List of documents for admission of the boiler room into operation

ACT No. 08 - from ___________ g


approval for operation of a boiler plant (boiler room) with a working steam pressure of up to 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm 2) and (or) with a water temperature of up to 115 ° С

Entrance. No. ____ dated ___________

in the presence of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler plant (boiler house) _________________ tel ._________ that the technical documentation was checked and the technical condition of the boiler plant (main and auxiliary heating equipment of the boiler house) was checked to obtain a temporary permit for admission to operation.

Name of the boiler plant (boiler room): _____________________________________

Address of the area where the boiler room is introduced: ___________________________________________

Registration number ______________________________________________________________

Purpose of the boiler plant (boiler room): ________________________________________

1. Results of checking technical documentation and inspection of the boiler room.

1.1. Composition and characteristics of boiler room equipment


Quantity (Quantity)(Performance)
Installed capacityGcal / hour (MW / hour)
Gcal / hour (MW / hour)
Main / reserve fuelGas / fuel oil / coal / diesel fuel
Heat carrierWater / steam / other
HVOA type:
DeaeratorA type:
Heaters (network, DHW)
Fuel oil tank (diesel fuel tank)m 3

1.2. Characteristics of installed boilers

Port No.Boiler typePlant no.Manufacturing plantHeat transfer. Water / steam)Installed. power, (Gcal / hour)Steam (water) pressure, (MPa)Steam (water) temperature, ° СEfficiency when operating on main fuel,%Efficiency when operating on reserve fuel,%

1.3. Characteristics of the heat carrier supplied to heating networks or heat-consuming installations:

Coolant nameDisposable head, MPaTemperature graph, ° СCoolant quality
R 1R 2Δ PT 1T 2Δ THardness IR (mg-eq / dm 3)Oxygen О 2 (mg / dm 3)
Other (____)
Condensate returnPressure, MPa:Temperature, ° С:

1.4. Technical documentation

1.4.1. Permit for the construction of a heat supply source issued by the KEiIO No. ______

dated ____________

1.4.2. The project of the boiler plant (boiler room) was developed by _____________________________,

reg. No. _______________ valid until _______________________.

according to the Terms of Reference issued by __________________ for No. ____ dated ______________

for the installed capacity ____________________________________________ Gcal / hour.

1.4.3. The design of the boiler plant (boiler room) was reviewed by: the organization that issued the technical specifications: conclusion No. ________________ dated ________________________

The examination was carried out: conclusion No. ___________________ dated _____________________

1.4.4. Fuel mode issued by: No. _________________________ dated _____________________

1.4.5. Installation work completed _________ License ___________ per. No. ___________,

valid until _________________________

1.4.6. Commissioning work completed _________ License ___________ per. No. ___________,

valid until _________________________

Report on the conduct of the commissioning from _______________________, No. ____________________.

1.4.7. The list of the main and auxiliary equipment allowed for permanent operation, approved. technical manager (according to Appendix No. 1 to this act).

1.4.8. Equipment acceptance certificates after individual tests and comprehensive testing of the boiler plant (boiler house) equipment

dated ____________________ No. __________________

1.4.9. The certificate of admission for electrical installations of the boiler room, issued by the Office of Rostekhnadzor in St. Petersburg, dated _______________, No. _____________.

1.4.10. The act of acceptance of fuel metering devices: the fuel supply organization that issued TU No. _________ dated _____________ and coolant No. ________ dated ________________

Documents for the commissioning of a gas boiler house. Boiler room commissioning

This is the procedure for starting up the boiler plant in normal mode, which follows the installation and commissioning work. Based on the results of commissioning, a document is prepared stating that the launched boiler house complies with the rules and regulations allowing its further use.

Stages of commissioning boiler plants:

  • installation and commissioning works, drawing up temporary regime maps;
  • preparation of the necessary documents, including an application, their transfer to the supervisory authorities of the Federal Service;
  • review of the provided documentation, addition, elimination of comments by an expert (if necessary);
  • a visit to the boiler room by a responsible person from the Federal Service;
  • obtaining an official document authorizing the use of the equipment in a normal mode.

The process of obtaining a permit for operation, stages:

  1. you must obtain permission to carry out commissioning works;
  2. you need to acquire an admission that allows you to run the facility in regular use.

In order to speed up these measures, you must contact the organization for the installation of equipment.

Qualified workers will help with providing the necessary papers, regime cards, engineering diagrams to the controlling authorities.

Checking the boiler room before starting

The check is usually done within one to two days. But if any inaccuracies or malfunctions are detected in the operation of the equipment, the process can take up to several weeks, or even months.

The Commission pays great attention to safety when using electrical and thermal systems, chimneys, smoke exhausters, fans, gas installations of excess or atmospheric pressure.

The inspection of the boiler room is carried out by the inspector very carefully, thoroughly, in order to avoid serious undesirable consequences as a result of poor-quality study of all the details. Only after making sure of the 100% suitability of the equipment, its safety, a license is issued.

What is checked when checking:

  • whether the applied citizen has the right to use the land area;
  • report on safety briefings, etc .;
  • is there a registration of this project;
  • availability of a fuel-regime card;
  • list of job descriptions, etc.

There should also be journals - accounting, replacement, repair, documents on labor protection, safety, plans for evacuation and extinguishing fires in the event of equipment failure. These papers can only be formally approved by qualified professionals.

In this case, you can save not only on personal time, but also on finances.

Various property assets received by the organization as a result of purchase, donation, must be accompanied by their registration as a fixed asset. The new property can only be used if the necessary data is entered into the accounting documentation.

One of the documents that is drawn up when the object is accepted on the balance sheet is the order of the head, who are ordered to purchase the OS and post it.

OS concept

For accounting and tax accounting, fixed assets are considered property used by an enterprise for its economic activities for a long period of more than 1 year (neither goods, nor raw materials or materials), generating income (direct or indirect) in current activities.

Property that does not meet these criteria is not registered, depreciation is not charged.

Arrival of the object to the enterprise is possible


When is it issued?

Fixed assets accounting accepted from the date of their commissioning

(No. 157n, item 38).

The degree of readiness of the object is determined by the members of a special commission of the company to resolve issues of receipt and disposal of assets.

For the implementation of the recognition of an asset as a fixed asset and its registration, the method of its acquisition will not affect the process in any way.

The commissioning of the facility is formalized by the local documentation of the enterprise

- by the order of the head and the act of acceptance of the property.

The act must reflect the decision of the special commission on the technical readiness of the facility or on the presence of defects requiring elimination.

The identified defects are reflected using an act in the OS-16 form.

For the transfer and acceptance of an item of fixed assets, usually use the standard form of the acceptance certificate


  • OS-14 - for equipment that is taken to the warehouse for further installation;
  • OS-1a - when accepting buildings, structures for accounting;
  • OS-1b - upon receipt of groups of objects;
  • OS-1 - when accepting a single object of fixed assets.

    How is it compiled when registering fixed assets in connection with the acquisition?

    In most cases, drawing up an order on the acceptance of a fixed asset for accounting eliminates the need to draw up a separate act of entering assets for direct use.

    Accounting Regulations 6/01 allow the addition of the OS-1 act form with information on the date of commencement of the operation of the property. The order for the posting of an object of fixed assets must indicate the exact date of the beginning of the use of material assets.

    Order on acceptance for accounting and registration on the balance sheet drawn up on the company letterhead

    , which indicates the name of the company, its legal address, contact numbers, e-mail.

    In the order on the acceptance of the fixed asset upon admission to the organization contains information


  • date
    and ordinal
  • name
    document (possible names: on the commissioning of a certain object, on acceptance for accounting, on statement on the balance sheet or on posting);
  • cause
    registration (for example, in connection with the purchase of a company car or computer equipment, or other object of fixed assets);
  • details of the sale and purchase agreement, the OS transfer and acceptance certificate;
  • date of entry
    property in operation with fixing its brand (if any);
  • initial cost
    for accounting and tax accounting;
  • assigned on balance sheet inventory number
  • term
    useful use of the fixed asset;
  • designation depreciation group
    to which the OS object belongs;
  • assignment of property to a certain group of fixed assets;
  • definition depreciation method
    for tax and accounting;
  • designation of the chief accountant responsible for registering fixed assets;
  • signature
    the head of the company.
  • The signed order for entering the balance sheet is not the only document for registering property.

    Acts, depending on the form of real estate and the number of objects, may differ in forms. They are drawn up by an internal company commission (commissioning) approved by the head of the company. The content of the act fixes the main indicators of the transferred object, a list of employees responsible for the safety of the object.

    The document is the basis for the direction of ownership to the structural divisions of the company in order to use the assets as fixed assets.

    In the case when an object is registered without planning further operation, the company does not draw up an act. Assets for a long period of time (without limitation) can be stored without commissioning, provided that depreciation indicators are calculated in a timely manner.

    The nuances of filling

    Key parameters

    in the order and the act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets
    are: date
    acceptance on the balance sheet and commissioning of assets and
    their initial cost

    These indicators are the basis for calculating depreciation charges.

    The initial cost is determined

    taking into account some criteria:

    • assets are accepted into the authorized capital of the company as a contribution, they must be evaluated in monetary terms in accordance with the decision of the owners of the organization;
    • values ​​accepted free of charge are accepted in terms of market value as of the date of registration;
    • own production of property is estimated at the aggregate value of actual costs.
    • Legislative normative acts do not define the boundaries for putting material assets into operation, the decision remains with the head of the company.Tax accounting is carried out only from the date of commissioning

      If the documents confirming the date of commissioning of the fixed asset are not presented during the audit by the tax authorities, the accrued depreciation may be excluded from the costs when calculating the total amounts for income tax. In tax accounting, unlike accounting, depreciation is charged from the month next month after the property was put into operation. As a result, fines and penalties are charged on the identified arrears. To fix the date of entry into the unified forms of acts, the column "date of commissioning" is added, an additional line is recorded in the accounting policy of the company. designation of a specific date of putting the property into operation.

      Sample about commissioning

      The order does not have a standard form, and therefore is drawn up according to the model adopted in a particular company. The design examples presented below are just templates that can be used after editing to suit your needs. The order can be issued in a different style, the main thing is the availability of the required details for the order forms.orders

      on the acceptance of the object for accounting and commissioning - word: The order drawn up by the head is the basis for the acquisition and receipt of the object. It includes orders to perform certain actions related to the acquisition. This form is one of the components of the documentary registration of the transaction, is drawn up in any form and approved by the director of the company.

      Boiler commissioning order

      General provisions on the delivery to the Customer and the admission to operation of new and reconstructed thermal power plants. The order of delivery to the Customer and admission to operation new and refurbished

      thermal power plants are regulated by the following documents:
      Rules for the technical operation of communal heating boiler houses, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 251 of 11.11.92.

What is a boiler house in construction and design

Boiler houses are understood as objects with equipment designed for the conversion of any fuel into thermal energy. It can be a separate building, or a large complex of structures, networks and communications. Boiler houses can generate and supply energy for residential, public, industrial and other buildings. Features of the design and approval of boiler houses depend on the heat output, steam pressure, water temperature, and the type of fuel consumed.

Special types of facilities include block-modular boiler houses for heating buildings. Subject to the safety standards of SP 89.13330.2016, they can work with automatic control systems, i.e. without permanently present staff.

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According to its characteristics, the boiler house can fall under the category of hazardous industrial facilities (hazardous production facilities). For such structures, an industrial safety examination is carried out, permits of Rostekhnadzor are issued (in addition to standard approvals). The same requirements apply to the design of reconstruction.

Normative acts

Since boiler houses are buildings and structures, the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87, is applied for the development of the project.If and special guidance documents in the field of design and construction of heat supply facilities:

  • Federal Law No. 384-FZ On the Safety of Buildings and Structures ();
  • Federal Law No. 123-FZ Fire Safety Regulations ();
  • Federal Law No. 116-FZ On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities ();
  • SP 89.13330.2016 ();
  • SP 18.13330.2011 Master plans of industrial enterprises ();
  • SP 56.13330.2011 Industrial buildings ().

There are also many joint ventures and GOSTs for different types of boilers, boiler equipment, networks and communications. They should be taken into account by the design organization when choosing and justifying solutions for a new or reconstructed boiler house.

In simple language

A boiler room is not just a real estate object in which boilers and other equipment are installed. The boiler room must meet the following requirements:

  • be safe for personnel and recipients of heat energy, the environment;
  • ensure minimum energy losses, meet energy efficiency standards;
  • be as economical as possible in terms of main fuel consumption;
  • have plans for the prevention and elimination of emergencies;
  • ensure uninterrupted heat supply, which is especially important for residential buildings, social facilities;
  • take into account the climatic and temperature features of the area.

Surveys for the design of boiler rooms

A survey is needed for each type of design. This is especially important for boiler houses, since it is necessary to comply with safety standards for HIFs. The list of surveys for the construction of a new boiler house includes:

  • study of the initial documentation for the site, technical conditions for connecting to the networks (for example, if the boiler room will heat water, you need to issue a technical specification for its consumption);
  • engineering surveys at the site, geotechnical calculations, topographic surveys, studying the properties and composition of soils;
  • analysis of climatic, seismological and natural conditions at the building site;
  • survey of public networks and points of connection to them, existing underground facilities and communications;
  • study of the parameters of the permitted construction, the features of the existing sanitary and protective zones.

Based on the survey results, technical reports and conclusions, plans and diagrams, acts are drawn up. The initial data will be used in calculations and selection of solutions at the design stage.

Specialist comment. The quality of design and construction work depends on the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the survey results. We will carry out all the necessary surveys and surveys in strict accordance with GOST and other guidelines. The shortest possible time for preliminary examinations is one of the key advantages of] Smart Way [/ anchor].

Creation of three-dimensional models is one of the types of design work

Operation without permission

photo 6
Commissioning of boiler equipment without permission from Rostekhnadzor - administrative offense... May entail the imposition of a penalty in the amount of:

  • from 2000 to 3000 rubles - for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. - for employees of the enterprise;
  • from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles. - for legal entities.

In this case, the basis for prosecution is No. 116-FZ and Art. 9, 14 and 19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The process of preparing documents for contacting Rostekhnadzor takes a lot of time. In some cases, it makes more sense to entrust this to an intermediary. For example, contact a lawyer agency or a company that specializes in legal support of business.

As a rule, such organizations not only undertake all the bureaucratic troubles, but also provide guarantees for their services. And they can issue documents in an expedited manner. Not 45 days, but, say, 3-4 weeks.If, of course, you agree to pay an additional fee and conclude an appropriate agreement with the company.

What projects and works are needed to coordinate boiler houses

Boiler rooms can only be located in detached buildings and structures. Directly in the building that needs to be heated, only boilers or other water heating equipment can be located. For them, special design is not needed, and the main approvals will take place at the stage of commissioning.

The boiler room can be built and put into operation according to the construction project. It will provide for the following works:

  • direct construction of a building, its structures, premises, internal engineering network;
  • installation and commissioning works for connection to public networks or facility;
  • placement and installation of equipment (boilers, boilers, metering devices, pressure sensors, etc.);
  • construction of auxiliary buildings and premises for storing chemicals and materials, fuel supply;
  • arrangement of the territory of the enterprise, including access roads for transport.

These are only general types of work that will be carried out during the construction of the boiler house. All types of work will be described in the project and working documentation, plans for the organization of construction, technological regulations.

The procedure for registration in Rostekhnadzor

Consideration of applicants' applications for licenses to operate boiler houses is the responsibility of employees of the Federal Service for Technical Supervision. The step-by-step algorithm for issuing a certificate is as follows:

  • stage I: preparation of documents... The licensee fills out an application form, makes copies of contracts and insurance policies, certifies them with a notary and applies to the Rostekhnadzor department at the place of registration of the enterprise. Within 3 days, officials check the completeness of the papers and, if everything is in place, pass the appeal on;
  • stage II: analysis of information... The inspector who received the application examines the documents provided by the applicant and verifies their authenticity. In case of doubt as to the compliance of the licensee with the necessary technical requirements, he has the right to conduct an on-site inspection. Having previously notified the management of the organization by registered mail;
  • stage III: license issuance... If the representatives of Rostechnadzor did not have any questions to the applicant, his requirements are satisfied. Otherwise, the applicant receives a written refusal indicating the deficiencies that need to be corrected.

The entire process of obtaining a license, as a rule, takes no more than 45 days... You can apply for a certificate an unlimited number of times.

How to obtain a license for industrial safety expertise of Rostekhnadzor, see the article at the link.


