Correct refueling of the air conditioner with your own hands will ensure its reliable operation and long life. In this regard, you need to have a complete understanding of when and how to service this device.
No matter how careful the installation and operation of the device is, some of the freon will still gradually flow out into the external environment, so sooner or later it will have to be replenished. The lack of freon will be indicated by the worst air cooling. The following instructions for refueling the air conditioner will help correct this situation.
Refrigerant types
There is no need to save on refueling, as low-quality refrigerant will lead to system breakdown
... The refueling procedure is best done twice a year. If done correctly, the system will run smoothly and efficiently. In addition, a properly filled home air conditioner can extend the life of this unit.
Any air conditioner, even the highest quality and most reliable air conditioner, comes a moment in operation when its power starts to drop. This becomes noticeable by the fact that the indoor climate begins to change over a longer period of time than before. With regular preventive cleaning of climatic equipment, the loss of the refrigeration process occurs only for one reason - freon leakage. There is a general misconception that gas injection is a rather laborious process that cannot be done on your own and, moreover, at home. However, it is not. you can independently fill the air conditioner at home, which will save a decent financial amount, which is necessary to pay for the work of service specialists.
The loss of power by the air conditioner occurs for several reasons:
- The evaporator and other internal parts of the indoor unit in the split system are dirty.
- More often this happens due to a decrease in the amount of freon that flows out through the connecting fittings, as a result of which the cooling capacity decreases.
Description of air conditioner malfunctions that can lead to loss of power.
How often does an air conditioner need service and what is it?
Most, not understanding all the intricacies, make hasty conclusions and believe that servicing the air conditioner is an imposed service that can be completely dispensed with. Is it really? Why do you need to carry out preventive work, how often, and what exactly needs to be checked and controlled.
Maintenance of air conditioners (TO) - this is a series of preventive works, regulated by the manufacturer, aimed at maintaining the operating parameters of the system in acceptable values. All types, without exception, including household wall-mounted air conditioners, need periodic inspection, cleaning and refueling.
Didn't follow the service schedule - lost one year of warranty
Manufacturers, as a rule, provide a warranty for air conditioners from 2 to 3 years, subject to maintenance within the terms specified in the warranty card. Basically, the first mandatory service must be done 2 years after the installation and commissioning of the air conditioning system, as evidenced by the mark of the installer's organization in the warranty card. By fulfilling this requirement, the manufacturer's warranty for the air conditioner is extended for a period of 1 year and thus is 3 years.
What is included in the service of the air conditioner
Let's list the main work that needs to be done after two years of using the split system.
- Inspection and broaching of contact cable connections;
- Broaching the rolls at the pipe connection points;
- Cleaning the heat exchangers of the indoor and outdoor units (if necessary);
- Cleaning the fan impeller (if necessary);
- Steam treatment of the indoor unit heat exchanger (if necessary);
- Drainage check;
- Measurement of current strength;
- Measurement of pressure in the refrigeration circuit;
- Filling the system with freon.
How often the air conditioner needs to be serviced
The frequency of maintenance work depends on many factors, for example, how often the system is used, the cleanliness of the outside and inside air and, of course, how well the air conditioner was installed.
The volume of freon leakage from the refrigeration circuit depends on the quality of the installation and connection of the air conditioner. In some cases, if the installer has made insufficient tight connections, the gas can escape in less than a year, or maybe a week. Even an absolutely tight connection does not guarantee that it will remain so after a year of operation. This is due to the fact that the operation of the compressor is accompanied by vibration, which in turn is transmitted to all connections and leads to a loosening of the tightening. In this regard, it becomes necessary to broach electrical terminals and rolling joints. If the air conditioner was not used, this does not mean that the freon did not evaporate, in the static state the pressure is almost twice as high as in the working state, which means that in the idle state the probability and volume of leakage almost doubles.
In the photo, the connection port of the outdoor unit. One tube is heavily frozen - this indicates a lack of freon in the system. There is a dusty oil spot around the rolling joint, which indicates a significant leak of freon in this particular place, since the compressor lubricating oil evaporates along with the gas, leaving characteristic traces.
The amount of freon and the pressure in the system are one of the most important parameters for the operation of any air conditioner. In the event of a significant leak, more than 30% of the factory charge will result in reduced performance. But most importantly, the compressor is cooled with freon and lubricated by the compressor oil dissolved in it. Accordingly, with significant leaks, the compressor will overheat, the surfaces rubbing in it are less lubricated. All this leads to increased wear and tear and premature failure of the most expensive element of the entire air conditioning system.
Air purity determines how dirty the filters and heat exchangers of the indoor and outdoor units are. Heavily contaminated elements significantly reduce the efficiency of the air conditioning system. The air conditioner starts to consume more electricity, it works noisily, and unpleasant odors appear from dirty filters.
Clean filter - healthy air
Using the air conditioner with dirty filters can cause serious respiratory diseases. It is necessary to control the cleanliness of the filters yourself, and as often as possible, even in the case of slight contamination, it is better to wash them. Due to these filters, not only the air is kept clean, but also the heat exchanger, the fan impeller, and it is much more difficult and more expensive to clean them from adhering and compressed dust.
As practice has shown, the dirtiest filters are found in small offices, where employees do not care, and the management saves on timely maintenance of equipment, and they call specialists only when the air conditioner stops performing its functions, simply speaking, does not work. But there are completely clogged filters in living quarters, this is really surprising how you can treat expensive equipment and your own health so carelessly.Manufacturers of air conditioners have done and thought over everything to make this operation so simple that even a "blonde" can handle it in no more than five minutes.
Air cooling is accompanied by condensation moisture in the area of the heat exchanger. Having absorbed moisture, dust adheres to the internal elements of the air conditioner, fungus and mold appear. Inhaling their spores along with the air, we put ourselves at great risk, become lethargic, exhausted, we are often tormented by headaches, a chronic cough appears, and most importantly, we do not even know what lies behind the source of these troubles.
Thus, timely service of the air conditioner will not only prolong the service life of this expensive equipment, but also guarantee its safe use. We recommend carrying out preventive maintenance at least once every 24 months.
The cost of servicing air conditioners and split systems in St. Petersburg depends on the capacity and type of the air conditioner, as well as the degree of its pollution. In one case, you can check the parameters, fill the system with freon, and in the second case, you need to deeply clean the internal elements of the block, steam treatment, and clean the heat exchanger under a high pressure jet.
In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Keep your air conditioners, air purifiers, ventilation systems clean, wash or change filters as needed, including your car's cabin filter.
4shop Copyright © 28.02.2018 "Equipment for Comfort"
Which is preferable - to fill or top up the air conditioner?
Most often, a domestic split system does not require a full refueling, but a partial refueling is enough. There are several reasons for this. For example, an air conditioner was being repaired. After that, it must be refueled.
The split system has an air temperature of 19 degrees, and it heats the air up to 21 degrees. This means that the air conditioner needs to be refueled.
Any climatic equipment loses about 8% of the refrigerant per year, which makes it necessary to refuel any split system once every couple of years.
Before refueling, it is necessary to clarify the amount of freon in the system in order to fill as much as needed, since if the amount of freon is insufficient, the desired result will not be obtained, and if the amount is excessive, the compressor may fail.
There are the following options for refueling climatic equipment:
By pressure
... To determine the required amount of refrigerant, it is enough to carefully read the documents supplied with the equipment. When the collector is connected to the air conditioner, the freon pressure in the system is displayed. Having learned the value of the pressure required for the normal operation of the air conditioner, it is easy to calculate the amount of freon that is needed to refuel.
By mass
... The use of this option is advisable in order to completely fill the device, since before using it, all the freon is pumped out of the air conditioner, and then the volume of the system is again filled with freon. For this purpose, use special scales. Having learned the amount of gas in the cylinder, fill the required amount.
There is another way of filling climatic equipment with freon, only it is used most often after the repair of equipment, or in cases of air ingress into the system. This is a glass filling. Noticing air bubbles in the inspection window of the freon unit, the system is filled with freon before the bubbles are squeezed out of the pipeline. After that, the gas is vented to the equipment filling rate, when the required pressure appears in the system.
When refueling is needed
The main symptom is a decrease in productivity.However, you should consider all the main signs by which you can understand that the device needs refueling:
- Decreased air quality and cooling rate
- Lack of cooling
- The appearance of oil on the refrigerant pipes
- Frost appears in the indoor unit.
If you notice that the indoor unit is covered with a large amount of frost, which even gets into the room, you should immediately carry out the refueling procedure. An air conditioner refueling station can help with this.
Preparing the air conditioner for refueling or refueling
You need to know that self-preparation and refueling of climatic equipment is carried out with specialized tools, while freon is also needed. Therefore, think about where you will take all this.
Make sure that the vacuum pump has a pressure gauge and a check valve to prevent oil from entering the freon system.
In large cities, it is possible to rent these instruments. The rental fee will be less expensive than paying for the services of a professional called from the service center.
- Preparation for refueling the air conditioner is considered to be the study of the evaporator and condenser tubes, and the check of the freon line for integrity.
- After performing a visual inspection, pump nitrogen gas into the system through a pressure regulator equipped with a pressure gauge. After reaching the filling volume of a split-system of a particular model, nitrogen automatically stops flowing into the system. You will need to monitor the pressure gauge to find out if the pressure in the system is dropping. If there is no pressure drop, then the system is sealed, and the freon leakage occurred for a reason that is not related to damage to the circuit.
- After checking the system (as the professionals say - the system is pressurized), it is vacuumized, for which they use specialized devices: a manifold and a vacuum pump.
- Then the vacuum pump is connected to the device, for which a collector is used. Then open the manifold gas valve and turn on the vacuum pump.
- When the pressure gauge needle reaches the minimum value, turn off the pump and close the manifold gas valve.
This is the last stage of preparation for filling HVAC equipment.
After pressure testing and evacuation of the system, do not try to disconnect the manifold from the air conditioner!
The possibility of creating an optimal microclimate at home in hot weather has worried mankind since time immemorial. For example, the inhabitants of India cooled the air with the help of a special device consisting of a coconut tree (it was wrapped around the frame that was installed in the doorway) and a vessel with liquid placed above it, which periodically turned over and poured water onto the frame.
Of course, after millennia, technological progress has made dramatic changes in the air conditioning process.
At the dawn of their appearance, air conditioners were fueled with gases such as methyl chloride and ammonia. However, due to the fact that they posed a threat to human health, after a while they were replaced with freon. Thomas Midgley, who works as a chemist at General Motors Research Corporation, was the first to suggest using freon for air conditioners.
Today, this colorless and odorless gas is used as a refrigerant in air conditioning systems of various manufacturers. It should be noted that no matter how well the installation of the split system is, nevertheless, refueling the air conditioners with freon is a necessary measure. For each air conditioning system, there is a rate that allows this gas to leak into the atmosphere and is approximately 5-8% annually.
In the event that the refueling of air conditioners with freon is not carried out on time, then they will quickly fail and require expensive repairs from you.The thing is that due to the insufficient amount of refrigerant, the equipment will not be able to cool down and, as a result, will overheat, becoming unsuitable for further operation. However, do not think that in order to resume its operation, you will only need to bring the level of the refrigerant in the device to the required level. Unfortunately, refueling air conditioners with freon in this case will no longer save the situation. You will have to replace the old compressor with a new one, and in some cases even buy a new split system. Therefore, in any case, do not neglect these norms for the operation of air conditioners.
In order not to miss the time of refueling the split system, it is necessary to periodically undergo scheduled maintenance. However, if you feel that the air conditioner cools the air to a much lesser extent than before, or you notice the formation of frost on the elements of the outdoor unit, then this indicates that it is necessary to refuel.
The frequency of refueling air conditioners in each case is individual and largely depends on the technical characteristics of the equipment you have installed. Nevertheless, air conditioners are refueled with freon on average once or twice a year.
We draw your attention to the fact that this procedure must be trusted exclusively by professionals, since, firstly, it implies that a person has experience and special knowledge in this area. Secondly, this operation is fraught with various kinds of health hazards. If safety measures are not followed, then a person can get frostbite of the hands and other equally serious injuries.
You also need some knowledge regarding which refrigerant should be used. Today freon for air conditioners R-22 is the most popular. However, along with it, other options apply. A strictly defined brand of refrigerant is provided for each type of air conditioner.
It should also be noted that refueling of split systems is carried out using a specially developed technology and with the help of equipment designed for this purpose, for which specialists undergo training courses.
Our company offers service of air conditioners, which includes refueling of air conditioners with freon. The high qualifications of our employees allow us to carry out these types of work at a high professional level. Thanks to the many years of experience of our employees, their excellent knowledge of the specifics of various models of split systems, as well as their responsible attitude to their work, your air conditioner will serve you for many years, and you will certainly be satisfied with the result of our cooperation.
Detailed instructions for refueling the air conditioner
For self-refueling of climatic equipment, it is necessary to use some devices:
- Digital scales;
- Digital thermometer;
- Gauge manifold;
- Hex key set.
The use of a two- or four-position manifold is allowed. A two-position manifold is used when evacuating and refueling climatic equipment, however, the hose of the additional equipment is reconnected, as a result of which an air lock is created, which must be released by opening the liquid valve located on the manifold.
If you are using a four-position manifold, you do not need to do this. This device has a completely sealed system with no contact with air.
- Before starting work, it is necessary to open the locks that are located in the service fittings of the air conditioner - this will allow the remaining freon in it to be released from the device.
- When the gas is completely out of the equipment, the locks are closed.
Now you are offered information on how the HVAC equipment is filled with freon using the overheating indicator method. Overheating is an indicator of the difference between the temperature of the superheated steam and the boiling point of freon. The temperature of the superheated steam is taken with an electronic thermometer (while the device must be turned on). The boiling point of the gas is indicated by a low pressure gauge located on the manifold.
How to fill an air conditioner or a split system?
The normal indicator of the difference in these temperatures should be between 5 and 8 ° C. If the difference exceeds 8 ° C, it is necessary to fill the split system with freon, the amount of which is insufficient.
- To fill the system, a cylinder filled with freon is installed on the scales.
- Then the scales are set to "zero", after which the valve on the cylinder is opened, and, at the same time, for just one second, the liquid valve on the manifold is opened slightly, releasing excess air that is in the hoses.
- Then the gas valve located on the manifold opens. During the period when refueling is carried out, the pressure in the system rises, and the temperature on the thermometer drops.
- These actions are carried out until the difference between the indicators of the manometer and thermometer, which are located on the gas pipe of the split system, reaches 5 - 8 C °.
- The final step is to close the gas valve on the manifold, and then close the valve on the freon bottle. By looking at the scale, you can find out how much gas was needed to fill the system.
Checking the operation of the equipment is carried out by connecting the device to the line. In case of insufficient filling with freon, the taps are frozen over (this is the main indicator). If this does not happen, then you have refueled the climatic equipment correctly.
The most common problem faced by owners of domestic climate systems is refrigerant leaks. Questions immediately arise: how to recognize a leak in time, how to fill a household air conditioner, who to contact?
Freon refueling methods
To refuel the air conditioner with your own hands, you need to choose the most convenient method from the ones presented below.
Using a pressure gauge
To refuel with a pressure gauge, you will need to find out the permissible level of freon in a particular air conditioner. This information is often contained in the instruction manual or in the description of the technical characteristics of its model on the Internet. Charging refrigerant by pressure consists in connecting a pressure gauge to the adapter between the gas cylinder and the air conditioner. Gas is supplied in small portions to a special compartment, and the pressure gauge measures the pressure. In this case, it is necessary to check the readings of the device with the permissible pressure level according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Weight control
The following method is designed to determine the amount of gas by weighing the cylinder. The principle of this method is quite simple - freon flows from the filling cylinder into the compartment of the air conditioner, and by weighing the container, you can determine how much gas has moved into the device. The disadvantage of this method is that it can only be used when the freon compartment of the split system is completely empty. To do this, use a vacuum to remove all residual compounds from the cooling element. Refueling the air conditioner with freon with small leaks cannot be performed using this method.
Installing the filling cylinder
If the level of filling of the air conditioner with freon and the volumes of the leak are known exactly, the method of the additional cylinder can be used. In this case, the missing amount of gas is placed in a special part - a cylinder, which is mounted in the air conditioner. The advantage of this method is that it does not require vacuum cleaning of the structure from the refrigerant.
Temperature changes
The most difficult method of refueling a split system with freon is to record the temperature. It is almost impossible to apply it on your own, but you can use the help of specialists.
Freon leak - how serious is it?
A timely detected coolant leak, shutdown of the air conditioner will help to avoid serious damage, financial costs for repairs. But the consequences of untimely diagnostics of a malfunction can be serious, up to the replacement of the entire system. What happens if the freon leak lasts for a long time unnoticed:
- Overheating of the compressor of the external block of the split system. It is cooled by freon. Due to insufficient amount of coolant, it will constantly heat up, which will lead to breakdown and failure. It is likely that an expensive compressor will need to be replaced.
- Overheating of the compressor will lead to the breakdown of units, units that are directly connected to it.
- Together with freon, oil circulates through the cooling system to lubricate the compressor. When a leak is formed, it exits through the hole, thereby damaging the capacitor. Compressor parts are not properly lubricated.
- Moisture is likely to penetrate through the leak hole into the system.
The result is a repair with a possible replacement of the compressor or the entire system as a whole. To avoid large unforeseen costs, it is necessary to use the equipment correctly, carefully monitor its condition, and carry out scheduled technical work.
How to monitor the health of a car air conditioner?
The first
what needs to be monitored for the car air conditioner to work properly is the air conditioner radiator (condenser). It needs to be kept clean by washing it at least 1-2 times a year. Washing the radiator should be a mandatory procedure after winter in order to wash off the salt and reagents sprinkled on the roads.
- it is necessary to monitor the bearing of the air conditioner compressor pulley, especially closely after running 100,000 km. But it's better to start observing a little ahead of time. What can be detected by observing the bearing - a rustling noise when the air conditioner compressor is turned on, because the load on the pulley increases when the air conditioner is running, this may allow the sound to be detected earlier. Also, if the compressor pulley is in an accessible place, try wobbling it with your hand and check the bearing play. If noise or play is present, then the bearing should be replaced as soon as possible. over time, the situation will worsen and may lead to the failure of the entire clutch or its individual components.If the bearing falls apart, then there is a high probability of grinding the compressor neck (you will have to change the compressor) and breaking the drive belt, since the pulley will play 1-2 centimeters. In this case, driving a car will only be possible if you install a short drive belt bypassing the air conditioner pulley or for short distances while there is a battery charge.
, as mentioned above, pay attention to the temperature in the car, if the system is not able to provide a comfortable temperature in the passenger compartment, then its performance is insufficient and diagnostics are required.
Causes of coolant leakage
The main, most common causes of freon leaks are poor-quality installation, improper operation.
- Freon is an inert, odorless, colorless gas. It is safe for humans and the environment. It can evaporate from the air conditioner system through connections, installation joints of the route. If the assembly, installation of the system is done correctly, freon will not evaporate, or evaporate in small quantities. Then it is enough to refuel every 1.5-2 years for the equipment to work properly.
Poor installation will have a negative effect on the equipment, you won't have to wait long.The weak points of the installation will immediately show themselves.
- Untimely maintenance, improper operation is also the cause of refrigerant leakage.
- Mechanical damage to the track. Pipeline wear is an unlikely cause. But it also has a place to be. With constant vibration of the outdoor unit, the pipes with the coolant are frayed, forming leak holes. It is also possible that foreign objects fall onto the track, which can damage it.
- Re-assembly / disassembly of equipment.
Signs of a freon leak
With a careful attitude to the air conditioner, timely maintenance, it is easy to determine that the operation of the equipment has deteriorated, external changes have occurred. Signs of a Freon leak:
- The operation of the air conditioner has worsened, it has stopped cooling / heating the air as quickly as before, it does it weakly, ineffectively.
- The compressor safety sensor is constantly activated, reacting to excessive heat. It stops the equipment.
- Darkening of the compressor insulation.
Refrigerant leaks at the pipes
- The presence of oil on the elements of the split system, the smell of burning after switching on, the oxidation of the oil (checked by a test for the level of acidity).
- Burnt insulation near the capillary tube in the supply line.
- Icing of the pipes of the outdoor unit.
Icing of the external branch pipe of the air conditioner
As soon as signs of freon leakage appear, it is necessary to turn off the air conditioner, do not use it until troubleshooting. The best thing is to call specialists who will test the system, find the cause of the breakdown, and eliminate it. After all, the cause of a malfunction may not only be a coolant leak.
If there is complete confidence that the cause of the malfunction is precisely the leak, it is possible to eliminate it yourself by refilling the system with refrigerant.
Precautions when working with freon
If you are going to fill the air conditioner with your own hands - remember:
- Chlorine brands are harmful to the body. Avoid contact with mucous membranes (eyes, mouth), and do not inhale them.
- With a high concentration of freon, you can get poisoned. Therefore, do not work indoors - be sure to open the window and door, if available - turn on the hood (in the kitchen and in the bathroom).
- If liquid freon gets on the skin, you can get frostbite. Therefore, you only need to work with rubber gloves and closed clothing (not a T-shirt or a T-shirt with shorts).
If during operation the refrigerant gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it must be immediately washed off with water, and the place must be lubricated with petroleum jelly.
If you experience symptoms of suffocation, or any other abnormal signs, you must immediately stop work, leave the room and ventilate it.
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How to fill a household air conditioner? Scheme of actions
Scheme of actions when filling the air conditioner with coolant:
- Purge the internal block of the system, the freon pipeline to dry them from moisture (may cause a malfunction of the compressor).
- Remove the caps from the valve, service port.
- Connect a vacuum pump to the charge sensor.
- Connect a three-way valve to the charge sensor.
- Use a pump to evacuate the climate system. The evacuation time is 30 minutes, but it can be varied by the capacity of the vacuum apparatus.
- The refueling gauge's monometer should show a pressure level of 760 mm Hg. Art.
- If the pressure has not reached the desired level, then there is a leak. It is necessary to find the place of depressurization of the pipeline using the freon leak indicator.
- Repair the leak.
- Close the priming sensor valve. Switch off the evacuator.
- Open the 3-way suction valve, 2-way liquid valve on the outdoor unit with a wrench (turn counterclockwise).
- Make a test run of the climate system.
- Take readings of the pressure level inside the system, current indicators. In this case, the air conditioner operates at maximum cooling / heating mode.
- If necessary, add refrigerant to the equipment.
- With a reduced pressure, a short path of the coolant (1-1.5 m), an excess amount of gas - remove excess freon from the system.
Types of freons for filling household air conditioners
Air conditioning systems are charged with various coolants. For household, the most common are R22 and R410a.
The R22 substance cools the climate systems previously produced. It is now banned in Europe due to its destructive effect on the planet's ozone layer. However, in the CIS countries it is used for refueling.
The R410a refrigerant replaced its predecessor and is used in modern air conditioners. Differs in high cost, complex composition. The cost of installing equipment fueled with R410a has increased.
Refueling of household air conditioners. Precautions
Despite the safety of R410a freon for the environment, you should observe safety measures when working with it:
- Do not breathe in R410a refrigerant, it destroys lung tissue, causing shortness of breath, asthma.
- The split system, filled at the production site with R410a, must be refilled with these substances.
- A special compressor oil is used with R410a. It differs from the predecessor mineral oil R. It is necessary to be very careful when filling the equipment with a mixture of R410a and oil, as the latter absorbs moisture from the environment. Therefore, the equipment should not be left for a long time in high humidity conditions.
- It is necessary to use tools made to work specifically with R410a freon (pressure sensors, filling hose, leak indicator, rolling mechanisms, evacuator, etc.).
- Higher pressure R410a assumes a certain diameter of copper pipes (not less than 0.7 mm).
- It is forbidden to leave air, moisture in the pipeline system.
- When carrying out installation, service work - ventilate the room.
Subject to certain conditions, it is possible to refuel the climatic equipment yourself. Nevertheless, it is best to use the services of specialists who will not only refuel the air conditioner, but can, if necessary, identify other malfunctions of the device.
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Air conditioners are now installed almost everywhere. Many people own home units, but when they do not cool the room, it becomes necessary to repair it. In order to save money, you can do this yourself - charge the refrigerant following the instructions in the article.
What is the conditioner used for?
When freon is mentioned, a parallel is immediately drawn with the refrigerant of the refrigerator, but for household air cooling, a certain type of it is used, which is different from that used in freezers. So, the most commonly used freon brands:
- R-22
- it proved to be the most reliable carrier, it has a high cooling efficiency, in contrast to similar refrigerants of the R-8 brand and others. When using them, the production of cold by the device can significantly decrease, and the consumption of electricity can increase. - R-134 a
- a newer type of freon is safer for nature, since it does not affect its ozone layer. It is now used extremely rarely due to its high cost.
Step-by-step instructions for refueling the air conditioner
Before refueling, you need to check the integrity of the cooling line, view all its pipes. If everything is in order, you can start preparatory work for refueling:
- System pressure testing
... If outwardly no deviations are detected, then gaseous nitrogen must be injected into the system.This is doable with
reducer and pressure gauge
... When the volume of the air conditioner is completely filled, nitrogen will stop flowing into the system. With complete sealing, the pressure in the unit will be constant, but if it falls, then the freon leakage occurs due to damage to the pipes, which should be soldered. Otherwise, if everything in the system is hermetically sealed, then you can proceed to evacuation; - Vacuum pump connection
... When choosing this device, you need to check that it has a pressure gauge and a check valve. The first will be responsible for the pressure, and the second will prevent oil from entering the freon. The pump is connected to the air conditioner through a manifold. Before starting it on the manifold, you need to unscrew the gas valve. When the minimum value is set on the pressure gauge, it will be necessary to activate the pump and close the valve on the manifold.
Split system refueling progress:
- Equipment preparation
... To carry out refueling you need digital devices -
scales and thermometer, set of keys and gauge manifold
... It is better to use a four-position manifold to avoid reconnection and air formation in the tube; - Prepare a bottle with freon
... It must be weighed, and then open the valve on it and then close it to release air from the hose; - Prepare air conditioner
... On it you need to set the temperature to 18 degrees and turn on the device to cool the room; - Manometer connection
... On the device, you need to find the largest tube coming from the external unit, unscrew the cap from it and connect the pressure gauge to the vacated place, and its other end is already connected to the bottle with freon; - Refueling process
... The pressure should rise, and when it reaches 5-8 bar, you need to close the valve on the cylinder and the pressure gauge. Replace the cap.
To find out how much gas was required to refuel the climatic technology, you need to put the cylinder back on the scales and compare the mass with the previous reading.
All the necessary tools for refueling can be rented in any service that serves air conditioners. Paying these costs will be cheaper than calling a specialist to your home.
Before servicing the air conditioner and refueling the split line with freon, it is necessary to analyze the situation and weigh the pros and cons. How much it costs to refuel the air conditioner, you can find out at the service center. But in the case of filling the contour with your own hands, you need to take a very responsible approach to this matter, purchase the necessary equipment and tools in advance.
At first, you can rent a vacuum unit, it will be cheaper than buying a new device. And also for work you will need a bottle with freon, a container with nitrogen and an electronic scale.
Prepare the route for refueling in advance, for which you should:
1. Dry the air conditioner line in the apartment by blowing nitrogen. Freon can also be used for this, but only if the initial installation was made without marriage. In this situation, the freon is in the external block, and thus, with its help, the line can be purged.
2. Check the pipeline for leaks. To do this, you need to create pressure with nitrogen or freon. If nitrogen is pumped into the system, then you can check the joints with a liquid soap composition for the appearance of bubbles. And in the case of filling with freon, you first need to introduce a little dye into it and then check it with ultraviolet light. In those places where there is a gas leak, a characteristic glow will appear.
On this, the preparation of the line can be considered complete, the next item will be the complete filling of the air conditioner with freon.
What freon to use
According to the Montreal Treaty, signed by the leading countries of the European Union in 1987, companies are prohibited from filling HVAC equipment with toxic refrigerants such as R-12, R-11, R22.
Instead, it is recommended to use environmentally friendly gas - R410a and R407c., Which meets European standards. At the same time, despite the dubious environmental safety of R22, due to the lobbying of the interests of manufacturing companies, this freon is still used in air conditioners.
Refueling of the 410 air conditioner is more due to the fact that the track is made of copper pipes with thickened walls. And also more expensive is the filling of the air conditioner with this gas, since for better fluidity it uses a special polyester grease. Mineral oil is used in R22.
To determine which freon is charged into the split system, you need to look at the manual for this device. In it, the manufacturer indicates the type of gas and its parameters, as well as environmental safety.
How often should the air conditioner be refilled?
Its leakage from the refrigeration system can occur for several reasons, but most of the refrigerant is lost during transportation through copper pipes located between the units of the device. Because of this, it is necessary to periodically refuel the carrier - even older models of air conditioners require this to be done every 2 or 3 years.
If the tubes are damaged, freon leaves the equipment very quickly. Their damage occurs during transportation of equipment, improper installation or strong pressing of the pipes to each other. Although the air conditioner does not vibrate during operation, the rear wall of the air conditioner may affect the contact of these pipes. If the loss of freon is caused by damage to the tubes, then refueling it without repair will not help.
You can see and feel the loss of freon by several obvious signs:
- Frost will begin to appear on the outside of the unit.
- When the air conditioner is turned on, the room where it is installed cools very slowly.
- The operation of the device is accompanied by the smell of gas (see also how to get rid of an unpleasant smell).
In any of these cases, you need to immediately repair the air conditioner or fill it with freon. If this is not done, the device may overheat, and this will lead to its breakdown.