Sitting bathtub: the advantages of compact plumbing

Bath dimensions

Of course, you will want to stay at large sizes so that it is comfortable to lie in the bathtub, but you will also have to take into account the area of ​​the room. It is important that the selected model is placed there freely, leaving room for other items. It is also important to consider the height and build of family members. The best option is a bathtub in which you can take a reclining body position without bending your legs. The width is determined by the distance of the body from the edges of the bath, it should be between 5 and 8 centimeters.

As for the depth, it can be different, but when choosing one or another model, remember that a deep bath will require more water to fill than a shallower one. If the product is purchased for the elderly, follow the advice of experts and choose a bathtub no more than sixty centimeters deep. Getting out of a deep bath can be problematic.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of seated plumbing is compactness. Even in a very small room, there is a suitable place for it, where it will not interfere with anyone.

Other advantages of such a product:

  • Those whose bodies require additional support and protection - these are people with disabilities and the elderly - feel great in a sitz bath. Thanks to special handrails, a person can enter and exit the bathroom without assistance.
  • Such plumbing is very helpful for pregnant women who are in the last stages of pregnancy, as during this period they feel awkward. They should not bend over or raise their legs high, and in the "sitting" position, they once again do not strain their abdominal muscles.
  • Not every person can take water procedures in a regular bath. For example, a person with heart disease is not allowed to take a bath while lying down. But the sitz bath is just that.

Sitz baths

Such plumbing may have disadvantages:

  • some imported models are expensive;
  • many people do not like the small size of the bathroom;
  • if a person likes to take water procedures lying down, then in such a model it is not possible to do this.

If the homeowner still chose such a product, taking into account all its advantages and disadvantages, then he must decide on the material from which it is made.

What to consider when choosing a bath size?

Be sure to consider what size the doorway in your bathroom is. It may happen that you bring the bath home, but you cannot bring it in the doorway. As for the form, the market offers models of a wide variety of shapes, colors, materials and manufacturers.

Rectangular baths have different sizes. If the area of ​​the room is very small, you can choose miniature models that are equipped with a special seat.

Today, asymmetric models are in high demand among buyers. Their popularity is due to their ease of use and compactness, which is important for small rooms. If the area of ​​the bathroom allows, you can purchase a large round or oval bathtub. The length of such products reaches 170 centimeters or more, and the width is from 70 centimeters.

  • A small bathtub measuring 120x70 cm - you won't be able to lie down freely.
  • Bathroom sizes 130x70 are also small.
  • A medium-sized bathtub 140x70 is designed for non-standard planning.
  • 150x70 (width may be larger) is a very common option.
  • Large bath 170x70 - for modern rooms.
  • 185x85 - large bathtub, comfortable, comfortable.

We measure the room

Having decided on the size of the desired bath, we will measure the existing room. To do this, use a tape measure to set the dimensions of the bathroom:

  • We measure the length of all walls in the bathroom;
  • We measure the bathroom diagonally;
  • We enter the results in a notebook or notebook;
  • We draw a schematic arrangement of the bath;
  • We model various options for its location, including corner plumbing products;
  • We write down the result obtained - bath, size, preferred shape;
  • We go to a plumbing store to select a bath of the right size.

For reference: In the opinion of most doctors, only full-fledged water procedures contribute to a more complete restoration of vitality and strengthening of the nervous system.

This is why the small size of the bathroom:

  • are not an insurmountable obstacle;
  • should serve as an impetus to find an acceptable option.

Tip: determine for yourself how ready you are for radical change. Either you decide to install a large bathtub by attaching the missing meters to the room, or you buy a short but deep one and put up with the inconvenience.

Triangular acrylic bathtub - dimensions allow you to fit into a small room

Small bath size

For small-sized premises, you can choose special miniature bathtubs, which are in the assortment of products of various companies that produce plumbing fixtures. As a rule, they are 135 centimeters long.

For medium-sized rooms, you can choose a model made of complex acrylic material (asymmetric). Its length is 150 centimeters. The width varies within different limits, depending on the shape of the product. Typically, these tubs require 140 to 200 liters of water to fill. And only for spacious rooms bathtubs with impressive dimensions - from 180 centimeters are suitable. If space permits, a two-seater model with a capacity of 1000 liters can be installed. Acrylic models of asymmetric shapes are universal, they fit perfectly into bathrooms of various sizes.


The design has a variety of shapes. All options can be viewed on a photo on the Internet or in a catalog, choose the one that you like. There are shapes in the form of various shapes - an irregular triangle, an oval, a square, a rectangle. For convenience, they are made with rounded outlines. The main types of sitz baths are as follows:

  • With a shelf. In this design, the shelf was originally thought out. You can put cosmetics, washcloths and other accessories on it.
  • With armrests. Designed and thought for the best fit while swimming.

  • With a door. This allows you to comfortably use the plumbing, facilitates placement and entry.
  • With hydromassage. This is an optional feature that can be built into the design itself.
  • Corner. A Khrushchev apartment with its small bathroom requires maximum space savings. By using a corner bath, you can achieve your goal.

What should you look for when buying a bathtub?

Please pay attention to the installation system before purchasing, it must match the water conduit system. If you yourself are poorly versed in this matter, seek advice from a specialist.

Separate attention should be paid to the complete set of the bath, if it does not provide for the presence of a siphon, you need to purchase it together with the plumbing, so that the designs of the drain unit of the bath and drain fittings (siphon) are combined. This is very important during the installation and operation of the bath to prevent water leakage.

The complete set of the bath provides for the mandatory presence of the fittings necessary for the installation (overflow system - drain with piping). Plastic flexible hoses are used for connection to sewer pipes.

For safety reasons, choose a bathtub with a non-slippery bottom, treated with a special coating so that it does not slip.The anti-slip effect is achieved by adding inclusions of rubber or quartz chips to the coating. The modern market for plumbing products allows us to satisfy the needs of the most demanding buyers.

Sizes of bathtubs made of different materials

Modern products can be created from acrylic, steel, cast iron. Each product has its own characteristics that will have to be taken into account when equipping a bathroom. Let's consider the most popular options.

  • Cast iron. Their parameters fluctuate in the region of 120x70 and 185x85 cm. Sometimes manufacturers take an order for the manufacture of a bath according to individual measurements. As a rule, its size is capable of reaching the parameters of 200x100 cm.

  • Steel. The most economical option. The thin bath walls (up to 3 mm) account for the low weight of up to 30 kg. The length of such a bath is 150 - 180 cm, and the width is 70 - 85 cm.The depth of the model is 65 cm.

  • Acrylic. They attract buyers with numerous advantages. They are characterized by increased heat resistance. They are easy and simple to install in the room. The parameters of an acrylic bathtub are 70-160 cm in width and 120-180 cm in length.

  • Quarilovye. They have increased durability. This type of product has a surface that remains clean for a long period. The dimensions of the quaril bath are similar to those of the acrylic bath.

Manufacturers overview

In the plumbing segment, there are many manufacturers of bathtubs. Steel bowls are produced by the Lipetsk Pipe Plant and the Verkh-Isetsky Metallurgical Plant. Foreign manufacturers are represented by Jacob Delafon (France), Roca (Spain).

In the production of cast iron bowls, the main players in this category are (Russia) and the two foreign companies mentioned above.

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Among the Russian manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs, Aquanet (Russia), as well as foreign companies, gained popularity:

  • Duravit (Germany);
  • Pool Spa (Spain);
  • Riho (Holland);
  • Ravak (Czech Republic);
  • Cersanit and Kolo (Poland).

In addition, acrylic bowls are imported from China and Turkey.

Bath dimensions. Photo


