not serviced by gasmen, these need to be checked annually by inviting specialists from the service center.

Models with a closed combustion chamber do not require a chimney, but the ventilation of the room must be in good condition.

Installation Algorithm

The installation of the gas water heater must be carried out by specialists.

The documentation is regulated by the law on the supply of gas to the population. The list differs depending on whether you are changing only the model, device and location, or if you are installing the equipment for the first time.

Model changes

The column becomes obsolete over time and can be upgraded by replacing it with a more modern one

  • Buy certified gas heater... which is allowed to be installed.
  • Take certified copies of the gas and water supply system diagrams from the housing office with a clearly marked place for the installation of equipment.
  • Then take application for replacement, provided that the installation site is retained in the gas service... there are also statements about the repair of water and gas pipelines at the site.
  • The work will be done by the gas service, it will also give the Act on putting the equipment into operation, in accordance with the requirements.

Change of device and installation location

How to install a gas water heater video master class:

  • You will need change the scheme of supplying gas, water, air outlet .
  • Go to the fire department to get the Chimney Condition Report.
  • Order a transfer project from GORGAZ or a private certified organization, get it.
  • An apartment building will need a redevelopment permit from the city administration .
  • You must have an act, a project, a permit, a technical passport of a boiler or a column, a document confirming the ownership of an apartment. With these documents and the application, contact the gas service again.
  • The specialists will install and connect the equipment, carry out the first start-up. Then they will seal the meter, issue a Commissioning Certificate.
  • At the end, you should have in your hands acts that confirm safety from the fire inspection, technical supervision, and about entering. Information about the transfer is additionally submitted to the BTI .

First installation

To install a gas water heater, you need to collect a lot of documents.

If gas is not supplied to the house, it will be necessary to build a gas supply line. This is an expensive process, and many private home owners choose to get by with solid fuel boilers. For multi-apartment buildings, the gas supply is carried out by the developer, the housing office, or by the owners jointly.

It is a little problematic to place a column in a small kitchen, since any centimeter counts

  • Obtaining documentation includes consent for gas supply from distributors and conveyors, calculation of consumption, obtaining technical conditions, permission for land allocation for a gas pipeline.
  • Design consists of the conclusion of a project contract, collection and examination of documentation, approval by the authorities listed in the previous paragraph.
  • Building consists in construction and installation work and commissioning.
  • At the end is contract on gas supply in GORGAZ or OBLGAZ.

Have you already chosen an espresso machine for your home.

Read here how to fix your current faucet.

List of documents

The list below is approximate and as complete as possible, but it depends on the region. In addition, if the connection is not happening for the first time, some documents may already be in the relevant services or be in the hands of the owner of the apartment building / in the housing office. So, you will need:

  • A copy of the title deed of the house or apartment or similar document confirming that you are the owner .
  • Copies of a civil passport (pp. 2,3 and 5).
  • Copies of the taxpayer certificate (TIN).
  • Permission to process personal data.
  • Gas buyer passport.
  • Letter on the conclusion of a work contract .
  • Maintenance contract for fire hazardous equipment.
  • Technical specifications for connection to gas issued by the distributor or supplier.
  • Documents on the implementation of TU (Act of acceptance of the object of the gas distribution system (copy) and others).
  • List of equipment using gas, its characteristics, copies of technical data sheets.
  • A copy of the deed on the division of ownership between the owner of the house and the distributor.
  • Copies of passports for the gas meter, additional sensors, if any, and certificates of passed verification .
  • A copy of the page of the gasification project with the stamp of the metrological department of Gazprom.
  • How to build a gas water heater in an apartment:

    Types of columns and boilers for apartments

    If we talk about gas heaters, they can be flow-through and storage. But in Russia, gas boilers are not widespread, because they are less convenient, more expensive and take up a lot of space... They should only be installed if the gas supply is too weak. Basically, flow gas heaters are installed.

    It is not easy to build in a gas column: you need to comply with safety requirements and you want to beautifully fit into the interior

    Modern models can have a closed or open combustion chamber. Open ones are slightly safer and require less paperwork to install. They are needed if there is no chimney in the house. The latter are suitable if the old heater is being replaced with a new one, the chimney and gas supply have already been made and checked.

    Vendors offer 3 types of power. 17-20 kW are needed for a one-room apartment with 1 occupant. If a person takes a shower, there is no longer enough power for washing dishes. Devices with a power of 20-26 kW are indispensable for apartments. They provide 15 liters of water per minute at a temperature of 40 degrees. The capacity of an average heater is sufficient for a family of 4 and an apartment with 1 shower and 2 sinks. Power of 26-28 kW is suitable for duplex apartments or houses.

    When heaters are not allowed to install

    A gas water heater in the kitchen can look quite harmonious.

  • If you live in a studio with a kitchenette and a bedroom. The kitchen should be a separate room .
  • If you want to install a gas heater in your living room, bathroom or loggia / balcony.
  • If the door to the kitchen is deaf, there is no ventilation slot.
  • If the length of the water and especially gas hoses is more than 2.5 m.
  • If a gas stove or other open flame is close to the boiler.
  • If you plan to hang the heater on a wall adjacent to the living room .

How to create autonomous heating in the kitchen, video:

Boilers and water heaters allow you not to depend on the whims of warm water suppliers, provide a comfortable water temperature at any time of the year. Although the requirements for their installation may seem too strict, this is for the safety of residents. It is better to immediately install the equipment correctly than to pay later for its transfer and reconnection of gas.

Installing a gas column

The easiest and cheapest way to provide yourself with hot water in your house or apartment on a permanent basis is to install a gas instantaneous water heater. The installation of a gas water heater is quite simple, although it raises two questions that can only be solved with the involvement of specialists.

If you need to replace the old column with a new model with greater functionality and performance, then the installation can be easily done independently and in a short time.

Requirements and rules

As in the case with any gas equipment, the installation of a gas water heater and its operation must be carried out taking into account the requirements specified in SNiP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems" and additionally SP 42-101-2003.

In short, replacing a gas instantaneous water heater, for which there is already a corresponding project, will not be difficult, no permissions or special requirements required... unless you plan to transfer equipment to a new position.

If the installation of a gas water heater was not previously provided for in the house, then you will need to obtain permission from the local gas industry and ensure the installation of the chimney in accordance with all the rules specified in the standards.

The installation of gas pipes is carried out exclusively by the specialists of the gas industry, at least the insertion of the tee, the laying of pipes and the installation of valves near the installation site of the gas column.

Choosing a location for installation

Recommended spacing for column installation

By default, a gas water heater is installed in the kitchen. In all projects of houses, where it was initially planned to install the column in the kitchen, a chimney with a diameter of at least 120 mm or its equivalent required by the rules, as well as a ventilation system for constant air access, was provided. When replacing an old speaker with a new one, it is better to leave everything in the same place.

However, new models of gas instantaneous water heaters can not only get along with high humidity in the bathroom and do without a classic chimney.

To install them, you only need to lay a coaxial pipe on the street, through which fresh air will flow into the closed combustion chamber and the combustion products will be discharged.


Before replacing or installing a new gas water heater, a place is prepared.

If replacement is planned, then the old column is dismantled. It is imperative to check the quality of the shut-off of the valve on the gas pipe in order to avoid gas leakage. All valves on the water pipes are closed.

The pipes are disconnected from the column and the flexible gas hose, the chimney is dismantled. The column is carefully removed. Often this requires removing the front panel and then unscrewing the fasteners.

The wall under the speaker is most likely in need of cosmetic repairs. The old fasteners are removed, and the holes left after them are sealed with mortar.

For a fine installation, the wall is leveled. A special adapter is connected to the chimney opening for connecting a flexible corrugated pipe 110-120 mm.

  • Impact drill or hammer drill and a set of 8-10 mm drills;
  • A set of fasteners (self-tapping screws with a hook, anchors). The size and type of mounts is determined in accordance with the requirement of the speaker manufacturer;
  • Bubble or laser level.

Remove the bezel to access the speaker mounts. According to the marking of the gas water heater mounts, mark the places on the wall for installing hooks or anchors. The position of the marks on the level must be verified. Using a drill or punch, two (four) holes are drilled into which dowels or anchors are inserted.

Most modern gas instantaneous water heaters have a mounting plate. It is she who is attached to the wall, and after that the column is attached to it with the help of latches. The task in this case is simplified,
it is enough to attach the plate to the wall, level it and mark the places of fastenings along it.
Drill one hole at the required height and fix the plate, then, leveling it, drill the remaining holes right through the holes for the rest of the fasteners and complete the installation.

It remains to secure the column in place.The bezel is too early to reattach, so carefully set it aside so as not to scratch or damage it.

The chimney for a column with an atmospheric burner can be a corrugated steel pipe 110-120 mm, laid from the outlet of the column to the inlet of the common chimney. The pipe should fit snugly against the sockets, if this is not the case, then additionally squeeze it with a metal clamp.

For columns with a closed combustion chamber, orient the outlet inside the column in the desired direction and lay a coaxial chimney to the nearest wall in contact with the street. The maximum permissible length is indicated in the instructions.

The wall is traversed with a perforator, after which the chimney is inserted. The gap between the pipe and the wall is foamed or filled with non-combustible insulation, such as basalt wool.

Gas connection

If the gas column is installed for the first time or in a new place, then a gas pipe is supplied to it. These works are performed only by specialists of the gas service who have permission to do so.

An application for the execution of the tie-in is left, and the wizards are invited. They will embed a tee in the gas pipe from the inlet to the stove. A pipe is mounted to the tee and led to the installation site.

There are two options. Knowing the exact model of the gas column and its position, the pipe is brought exactly to the connection point in order to avoid the use of a flexible hose. Please note that there is a gas shut-off valve in front of the connection to the column. First, the column is mounted on the wall, and after that the gas pipe is supplied.

However, it is easier to bring the pipe edge to a maximum distance of half a meter to the installation site and finish the route by installing a gas valve. The use of a flexible hose subsequently gives more freedom when installing the column, which is especially important for self-installation.

This option will eliminate the need to rely on the schedule of the gas service masters, and perform most of the work at a convenient time for you.

Water connection

Now a pipe with cold water is supplied to the column, and hot water is distributed around the house. It is better to connect to a water heater with an American, a connection with a movable union nut.

For cold and hot water on the lines, be sure to install shut-off valves - ball valves.

If there is no cleaning filter at the main entrance to the apartment or house, then a coarse filter of 80-100 microns is installed in front of the column. It is also advisable to install a fine filter for 10-20 microns.

The cleaner the water, the longer the heat exchanger will work without blockages and scale.

Pipes are supplied with one of the following options:

  • Lead pipes less than 30 cm to the column and connect using a flexible hose or copper / brass tubing;
  • Direct connection of metal-plastic pipes, polypropylene or steel, depending on the material with which the main wiring is made.

A tee is required for tapping into a cold water pipe. The simplest option is a tie-in in metal-plastic using clamping fittings. All you need is an adjustable wrench, pipe cutter and flaring tool. From the fittings, you will need a tee, an American and a shut-off valve.

Water connection diagram

Having previously cut the pipe in the right place so that the supply to the column is as even as possible and without additional elbows, American fittings are inserted into the cut, and a tee is screwed to them. Next, a column is connected with a piece of pipe.

For steel pipes, a welding machine is required and cooking skills. Instead, a special tee clamp is used. It is fixed on the pipe and then a hole is drilled through the outlet in the cold water pipe. Next, a pipe section is connected to the column.

For polypropylene pipes, you cannot do without a soldering iron. It is easy to rent, but the amount of work will be less than with steel pipes.

Next, the DHW pipes are wired, if they are not already there.A pipe with a shut-off valve is diverted from the column, and then to each mixer in the house.

If only the column is being replaced, then it is still advisable to re-lay the pipes to avoid the accumulation of adapters and elbows in front of the gas column. This will protect the equipment from unnecessary turbulent flows in the pipes, which can affect the operation of the hydrothermal control unit.

Start-up and commissioning

Before starting the column, all connections are checked for leaks, make sure that water does not leak anywhere and the gas does not poison. You can check the connections on the gas pipe with soapy water. When all the connections have already been completed, the joints and fittings are moistened with soapy water, and then the gas supply valve is opened. If there are no bubbles, then the line is sealed.

The necessary work to start the column is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions and strictly in the specified sequence for the first start. It is better to entrust the adjustment of the burner to a specialist.

The main task is to determine the optimal gas pressure by twisting the adjusting bolt, and by adjusting the gate - the air supply. Adjustment is almost impossible without a pressure gauge. It is important to know exactly the pressure in the gas pipe during idle time and with the column turned on at maximum. In the dynamics, the pressure should not exceed the permissible threshold set by the manufacturer for this water heater.

Ideally, the optimal operating pressure should be established, and the burner flame should always remain with a uniform blue glow without yellow tints.

Setting up a hydrothermal control unit comes down to setting the optimal values ​​for the maximum and minimum water temperature at real pressure values, which is very different for different houses and apartments.

Cost in an apartment and a private house

Even when choosing a column and the store in which it will be purchased, pay attention to the availability of an installation service. Even if it is paid, its cost may be lower than market value. In many large supermarkets and specialized stores, installation is included in the price of equipment and will be even cheaper. It is often marketed as free.

Another option is to contact the service center, where a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment will be concluded, and to order installation. In this case, the least of all you will have to worry about the quality of the work, because the service cannot spoil the relationship with the customer, with whom it has yet to cooperate throughout the entire life of the column.

The table presents approximate starting prices for service centers to perform a number of works on the installation and connection of a gas flowing water heater.

Installing a gas column: basic requirements

If the installation of the gas water heater will be carried out in the same place, and the new device will correspond to its predecessor in technical characteristics, you should not have any difficulties with the paperwork.

The main requirement: the column must be certified and must be approved for installation by the regulatory authorities.

Before starting work, you need to contact the housing office for the provision of certified copies of the project of your home. More specifically: you need a plan for the gas, water supply, and also smoke removal, a plan with the designation of the installation locations of the gas water heater and its technical parameters.

After receiving the listed information, it is necessary to write an application to the city gas service asking for permission to replace the column, provided that the previous place of its installation is preserved, as well as an application for repair / replacement of gas and water mains of this section.

The technician must perform these works, after the completion of which you receive a signed act and, in fact, the column established in accordance with all the requirements and standards.

Another case is when the installation of a gas water heater in an apartment will be made at a new location.

Such an installation of gas water heaters will entail a change in the supply gas and water pipes, as well as a change in the chimney system. This, of course, is a more complicated and painstaking process.

Documents for installing a gas column

  • a certified act on the technical condition of the chimney (drawn up by the control service of ventilation and smoke channels);

IMPORTANT! It is the chimney, not the ventilation system!

  • the data sheet of the purchased column: in the case when you have decided on the choice of the device, but have not yet purchased it, it is enough to indicate the model of the column (the data will be needed when drawing up a project in GORGAZ);
  • drafted design of the installation with a clear indication of the technical specifications for changing the location of the column installation (the execution of the project is also ordered from GORGAZ);
  • an application for its reconstruction drawn up and signed by the owner of the apartment (submitted to the city administration);

IMPORTANT! When submitting such an application, you will need to have on hand a ready-made project of reconstruction works, documents for this apartment and documents confirming your ownership of these square meters.

  • an application for the performance of work (submitted to GORGAZ, having an approved project in hand).

After the approval of the plan of all work, gas workers, if you still managed to get permission to install a column in a new place, will have to:

  • make a tie-in into the gas supply pipe;
  • put a gas meter;
  • hang up a column;
  • paint the gas pipe yellow (the accepted standard for marking gas pipes);
  • revet the wall behind the column with non-combustible materials.
  • In addition, the water supply must be installed separately.

    When the work is completed, you will be required to call a specialist from the regional operational gas service. It will set up and run the column. After that, the gas meter is sealed.

    And that is not all. You will also need to receive an act from the fire service for installing the column, an act from technical supervision and an act of acceptance of the column into operation. A new project must be included in the BTI.

    When choosing a column, be guided by:

    • columns Viessmann, Buderus, Bosh, Wolf and Vaillant;
    • circulation pumps for hot water systems from Grundfos or Wilo;
    • water treatment equipment from Grunbeck;
    • metal-plastic pipes, fittings for them, air vents and safety groups from the German company Oventrop.

    Installing a gas water heater in an apartment: it is important to know

    It is forbidden to use a ventilation aluminum corrugated pipe for the chimney device! The column installation standards prescribed in the GOS V.2.5-20-2001 prescribe the use of exclusively stainless steel or galvanized steel pipes to carry out the chimney. In this case, the thickness of the pipe must be at least 1 mm.

    Any decorative panels that many tenants use to cover their gas equipment must be easily removable, i.e. nothing should interfere with access to the column, and panels or decorative boxes should be made exclusively of non-combustible materials (see SP 41-108-2004).

    The valve that shut off the gas supply, installed on a new gas water heater, must be mounted near the column and have a yellow handle (see SNiP 2.04.08-87).

    In modern gas columns, modulating burners may have some inertia. Therefore, in order to avoid emergency situations, the cold water supply to the column is carried out exclusively through a mechanical filter with a separate pipe (3/4 "size will be more than enough) directly from the riser. Also, another pipe is led from the riser to the faucets in the kitchen, as well as in the bathroom and to the cistern.

    IMPORTANT! Check valves should be installed in front of the mixers, each for 0.5 bar.

    To equip a hot water outlet pipe heated by a column, it is best to use a meter-long tempered copper pipe. The diameter of such a tube should be approximately 15 mm. Instead of copper, you can use corrugated stainless steel.

    Only by fulfilling all the installation conditions can you be sure that in the next 10 years there will be no breakdowns in the water heating system, and also that you will not have to hide from regular checks of the gas inspection.

    Brief instructions for installing a gas column

    This information should not be taken as a guide to action. Replacing a column with your own hands, as well as working with any gas equipment, is prohibited not only by law, but also by common sense: such "amateur performance" in an apartment building can lead to disastrous consequences.

    For work use:

    • certified gas water heater;
    • PVC water pipe;
    • fittings of the "American" type;
    • pipe cutters;
    • soldering iron;
    • metal-plastic pipe for gas supply;
    • fittings for metal-plastic;
    • gas taps;
    • salt and magnetic filter;
    • Mayevsky crane;
    • ordinary water tap;
    • proportionate wrenches;
    • drill;
    • as well as dowels and screws.

    Work progress and basic requirements for them:

    The choice of the location for installing the column should be based on the possibility of arranging the hood in accordance with all the rules and regulations, the convenience of the location of the column, as well as the possibility of supplying communications.

    The volume of the room in which the column will be installed must be 8 m³ or more.

    Columns are installed only on fireproof walls. In another case, the fire-resistant surface is revetted with a galvanized sheet from 0.8 to 1 mm thick, having previously fixed a sheet of basalt heat-insulating cardboard from 3 to 5 mm in thickness on the wall.

    IMPORTANT! Installation of speakers on wooden walls is prohibited!

    The column is hung on the wall, given that the installation height can be arbitrary, but do not contradict the rules for installing the air outlet. The distance from the side of the speaker to the wall must be at least 15 cm, and a space of at least 60 cm must be left in front of the front of the speaker.

    At the place of installation of the column, the points of fasteners are marked, then drilling them with a drill. The column is mounted on self-tapping screws.

    The standards for installing the connection between the column and the water supply system provide for the use of metal pipes or flexible hoses, the inner diameter of which is at least 13 mm. In this case, the length of the hose or pipe should be no more than 2.5 m (similar parameters should be observed when arranging the connection to the gas supply system).

    The installation of the gas connection to the column should be carried out only with a shut-off valve installed.

    Before installing the chimney, check the draft. Under normal conditions, it should be approximately 1.96-29.40 Pa (depending on the type of room).

    The flue gas pipe must be at least 110 mm in diameter, while its length cannot exceed 2 m, but also cannot be less than 300 mm. The slope of the flue gas pipe must be at least 2 ° upwards.

    IMPORTANT! It is also prohibited to independently carry out the first start-up of water through the column. All work related to testing the system, installing a new column or dismantling an old one should be carried out only by qualified representatives of GORGAZ.

    The speaker installation diagram must be included with the product. The manufacturer's advice on installing this device is also given there.

    Only kitchens and non-residential premises designed to accommodate these heating devices are suitable for installing the columns.

    However, in the bathroom, the installation rules prohibit mounting the column, because this room does not meet the basic requirements (see SNiP 2.04.08-87 GAS SUPPLY).

    In the previously valid regulations, the installation of columns in bathrooms was allowed. But after the change in legislation, we can only talk about moving the column from the bathroom to the kitchen or any other non-residential premises, if necessary, replace the device with a new one.

    The requirements for the installation of speakers also allow us to consider each individual case: for example, in a private house that does not belong to standard buildings, it can be provided for the installation of a speaker in a wide corridor or a room without windows, but having access, however, to a spacious room with a window.

    Installing a gas column

    Installation of a gas water heater: price

    The cost of work will depend on the displacement of the column, as well as on the manufacturer. For example, the installation of a domestic speaker will cost about $ 40, and a foreign one - $ 60 or more.To install a column with a volume of up to 15 liters in the house, you will have to pay a little more than $ 55, and from 15 liters - $ 70 or more.

    How much does a chimney installation cost?

    On average, from $ 15 to $ 20, taking into account the cost of the necessary materials.

    Taking into account the installation parameters, we get the price for installing the column

    • in Kiev - from 350 to 600 UAH;
    • in Moscow - from 1,600 to 2,800 rubles.

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  • List of documents on regulations

    The list below is approximate and as complete as possible, but it depends on the region. In addition, if the connection is not happening for the first time, some documents may already be in the relevant services or be in the hands of the owner of the apartment building / in the housing office. How to make an air duct for a kitchen hood can be found in this article.

    So, you will need:

    1. A copy of the deed of ownership of the house or apartment or similar document proving that you are the owner.
    2. Copies of a civil passport (pp. 2,3 and 5).
    3. Copies of the taxpayer certificate (TIN).
    4. Permission to process personal data.
    5. Gas buyer passport.
    6. His letter about the conclusion of a work contract.
    7. Maintenance contract for fire hazardous equipment.
    8. Technical specifications for connection to gas issued by the distributor or supplier.
    9. Documents on the implementation of TU (Acceptance certificate of the gas distribution system object (copy) and others).
    10. List of equipment using gas, its characteristics, copies of technical data sheets.
    11. A copy of the deed on the division of ownership between the owner of the house and the distributor.
    12. Copies of passports for the gas meter, additional sensors, if any, and certificates of passed verification.
    13. A copy of the page of the gasification project with the stamp of the metrological department of Gazprom.

    How to build a gas water heater in an apartment:

    Types of columns and boilers for apartments (including Khrushchevs)

    If we talk about gas heaters, they can be flow-through and storage. But in Russia, gas boilers are not widespread, because they are less convenient, more expensive and take up a lot of space. They should only be installed if the gas supply is too weak. Basically, flow gas heaters are installed. How many sockets you need in the kitchen can be found here.

    Modern models can have a closed or open combustion chamber. Open ones are slightly safer and require less paperwork to install. They are needed if there is no chimney in the house. The latter are suitable if the old heater is being replaced with a new one, the chimney and gas supply have already been made and checked.

    Vendors offer 3 types of power. 17-20 kW are needed for a one-room apartment with 1 occupant. If a person takes a shower, there is no longer enough power for washing dishes. Devices with a power of 20-26 kW are indispensable for apartments. They provide 15 liters of water per minute at a temperature of 40 degrees. The capacity of an average heater is sufficient for a family of 4 and an apartment with 1 shower and 2 sinks. Power of 26-28 kW is suitable for duplex apartments or houses.You can find out what kind of kitchen hoods by clicking on this link.

    When heaters are not allowed to be installed in an apartment or house

    • If you live in a one-room apartment, where a living room with a kitchen is combined. The kitchen should be a separate area.
    • If you want to install a gas heater in your living room, bathroom or loggia / balcony.
    • If the door to the kitchen is deaf, there is no ventilation slot.
    • If the length of the water and especially gas hoses is more than 2.5 m.
    • If a gas stove or other open flame is close to the boiler.
    • If you plan to hang the heater on a wall adjacent to the living room.

    How to create autonomous heating in the kitchen, video:

    Boilers and water heaters allow you not to depend on the whims and standards of warm water suppliers, provide a comfortable, normal water temperature at any time of the year. Although the requirements for their installation may seem too strict, this is for the safety of residents. It is better to immediately install the equipment correctly and according to the norms, than to pay later for its transfer and reconnection of gas. What filters are needed for water purification in a private house can be found here.


