Is the heat distributor a heat energy meter?

Ultrasonic flow meter working principle

The measurements are carried out by measuring the difference in transit time of ultrasound signals from sensors (emitters / receivers). The time difference resulting from the passage of the signal through the measuring channel is directly proportional to the average flow rate of the liquid / gas. Based on this time difference, the volumetric flow rate of the measured liquid or gas is calculated based on acoustic laws. In the diagram below.

Ultrasonic flow meter working principle

  • t1, t 2 - the propagation time of the ultrasonic pulse along the flow and against the flow
  • Lа is the length of the active part of the acoustic channel
  • Ld is the distance between the PEP membranes
  • C is the speed of ultrasound in still water
  • V is the speed of movement of water in the pipeline
  • a - angle in accordance with Figure 1.
  • PEP1, PEP2 - piezoelectric sensor

Probe sensors manufactured by AC Electronics have various modifications, with an enhanced output signal, sensors with dust and moisture protection IP68, for high temperatures of +200 degrees, for corrosive liquids, etc. There is a huge selection of flow meter manufacturers, but we would like to highlight AC Electronics, which has been producing US 800 flow meters for more than 20 years, has established itself as a reliable, high-quality manufacturer of devices.

Ultrasonic flow meters: modern models

US-800; ECHO-R-02 (free-flow); GEOSTREAM 71 (Doppler); VIRS-U; AKRON-01 (01C, 01P); AKRON-02; DNEPR-7; ULTRAFLOW 54; MULTICAL 62; ULTRAHEAT T150 / 2WR7; KARAT-RS; KARAT-520; IRVIKON SV-200; RUS-1, -1A, -1M, -Exi; PRAMER-510; UFM 001; UFM 005; UFM 3030; GOOY-5; RISE URSV-5XX C; RISE URSV-510V C; RISE URSV-322-XXX; RISE URSV-311; RISE URSV-PPD-Ex-2XX; RISE URSV-1XX C; RISE RSL-212, -222; RISE OF RBP; RISE OF PRC; SONO 1500 CT; StreamLux SLS-700P (portable handheld); StreamLux SLS-700F (consignment note); SOFREL LT-US; ETALON-RM; UVR-011-Du25 ... 7000 (Ex, HART); PRAMER-517; StreamLux SLD-800F / 800P; Streamlux SLD-850F, -850P; StreamLux SLO-500F.

Portable flow meters include such flow meters as some models: Akron, Dnepr, StreamLux, etc.

Measurement of the density of heat fluxes passing through the building envelope. GOST 25380-82

Heat flux - the amount of heat transferred through an isothermal surface per unit of time. Heat flux is measured in watts or kcal / h (1 watt = 0.86 kcal / h). The heat flux per unit of isothermal surface is called the heat flux density or heat load; usually denoted by q, measured in W / m2 or kcal / (m2 × h). Heat flux density is a vector, any component of which is numerically equal to the amount of heat transferred per unit of time through a unit of area perpendicular to the direction of the component taken.

Measurements of the density of heat fluxes passing through the enclosing structures are made in accordance with GOST 25380-82 “Buildings and structures. Method for measuring the density of heat fluxes passing through the enclosing structures ”.

This GOST establishes a method for measuring the density of heat flux passing through single-layer and multi-layer enclosing structures of buildings and structures - public, residential, agricultural and industrial.

Currently, during the construction, acceptance and operation of buildings, as well as in the housing and utilities industry, great attention is paid to the quality of the completed construction and decoration of premises, thermal insulation of residential buildings, as well as energy savings.

In this case, an important estimation parameter is the heat consumption from insulating structures. Tests of the quality of thermal protection of building envelopes can be carried out at different stages: during the commissioning of buildings, at completed construction sites, during construction, during the overhaul of structures, and during the operation of buildings to draw up energy certificates of buildings, and on complaints.

Heat flux density measurements should be carried out at an ambient temperature of -30 to + 50 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 85%.

Measurement of the heat flux density allows you to estimate the heat consumption through the enclosing structures and, thereby, determine the thermal performance of the enclosing structures of buildings and structures.

This standard is not applicable for assessing the thermal performance of enclosing structures that transmit light (glass, plastic, etc.).

Let's consider what the method for measuring the heat flux density is based on. A plate (the so-called "auxiliary wall") is installed on the enclosing structure of the building (structure). The temperature difference formed on this "auxiliary wall" is proportional to the direction of the heat flux of its density. The temperature drop is converted into the electromotive force of the thermocouple batteries, which are located on the "auxiliary wall" and are oriented parallel to the heat flow, and are connected in series according to the generated signal. Together, the "auxiliary wall" and the thermocouple bank make up a measuring transducer for measuring the heat flux density.

Based on the results of measuring the electromotive force of the thermocouple batteries, the heat flux density is calculated on pre-calibrated converters.

The diagram for measuring the heat flux density is shown in the drawing.

1 - enclosing structure; 2 - heat flow transducer; 3 - electromotive force meter;

tв, tн

- temperature of indoor and outdoor air;

τн, τв, τ'в

- temperature of the outer, inner surfaces of the enclosing structure near and under the converter, respectively;

R1, R2 -

thermal resistance of the enclosing structure and heat flux converter;

q1, q2

- heat flux density before and after fixing the transducer

Types of flow meters

Mechanical flow meters: high-speed meters, volumetric meters, roller-blade flow meters, gear flow meters, tank and stopwatch.

Lever-pendulum flowmeters.

Variable differential pressure flowmeters: flowmeters with restriction devices, Pitot tube, flowmeters with hydraulic resistance, with a pressure head, with a pressure amplifier, shock-jet, centrifugal flowmeters.

Constant differential pressure flowmeters: rotameters.

Optical flow meters: laser flow meters.

Ultrasonic flow meters: ultrasonic time-pulse, ultrasonic phase shift, ultrasonic Doppler, ultrasonic correlation.

Electromagnetic flowmeters.

Coriolis flow meters.

Vortex flowmeters.

Thermal flowmeters: thermal boundary layer flowmeters, calorimetric.

Precision flow meters.

Ultrasonic Heat Meter

Heat meters for heating

Ultrasonic meters are recommended for use in apartment buildings where there is a new pipeline. This is due to the high sensitivity of the device to pollution. The meter is set as common for all apartments. The meter makes measurements with the help of a sensor and gives a sound signal. The signal passes through the water. An ultrasonic meter consists of a device that generates a signal and an emitter. These two elements are usually installed on top of each other. These counters are of several types:

  • Doppler;
  • Correlation;
  • Frequency;
  • Temporary.

Any type of meter will work efficiently and show accurate data, provided that the water is clean and free of impurities. If there is the slightest contamination, then the device will give false readings.

When installing an ultrasonic meter, the hydraulic pressure will not increase. The device is equipped with a liquid crystal display, therefore it is very convenient to view the data.

The main disadvantage is connecting the device via UPS if there is a problem with electricity.

Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meter US-800

Advantages: little or no hydraulic resistance, reliability, speed, high accuracy, noise immunity. The device also works with high-temperature liquids. AC Electronics Company produces high-temperature probes PEP at +200 degrees.

Developed taking into account the peculiarities of operation in the Russian Federation. Has built-in protection against overvoltage and network noise. The primary converter is made of stainless steel!

It is produced with ready-made ultrasonic transducers for diameters: from 15 to 2000 mm! All flange connections are in accordance with GOST 12820-80.

Specially created and ideally suited for use in water utilities, heating systems, housing and communal services, energy (CHP), industry!

Please note that it is necessary to operate the flow meters and carry out maintenance in accordance with the operation manual.

The flowmeter-counter US800 has a certificate RU.C.29.006.A No. 43735 and is registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation under No. 21142-11

If used in areas subject to state supervision and control in the Russian Federation, the measuring device is subject to inspection by the bodies of the State Metrological Service.

Characteristics of the error of ultrasonic flow meters US800

UPR diameter, mmFlow range **Relative error,%
flow rate by indicator and frequency outputflow rate on analog outputvolume by indicator
15-2000 single-beamQmin - QP± 2,0± 2,5± 2,0
15-2000 single-beamQP - Qmax± 1,5± 2,0± 1,5
100 - 2000 dual-beamQmin - QP± 1,5± 2,0± 1,5
100 - 2000 dual-beamQP - Qmax± 0,75± 1,5± 0,75

** Qmin is the minimum flow rate; QP — transient flow rate; Qmax - maximum flow rate

Table of characteristics of the volumetric flow rate of liquid of ultrasonic flowmeters US-800

DN, mmVolumetric flow rate of liquid, m3 / hour
Q max maximumQ р1 transitional Т ‹60 ° СQ р2 transitional Т ›60 ° СQ min1 minimum Т ‹60 ° СQ min2 minimum Т ›60 ° С

Mechanical heat meter

Heat meters for heating

With the help of a mechanical counter, you can find out how much warm water is passing through the supply pipe. Such a counter is slightly cheaper than other models. But it has a significant drawback: the device is prone to corrosion, sensitive to dirt and contamination. To avoid these unpleasant factors, you should additionally buy a magnetic mesh filter, which will protect the device from contamination. This device consists of a rotary type water meter and a heat meter.

Mechanical counters are of several types:

  1. Screw.
  2. Wing-type.
  3. Turbine.

These meters are inexpensive and easy to use.

But there are some disadvantages of mechanical heat meters:

  • The counter is not durable due to the rapid wear of the mechanism;
  • Information that has been collected in a day is not saved;
  • The device is sensitive to shocks;
  • Due to the counter, the pressure in the heating system increases.

Application areas of flow meters

  • Any industrial enterprise.
  • Enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical industries.
  • Measurement of liquid flows in main pipelines.
  • Heat supply (heat supply points, central heating stations) and cold supply (ventilation and air conditioning)
  • Water treatment (boiler houses, CHP)
  • Water supply, sewerage and sewerage (sewage pumping station, treatment facilities)
  • Food industry.
  • Extraction and processing of minerals.
  • Pulp and paper industry.
  • Mechanical engineering and metallurgy.
  • Agriculture.
  • Apartment heat, water and gas meters.
  • Household water and heat meters

Types of heat meters

There are several types of heat meters:

  1. Ultrasonic.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Electromagnetic.
  4. Vortex.

You can also divide the counters by area of ​​application. They are individual and industrial.

An individual meter is installed in the apartment. It has two devices: a hot water meter and a heat meter. Water is used as a heat carrier, which is heated to the required temperature. Principle of operation: a heat meter is installed on the water meter, from which two wires are taken, equipped with temperature sensors. One of them is connected to the supply pipeline, and the second to the output. With the help of a water meter, the amount of heat carrier spent for heating is recorded.

An industrial meter is installed in apartment buildings or in production. The main difference from individual meters is the size of the device. The diameter of such a device can be from 2.5 to 30 cm. One of several methods is used to account for heat: vortex, turbine or electromagnetic.

Frequently asked questions

What kind of flow meters are on sale?

The following products are constantly on sale: Industrial ultrasonic flow meters and heat meters, heat meters, apartment heat meters, ultrasonic stationary in-line flow meters for liquids, ultrasonic stationary overhead and portable overhead flow meters.

Where can I see the characteristics of flow meters?

The main and most complete technical characteristics are indicated in the instruction manual. See pages 24-27 for the installation conditions and requirements, in particular the lengths of the straight runs. The wiring diagram can be found on page 56.

What liquid does the US 800 ultrasonic flow meter measure?

Ultrasonic flowmeters US 800 can measure the following liquids:

  • cold and hot water, network water, hard water, drinking water, service water,
  • sea, salt, river water, silted water
  • clarified, demineralized, distilled, condensate
  • waste water, polluted water
  • stratal, artesian and Cenomanian waters
  • water pressure for high pressure, 60 atm (6 MPa), 100 atm (10 MPa), 160 atm (16 MPa), 250 atm (25 MPa)
  • pulp, suspensions and emulsions,
  • fuel oil, heating oil, diesel fuel, diesel fuel,
  • alcohol, acetic acid, electrolytes, solvent
  • acids, sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, alkali
  • ethylene glycols, propylene glycols and polypropylene glycols
  • surfactants surfactants
  • oil, industrial oil, transformer oil, hydraulic oil
  • motor, synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oils
  • vegetable, rapeseed and palm oil
  • oil
  • liquid fertilizers UAN

How many pipelines can be connected to the US 800 ultrasonic flowmeter?

The ultrasonic flowmeter US-800 can serve, depending on the version: Execution 1X, 3X - 1 pipeline; Execution 2X - up to 2 pipelines at the same time; Execution 4X - up to 4 pipelines simultaneously.

Multiple beams are made to order. US 800 flowmeters have two versions of ultrasonic flow transducers: single-beam, double-beam, and multi-beam. Multi-beam designs require fewer straight sections during installation.

Multichannel systems are convenient in metering systems where several pipelines are located in one place and it would be more convenient to collect information from them into one device.

The single-channel version is cheaper and serves one pipeline. The two-channel version is suitable for two pipelines. Two-channel has two channels for flow measurement in one electronic unit.

What is the content of gaseous and solid substances in% by volume?

A prerequisite for the content of gas inclusions in the measured liquid is up to 1%. If this condition is not observed, stable operation of the device is not guaranteed.

The ultrasonic signal is blocked by air and does not pass through it; the device is in a "failure", inoperative state.

The solids content in the standard version is not desirable more than 1-3%, there may be some disturbance in the stable operation of the device.

There are special versions of the US 800 flow meter that can measure even heavily contaminated liquids: river water, silted water, waste water, sewage, slurry, sludge water, water containing sand, mud, solid particles, etc.

The possibility of using the flow meter for measuring non-standard liquids requires mandatory approval.

What is the production time of devices? Whether there are available?

Depending on the type of products required, the season, the average shipment time is from 2 to 15 working days. The production of flow meters goes on without interruption. The production of flow meters is located in Cheboksary at its own production base. Components are usually in stock. Each device comes with an instruction manual and a passport for the device. The manufacturer cares about his customers, and therefore all the detailed necessary information on the installation and installation of the flow meter can be found in the instructions (operation manual) on our website. The flow meter must be connected by a qualified technician or other certified organization.

What types of ultrasonic flow meters is the US 800?

There are several types of ultrasonic flow meters according to the principle of operation: time-pulse, Doppler, correlation, etc.

US 800 relates to time-pulsed ultrasonic flow meters, and measures flow based on the measurement of pulses of ultrasonic vibration through a moving fluid.

The difference between the propagation times of ultrasonic pulses in the forward and reverse directions relative to the movement of the liquid is proportional to the speed of its flow.

What are the differences between ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices?

The difference is in the principle of work and some functionality.

Electromagnetic is measured based on the electromagnetic induction that occurs when a fluid moves. Of the main disadvantages - not all liquids are measured, exactingness to the quality of the liquid, high cost for large diameters, inconvenience of repair and verification. The disadvantages of electromagnetic and cheaper (tachometric, vortex, etc.) flow meters are very noticeable. The ultrasonic flowmeter has more advantages than disadvantages.

Ultrasonic is measured by measuring the propagation time of ultrasound in a stream.

Undemanding to liquid quality, measurement of non-standard liquids, oil products, etc., fast response time.

Wide range of applications, any diameters, maintainability, any pipes.

Installation of such flow meters will not be difficult.

Look for ultrasonic flowmeters in the range we offer.

You can see the photos of the devices on our website. Look for detailed and complete photos of flow meters on the corresponding pages of our website.

What is the depth of the archive in US 800?

The US800 ultrasonic flowmeter has a built-in archive. The depth of the archive is 2880 hourly / 120 daily / 190 monthly records. It should be noted that not in all versions the archive is displayed on the indicator: if EB US800-1X, 2X, 3X - the archive is formed in the nonvolatile memory of the device and is displayed via communication lines, it is not displayed on the indicator. if EB US800-4X - the archive can be displayed on the indicator.

The archive is displayed via communication lines via the digital RS485 interface to external devices, for example, a PC, laptop, via a GSM modem to the dispatcher's computer, etc.

What is ModBus?

ModBus is an open communication industrial protocol for data transmission via the digital RS485 interface. The description of the variables can be found under the heading documentation.

What do the letters and numbers mean in the flow meter configuration record: 1. "A" 2. "F" 3. "BF" 4. "42" 5."Without COF" 6. "IP65" 7. "IP68" 8. "P" - verification

A - archive, not present in all executions and not in all executions is displayed on the indicator. Ф - flanged version of the flow transducer. BF is a wafer-type flow transducer. 42 - in some versions, designation of the presence of a 4-20 mA current output. KOF - a set of counter flanges, fasteners, gaskets (for flange versions) Without KOF - accordingly, the set does not include counter flanges, fasteners, gaskets. IP65 - dust and moisture protection IP65 (protection against dust and splashes) IP68 - dust and moisture protection IP68 (protection against dust and water, sealed) P - method of verification by imitation method

Calibration of flow meters is organized on the basis of appropriately accredited enterprises. In addition to the imitation method of verification, some diameters of flow meters, on request, are verified by the pouring method on a pouring installation.

All offered products comply with GOST, TU, OST and other regulatory documents.


LLC "NTP" TKA "welcomes you to its website

Here you will find the necessary information about equipment, offered by our company, manufactures and sells working instruments for measuring physical environmental factors: illumination, light pulsation, brightness, total luminous flux, UV irradiance, chromaticity coordinates and color temperature of light sources, temperature and relative humidity of air, air flow velocity, thermal (infrared ) irradiance, atmospheric pressure and assessments of the energy efficiency of the optical radiation flux under the conditions of photoculture. Our goal is to improve the working conditions of people by controlling the state of the environment, to take care of their health and safety, for which we, constantly improving, create means of objective measurement of impact factors.

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Measurement of room light conditions Illumination acts as one of the most important characteristics in assessing the quality of the light environment. A light environment that meets the standard allows a person to stay in the office space comfortably, to maximize their efficiency, as well as to ensure safety in the workplace. To draw conclusions about the appropriate quality of lighting, it is customary to use the following appliances:

  • Pulse meter... This control and measuring device allows you to set the minimum, maximum and average illumination values ​​during the oscillation period and automatically calculate illumination ripple factor for a radiation source... It has been established that illumination pulsing at a frequency of more than 300 Hz, exceeding the permissible fusion frequency of light pulsations, is not perceived by the eye, but, at the same time, from the results of scientific research, it can be concluded that such a circumstance has a negative effect on the human body.
  • Luxmeter... This device is used to measure the degree illumination, which is created thanks to various light sources. It has been scientifically proven that indoor lighting has a strong effect on well-being, visual performance and, as a result, labor productivity. The desire to increase operational efficiency has led to the fact that these days this measuring device is used for certification of workplaces almost everywhere. It is difficult to overestimate its relevance at enterprises, medical and educational institutions, centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Those who have already bought a digital lux meter highly praise this device for its light weight and compact size, which will allow it to be used in mobile conditions. The devices are powered by batteries that last long enough due to energy saving.
  • BBB Spectrocolorimeter designed for measurements correlated color temperature and chromaticity coordinates light sources. Based on what kind of activity is carried out in certain lighting conditions, it is also determined what kind of color correction is required for these conditions.
  • Luminous flux meter.The device is designed to measure the total luminous flux LEDs according to the method "integrating spheres "(" Spheres of Ulbricht ").
  • We offer equipping with photometric complexes based on an integrating sphere for launching photometric laboratories.

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  • Thermoanemometers, which have advanced functionality and allow, in addition to speed, to measure the temperature of the air stream ВВВ, you can buy from us. Anemometers have a comfortable ergonomic body of both the main unit and the external sensor. For the manufacture of the case, a reliable and durable plastic material is used. Remote sensors are connected to the main unit with a special stretchable cable, allowing measurements to be made at some distance from the main unit, which increases the mobility during measurements. Autonomous power supply of anemometers is carried out from batteries, the life of which is quite long due to the energy saving function integrated into the devices.
  • On the microclimate premises are mainly influenced by two interrelated indicators: temperature and air humidity... To measure the temperature and humidity of the air, use thermohygrometer... By controlling temperature and humidity, you can fight mold and mildew in the room, which will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on microclimatic conditions. You can buy a digital thermo-hygrometer to assess the quality of the microclimate in industrial premises, at workplaces, in everyday life. They are compact, have simple control, high measurement accuracy.
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Vortex heat meter

The vortex meter is non-corrosive and insensitive to dirt and scale. These devices always show accurate, but there is one exception: if air gets into the system, the device may give false values. The vortex heat meter can be installed on vertical and horizontal pipes. The device measures the number and speed of vortices.

Heat meters for heating

A vortex heat meter for heating consists of several elements: a plate, a counter mechanism, a filter, a housing and a heat fairing.


